Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fellowes Saturn2 95 Laminator {Review}

Fellowes logo
With September just around the corner, the back to school shopping is fully underway. Around here, we have excitedly been checking things off of Big Sister E's list as we make sure that she has her markers, folders and glue sticks stocked up and ready to go.

However, this year we're thinking ahead to prepare for the rest of the year as well. After all, I love seeing the art projects, certificates, photographs and work that my girls bring home, but not what always ends up happening to them. How can I go back and reminisce if things are ripped and tattered?

That's where Fellowes comes in with the perfect solution: the Fellowes Saturn2 95 Laminator.

Fellowes Saturn2 95 Laminator

A stylish, user-friendly appliance, the Fellowes Saturn2 95 Laminator has the ability to perform a variety of home office and small office applications and make heading back-to-school easy and convenient. Instead of papers that end up wrinkled and torn, Fellowes makes it simple to preserve important documents of all kinds.

When this high quality laminator (and an accessory kit) arrived, I was already dreaming of the schedules, calendars, flash cards, certificates, chore charts and more that I would be able to safeguard.

Fellows Saturn2 95 Laminator

As I pulled it out of the box, I was happy to find that this laminator was lightweight and easy to hold, making it convenient, portable and able to be used pretty much anywhere there is an electrical outlet. At the same time, the ability to laminate items up to 9½" in size ensures that documents large and small can be saved without problem.

When it came time to get started, I simply had to plug in the Saturn2 95, flip the power switch (hot lamination for 3-mil, 4-mil or 5-mil pouches and cold lamination for self-adhesive pouches) and select my pouch thickness. In only five minutes, the laminator was warmed up and let me know through light and sound that it was ready for use.

Fellowes laminator controls

The easy-to-follow directions that came along with this laminator eased any concerns that I may have had and the steps to complete my project were extremely easy.

My mom happened to be visiting and jumped at the opportunity to have her important medical cards laminated, so I placed those (along with an art project for the kids) in the corresponding plastic pouch, ensuring that they were centered within the edges and had space between each one:

waiting to be laminated

Next, I fed the pouch into the front of the laminator, where it "grabbed" hold and automatically slowly fed the entire thing through.

home laminator

I love the way that Fellowes included entry markings on the front of the Saturn2 95 so that it was easy to line up my pouch and know that it was centered and straight.

At the same time, I liked knowing that if I accidentally fed the paper through at an angle, quick use of the Jam Release Lever on the back would make it easy to remove or re-center the pouch.

personal laminator

Voila! In less than a minute the whole thing came out the other side a tiny bit warm, so I carefully removed it and lay it out flat for a few seconds to cool.

laminated cards

As a big plus, Fellowes' HeatGuard Technology ensured that the double-walled insulation kept all of the laminator's heat trapped inside so that the machine itself was always cool to the touch. Instead of worrying that my children would be at risk when I had this out, I was happy knowing that they were safe from burns as I touched it on all sides and could never find a hot spot!

After a few snips with the scissors, all of our newly-laminated pieces were crisp, protected and ready to hold up to years of being pulled in and out of a wallet (my mom's cards) or playtime (our Big Book of Boo Boos cover).

preserving medical cards

After my first few uses of the Saturn2 95 Laminator, I already appreciated that this machine includes Advanced Temperature Control so that both the hot and cold laminating capabilities result in consistent, smooth papers every time. Whether I was protecting a cherished photograph, flash cards or a reusable menu planner, they came out perfect every time!

This family-friendly machine has proven to be an ideal addition to our home and I have no plans to stop laminating anytime soon. The list I had in mind was already long — bookmarks, magnets, activity mats, worksheets, whiteboards, luggage tags, games, rewards, recipes, emergency contact cards, and more — and I've found that Fellowes has even more laminating ideas to keep me inspired to reach for this machine time and time again!

laminating projects

Whether in preparation for the new school year, to make your home office more organized, or simply because you adore the feel of the smooth, laminated plastic between your fingers (I'm not the only one, right?), the Fellowes Saturn2 95 Laminator can help you protect the necessities and preserve the memories now and into the future.

Typically retailing for $159.99 from, be sure to head over by August 25th and use the exclusive coupon code 87298 to receive $30 off (while supplies last; maximum two machines per person)!

When it comes to a successful back-to-school season, I'm happy that we have our scissors, tennis shoes and hand sanitizer ready to go... but I have no doubt that the Fellowes Saturn2 95 Laminator will be the finishing touch to every accomplishment and achievement that we want to preserve for years to come.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Fellowes and received a product sample to facilitate my review.


  1. That's much more compact than I thought it would be! Glad you're finding some uses for it.

    Have fun on your getaway with the Mr.!

  2. I love laminating stuff! That looks like a great laminator!

  3. That looks like a great laminator. When I taught school, I laminated everything! Thanks for the post

  4. That is a great laminator. My husband would love it, he laminates everything :). Good size and easy to use.

  5. I am so old school and use packing tape to laminate, how sad is that? I don't laminate much so wouldn't need one but it sure would be handy!

  6. I was so glad to see this size. I have a tiny little laminator that will accommodate sizes up to 4x6 only! I think I know what I will put on this year's Christmas wish list!!!

  7. i'd love this- i've always wanted a laminator and this looks perfect! it would great for keeping handmade pictures safe!

  8. I've always wondered how these things worked and thanks to your review, I now know. I would love to have one of these.

  9. this could come in handy..thanks
