Thursday, November 8, 2012

HEXBUG Warriors Battling Robots {Review}

Hexbug logo
While my children know that they can come to either my husband or myself for just about anything that they need, there are a few distinctions that they've realized as they have gotten older.

For anything specific to girls (or, ahem, girl parts), they know to come to Mom. But if they see a bug crawling along the wall, they know to go straight to Dad.

Because, eeeeeew.

I just can't see all of their little legs and the way that they crawl and creep without shuddering. Even just writing about them... they're on me right now, aren't they? Why do I feel like there are a million little feet slithering down the back of my neck?

In reality, the only bugs that have managed to actually be welcomed into our house were a result of our HEXBUG review one year ago. Because once we had a taste of the endless fun of these futuristic micro robots, I have to admit that even I became one of the numerous HEXBUG fans that adore these little guys!


If you have somehow missed the HEXBUG craze that has been occurring since their introduction to the toy industry in 2007, the HEXBUG Micro Robotic Creatures product line was designed to give children a positive experience with robotics at a young age — maybe if I had these when I was growing up I would have less of an aversion to live bugs as I currently do!

After the debut of the original HEXBUG creatures, the brand has continued to grow to include more versions and additions that draw people in even further. Once you have seen the products' fascinating behavior, intelligent bug-like attributes and eye-catching packaging, you'll find yourself just wanting to watch their life-like animation in awe!

When it comes to the newest HEXBUG debut, now fans will not only want to sit back and watch these little creatures, but they'll be rooting and cheering for their team to win the battle, thanks to the innovation of the HEXBUG Warriors Battling Robots

HEXBUG Warriors

Representing four dueling science academies from the year 2087, HEXBUG Warriors are tiny, collectible, futuristic fighters that come in four different colors. These micro robots use the same physics of vibration as the HEXBUG Nano, which propel them forward to battle with competitors.

As well as deciding which academy to attend (i.e. which color Warrior to choose), kids are also able to strategically equip them with any combination of mechanical weapons and armor to outmaneuver their opponents when placed in Battle Arena and Stadium competitions.

What more could we ask for? When the HEXBUG Warriors Battle Arena arrived, we were ready to put our bug battling skills to the test!

Hexbug Warriors Battle Arena

Including two Battling Robots (and their removable armor) and two expandable Battle Arena pieces...

Hexbug Warriors Battle Arena review only took a few seconds to snap together the Battle Arena (including the three standoffs on the bottom to lift it an inch off of the ground) and prepare our Warriors.

Hexbug Battle Arena

While the kids were immediately interested in Bionika (blue) and Viridia (green) as they were, once they realized that we were able to remove their armor and interchange it with any of the other pieces, they were even more excited!

Hexbug warriors armor

When it came time for battle, we were all ready to watch each of the Warriors chase each other around the Battle Arena. Each HEXBUG has two modes of play, and we found it easy to choose between them.

In Training Mode, the LED indicator on the back of the Warriors glow solid green. When it receives a "jab" from its competitor, the shock sensor registers it with a momentary blink to red before returning to green.

Alternatively, in Battle Mode, the health of the Warriors decreases with every strong hit, turning the light from green to yellow and finally to red, until it automatically deactivates (it is then easily reactivated). The last HEXBUG still moving is the winner!

Hexbug Warriors review

Considering the level of competition between my kids is a little too high to begin with, we have downplayed the "winner" aspect of the HEXBUG Warriors and still have had a great time sending them zooming and bumping around the Arena.

They adore being able to let the Warriors chase each other around for a while, wait until they stop, and then scoop them up, remove the armor, and get them geared up in a completely new setup. There's just no way to not be excited and want to laugh and cheer these little guys on as they dash back and forth!

The big favorite has been when the Warriors meet up facing in opposite directions and end up spinning around in a circle, as both girls laugh and declare them "dancing!"

Hexbug review

Overall, we've had a great time with these new HEXBUG Warriors and have been impressed with how durable they have been throughout the many, many times that they have been handled and the armor has been taken on and off. We have taken to keeping all of the pieces in a resealable bag to prevent them from getting lost or broken, and look forward to adding more Battling Robots (and possibly the Battle Stadium) in our future!

Retailing for $19.99 for the Battle Arena (individual Warriors are available for $7.99 each), HEXBUG Warriors Battling Robots are an entertaining, interactive toy for ages 6+ that any new or veteran HEXBUG fan will surely enjoy. We have given other HEXBUG items as birthday gifts multiple times and I have no doubt that these will be one of our go-to gifts in the future!

To find out more about the full collection of HEXBUG Micro Robotic Creatures, visit their website at and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news and information.

Other than the HEXBUG Warriors Battle Arena that I was provided by HEXBUG to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This post is solely my honest opinion of this product.


  1. My son has these and loves them!

  2. My grandsons love Hexbugs! They have all sizes. They really are quite cool the way they crawl and wiggle around. ;)

  3. I've never even seen a HEXBUG in person, just here on the internet. You make them sound like fun.

  4. Ive seen the commercials for these and they look so creepy, I hats bugs! But I can imagine little boys would like these!

  5. These look really cool! They look like they're having so much fun with them :)

  6. My boys received some Hex Bugs for Christmas by I don't think they were the battling type, maybe they are. I know they would really like these as they have a few other types of toys that battle and are always playing with them.
