Friday, November 23, 2012

Lifesize: The Innovative Non-Diet that Can Help You Lose Weight and Keep It Off with Portion Control {Review}

Lifesize logo
I always think of the arrival of Thanksgiving as the opening kickoff to the holiday season.

While it is a full-fledged day of celebration all on its own, it is somehow symbolic of what is to come, as the next month or so will be filled with gatherings, being thankful, talking, laughing, and lots and lots of eating.

If you're not someone who has felt their jeans just a wee bit tighter come January, then... well, just don't talk to me about it.

However, it's truly not only the holidays where many of us find ourselves overindulging. In fact, national obesity experts have pointed out that over the last 30 years, eating habits have dramatically changed in terms of the portion sizes that we're dishing up at home as well as in restaurants.

The solution? Well, they're everywhere you look, of course. Don't eat carbs, don't eat dairy, stay away from foods that are white, take this supplement but not that one, juice your foods, don't eat after 8pm, sugar is evil, count every calorie, live off of cabbage soup... we've heard them all.

For me, I already know my two issues when it comes to losing or maintaining weight loss. First, my complete lack of willpower. Put it in front of me, I'll eat it. Second, the fact that I can't eat in moderation no matter how hard I try... which, in actuality, ties back into my lack of willpower.

So while I know that giving up my favorite foods is pretty unlikely, now that I have been introduced to Lifesize, I have a chance of still losing weight and getting healthy anyway.

Lifesize Portions

Created to re-teach people how to eat so that they can lose weight, get down to a healthy weight, and most importantly, stay at their healthy weight for the rest of their lives, Lifesize takes portion control and makes it foolproof.

While I've long heard those sayings about how your serving of vegetables or fruit should be the size of your fist, a potato should be the size of a computer mouse, cheese the size of a pair of dice, and meat the size of a deck of cards, I know full well that those are far too abstract for me to actually follow. If you think there's a chance that I'm going to hold my baked potato up to mouse and cut off any excess, you're sadly mistaken.

Instead, Lifesize is just about the simplest way to track the calories you eat in a meal and in a day, as their tools make it easy to see and understand what eating should actually look like.

Thinking that I sure would love a system that allows me to eat all of the foods that I enjoy, yet make it crystal clear as to how to stay within moderation for them, I was interested in seeing that the Lifesize system could do for me.

white box

Inside the unassuming white box, I found that the Lifesize kit consisted of a storage unit containing eight different measuring devices, one each for: carbs, meats, saucy dishes (e.g. chili or Chinese food), desserts, dairy, toppings, goodies, and liquids).

To get me started, the system also included the Lifesize manual, reference guide, Lifesize Portions at a Glance wall chart and the Lifesize Ready, Get Set, Go! and Keep Going DVDs.

Lifesize review

After looking over the program, it was clear to see that, first and foremost, Lifesize is not a diet. By continuing to eat the foods that you want, you simply incorporate their measuring devices to ensure that you are serving the correct portion sizes.

The result is a correct intake of calories... and we all know that it would be much easier, more enjoyable, and make us much more likely to succeed at losing weight by eating smaller portions of the foods we love instead of trying to cut them out of our lives altogether.

Lifesize information

When it comes time to use Lifesize, the steps couldn't be much easier. Want to eat a steak dinner?

1. Start with the steak. First, check the Lifesize Portions at a Glance wall chart for the Lifesize portion of steak, which is 1 Meats device. Using the device, measure your steak and trim off any excess.

meat portion control

2. ALL vegetables, including salad and baked potatoes are free foods on the Lifesize plan because they are so low in calories and fat. So you just put the baked potato and as much salad as you want on your plate.

3. When it comes to condiments, it only takes another glance at the Lifesize Portions at a Glance wall chart to see that salad dressing and sour cream are portioned with the 2 Toppings device. By filling the device twice with each and adding them to the plate, your steak dinner now still includes all of the delicious parts of the meal, but just in the correct portions!

portion control

As the Lifesize plate contains less food, it allows you to lose weight while still satisfying you so that you don't leave the table hungry or feeling deprived. Simple!

This holiday season, Lifesize has made it possible to still enjoy the parties, gatherings and dinners, but not walk away from them having gained an extra 10 (or more) pounds. I've been highly impressed with how easy it is to use the system and that the overall concept is basic and easy to follow. Instead of starving yourself, you're able to eat what you want... just the right amount of it.

If you are looking to lose weight and keep it off and would like to try a weight loss program that isn't based on dieting, pills or eating special foods and shakes, Lifesize just might be the way to go. This innovative weight loss system is entirely based on eating what you love, but makes portion control entirely possible.

Lifesize is available for purchase online at for $79.99 plus shipping and handling. You can also find out much more information, research, success stories and more by connecting with Lifesize on their website and Facebook.

(Other than the Lifesize system I was provided in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This post is solely my honest opinion of this product.)


  1. I want to get these! I remember the early days of Weight Watchers, trying to weigh and measure every item of food just right. Having the serving utensils all in one place and labelled is a genius idea!

  2. What a unique approach to weight loss!
