Monday, November 19, 2012

Holiday Nostalgia with Dunkin' Donuts Coffee at Home {#DDatHome}

Wherever you go these days, it isn't hard to see that the holidays are nearly here. Decorations are up, store shelves are full and talk has turned to everything from holiday travels to shopping for gifts to menu plans for entertaining.

However, at the heart of the holidays is what matters most: relationships.

People travel far and wide to be with relatives, we participate in religious traditions or cultural customs that might slack the rest of the year, and our nostalgia for days gone by runs at full throttle. Truly, the sights and sounds of the season have a way to reawaken memories and remind us of special times and people from our past.

For me, nothing has a way of evoking nostalgia quicker and easier than the smells that pop up throughout the holidays. Most people associate pumpkin pie with Thanksgiving and candy canes with Christmas, but there are also the smells that bring up the personal memories within each of us.

Nearly any batch of cookies fresh from the oven remind me of the ones that my mom used to make for me to deliver to my teachers and bus drivers, the smell of wrapping paper reminds me of the aftermath of my brother and I opening gifts, and the aroma of hot apple cider makes me think of the jug of it that was always out when we had guests over to visit.

Sniffffffffffffffffff. Mmm.

smelling pie

While I'm sure that my own children will have many of the same aromas tied to their holiday memories, there will also be one more. Because I have no doubt that they will look back at their childhood and remember that for their mom, nothing evoked the joy of the holidays like sharing memories with family and close friends over a cup of delicious coffee.

I start every morning with a steaming cup of coffee and my girls know that brings me immense pleasure... especially now that we have discovered that Dunkin' Donuts packaged coffee is available at our local grocery store. Forget running to the coffeehouse when I can enjoy such tasty coffee right at home in my pajamas!

coffee gift

There are so many flavors to choose from: Original Blend, Dunkin’ Decaf and special seasonal varieties including Mocha Mint, Pumpkin Spice and Gingerbread Cookie... although you definitely have to act fast for these seasonal varieties, as they are only available for a limited time!

Dunkin' Donuts Seasonal Coffee

These new seasonal varieties even have a cute gift tag on them so it's easy to use them as stocking stuffers or hostess gifts. Not to mention that you'll want to stock up and keep a wide variety on hand to share with guests and bring to last minute holiday parties! The hardest decision is picking a favorite...
  • Pumpkin Spice: You'll fall for this warm holiday flavor again and again.
  • Gingerbread Cookie: Catch this perfect combination of sugar and spice if you can.
  • Mocha Mint: Satisfy that chocolate craving with a warm cup of this minty winter treat.
Across the nation, consumers have a convenient way to purchase and enjoy their favorite coffee, whether or not they live or work near a Dunkin' Donuts store. No matter what scents evoke your own nostalgia — anything from pine to peppermint to eggnog to cinnamon to gingerbread — you're going to want to be sure to include Dunkin' Donuts coffee to the list and help spread the joy even further!

Thank you to Dunkin’ Donuts® packaged coffee at grocery for being a sponsor. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective. All opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. My friends and I are looking forward to trying Pumpkin Spice and Gingerbread Cookie at work during the holidays!

  2. Yum! these Holiday flavors sound so good! =)

  3. I have yet to try Dunkin donuts but this is making me very curious! Mocha Mint sounds yummy.
