Monday, November 12, 2012

ShopYourWay Makes it Easy to Enter and Win with the New Win Your Way Sweepstakes Site! {#WinYourWay}

Sometimes I find it hard to remember what life was like back before the internet.

People looked things up... in encyclopedias? Before you tried out a new restaurant, you... went there and looked at the menu in hopes that they served a dish that you liked?

And when you wanted to purchase something, you were relegated to... simply what you could find in your local stores? If you didn't like the selection of dresses or shoes or alarm clocks or curling irons at your nearby retailer, you pretty much had the option of driving to a different store or...? Going home empty-handed?

Yikes. No wonder my daughters look at me wide-eyed when I say that computers weren't really around when I was a kid.

Fortunately for those of us in today's day and age, online shopping has become a daily occurrence and the convenience and ease of it are aspects that we already couldn't live without. But that's not to mention the bonuses — things like cash back and rewards points that benefit loyal shoppers. Why not save or earn money when you can?

Case in point: the ShopYourWay Rewards Program!

Shop Your Way Rewards

In case you missed my previous posts about ShopYourWay, this great program saves you money simply by shopping at a few of your favorite stores —Sears and Kmart. By signing up, you immediately receive a multitude of benefits such as custom offers throughout the year based on your shopping, sale notifications, a dedicated customer service call center, and points that can be redeemed to save on future purchases.

Therefore, it makes sense that if you love to shop, you'll love ShopYourWay. And, by extending that thought, if you love to enter sweepstakes and win awesome prizes, then you'll love their new platform, Win Your Way!

Win Your Way logo

The newest part of the ShopYourWay social shopping platform, Win Your Way features a constant stream of new and unique sweepstakes, making it easy to enter and win all kinds of great prizes! Who wouldn't want to enter for the chance to win ShopYourWay Rewards points, trips around the country, jewelry, clothing, appliances, tools, gadgets and more?

Participating in Win Your Way couldn't be much easier, as you simply have to be a registered ShopYourWay Rewards member (FREE!) and, upon logging into your account, you'll find a long list of active sweepstakes that are available to enter.

I love how Win Your Way lists my sweepstakes in order of ending time (with those ending soon first), as that way I can quickly browse through and know which ones I need to enter before they expire.


When it comes to entering, Win Your Way clearly lays out the requirements and steps. From creating a catalog to sharing or recommending products, it only takes a few minutes to share your thoughts before you have completed the task and are automatically entered to win. Then just sit back, cross your fingers, and hope for an email notification saying that you are the lucky one!

Whether you are entering to win a way to fix up your home (how about about a new stainless steel range?), find a great gift (a Craftsman Storage Box and Tools or WWE Live Event Tickets, maybe?), beef up your ShopYourWay Bonus Points account (20,000 points would help do that!) Win Your Way has the contest and prizes that are sure to please the entire family.

Signed Cody Simpson t-shirt? Yep, they have that, too!

sweepstakes prizes

If you love sweepstakes and want a chance to win any of these fantastic prizes (and more), be sure to visit Win Your Way today (no purchase necessary. See for details) to take advantage of all of the great ways that they make it easy to be a winner!

This is a sponsored post with, I am a Win Your Way blogger, though all opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. i love entering sweepstakes so i will have to check this out! plus i love that this is free! thanks for the info.
