Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter Protection in Style with Aquaphor {$50 Visa Gift Card Prize Pack Giveaway}

Aquaphor logo
While I'm thrilled that my daughters received my husband's blue eyes, his tall height and his generous, caring personality, I do wish that his dry skin genes had skipped them.

After all, it's one thing for an adult to be bothered by the itchy, cracked, sore feeling on our hands, knees, elbows and more that comes along with the dry winter air, but it's even worse knowing that our kids feel the same way. What parent doesn't feel bad knowing that their baby or child's soft, sensitive skin is irritated?

Which is why I'm thankful that there are companies like Aquaphor that develop products that are specially formulated to soothe and help dry, cracked skin gently and quickly. Because now that our Winter Protection in Style package arrived, we're all happier knowing that our skin is being protected safely and gently.

Aquaphor review giveaway

Trusted by pediatricians, dermatologists and moms everywhere, Aquaphor products provide the effective care that dry, chapped or irritated skin needs all year-round (but especially in winter). Free of fragrances, preservatives and dyes, their skin therapies are pure and gentle to safely protect, clean and restore everything from chapped cheeks to cracked lips to diaper rash.

Seeing as winter is in full swing around here and we seem to have dry hands everywhere I look, it didn't take long before we were reaching for the Aquaphor Healing Ointment and Aquaphor Lip Repair + Protect.

Aquaphor review

Providing the gentle care your skin needs, Aquaphor Healing Ointment is a multi-purpose ointment that can be used for a variety of locations. I love that it can go from protecting your skin from everyday irritations to relieving chapped knuckles to healing even the roughest hands and lips all in one quick motion.

The thick, clear formula immediately feels soothing and I love knowing that this isn't going to be a lotion that would dry and disappear. Instead, the slightly greasy feeling goes away as I rub it thoroughly on my hands and I can almost feel my skin absorbing the moisture and losing the dry, uncomfortable sensation that they had.

Aquaphor Healing Ointment

Or, when I want to focus specifically on my dry lips (my biggest culprit of irritation in the winter), the Aquaphor Lip Repair + Protect has a way of immediately soothing and relieving the chapped, uncomfortable feeling that they often get.

I've found that it only takes a little of the Healing Ointment or the Lip Repair + Protect to cover a large area and the results are extremely long-lasting. I'll apply some in the morning and find that my lips or Little Sister B's dryness on her lower back (something she of course inherited from her father) stay hydrated, smooth and visibly improved all day long.

Just knowing that our skin and lips are healthy and protected (and that I won't have to worry about my kids feeling itchy or scratching at the dryness) is a big relief and something that I'm looking forward to continuing all winter long!

Aquaphor Healing Ointment review

For products that you know that can be depended on for relief from wind burn, chafing, blisters, dry winter skin and much more, Aquaphor is a name that has been trusted to provide gentle care for the entire family. Prices do vary but currently the Healing Ointment in this 1.75oz size is priced at $4.69 on Amazon and the Lip Repair + Protect sells for $4.99, also on Amazon.

Once you've experienced the quality of Aquaphor, you'll be hooked! And, thanks to their generosity, one person will be prepared for the remainder of winter to arrive, because...

One lucky person will win a Winter Protection in Style prize package*! Total ARV $92!

*Prize package includes: (1) $50 Visa Gift Card, (1) Aquaphor Healing Ointment, (1) Aquaphor Lip Repair + Protect, and (1) pair of Laundry by Shelli Segal convertible texting mittens from Nordstrom ($32).

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A big thank you to Aquaphor for providing a Winter Protection in Style pack for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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karenmed409 said...

My elbows and Heels get the driest in the winter

Anonymous said...

My lips.

Holly said...

My legs and hands!

Kathy said...

My thighs get dry and itchy.

Rhe Christine said...

my knees and knuckles!
missrhe81 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

My hands,feet and back.I had to buy a spa thing that has a long handle so I could put lotion on my back.Lol! What s place to get to dry.Thank you for the awesome giveaway! Happy New Year :)

Anonymous said...

My legs get especially dry.
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

amp said...

my hands and my lips get dry

apoalillo {AT} hotmail dot com
alyce poalillo

tattwo said...

My hands and heels are the driest during the winter months.

beth c. said...

my face and lips get the most dry in the winter

Crystal said...

For some reason, my elbows get super dry!
CrystalW07 at

Gina H. said...

Hands & elbows

Karen said...

My Elbows and Lips :(

ktgonyea at

Maureen G said...

My hands are dry from the harsh winter!

Unknown said...

My hands

Robin T said...

My legs get really dry during the winter

Theresa N. said...

My hands, poor dears.
Theresa N

Unknown said...

my hands always get dry and cracked

Erica C. said...

My hands and feet are the worst.

Unknown said...

My heels get really dry and scratchy. It stinks!!

Karen said...

My hands and feet. Thanks for the giveaway.

Luna Moon said...

My feet and lips get dried out the most.

csue said...

My hands, feet, & legs.

Leenburke said...

My back get crazy dry!
Eileen Burke

cman said...

Hands and legs.

Kelly Massman said...

my hands and lips

Brenda I said...

My knees and hands.

brad said...

my lips are so chapped as I sit here so i am going to have to say lips

Jannet Kwan said...

My hands

Julie said...

My hands - I work in healthcare and wash my hands all day, which dries out my skin even more!

Melissa O. said...

My calves...drives me nuts!

wolverina401 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My hands get very dry and crack.

Desiree Dunbar

Anonymous said...

My feet.

Thanks for the chance to win!
sandralclark at

russrpm said...

My elbows.

Unknown said...

My hands are the worst.

Running In Boise said...

my back and shoulders have been so itchy dry this winter

Running In Boise said...

my back and shoulders have been so itchy dry this winter

Unknown said...

my hands!

not just another southern gal said...

It's a toss up between my heels..which always seems cracked and rough and my face,which usually ends up wind chapped

Anonymous said...

It's a tie between my hands and feet. Both get dry.

one frugal lady said...

My hands are so dry they hurt!

nicolem said...

My elbows get really dry.

Caryn said...

My heels do

caryn9802 at yahoo dot com

nicolem said...

My elbows get really dry.

nicolem said...

My elbows get really dry.

Nickolay said...

My lips always get the worst

Barbara R. said...

My hands get so dry and hurt in my cuticles hurt in the winter.
fotw_1999 at yahoo dot com

Jackie said...

My hands and legs get the driest

Unknown said...

My lower legs and upper arms get really itchy and dry. My DD's elbows break out in eczema if we don't keep her skin moisturized. And all of our lips get flaky. Boo!

Katharina said...

Strange as it may sound, my arms have more of a dryness problem than anywhere else... feet come in a very close second, though! Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

Liz said...

My hands!

terri142 said...

My hands get very dry in the winter.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

nifahrich said...

My hands get so dry during the winter its really distracting and ugly! I hate having ashy hands... LOL

Rose-Marie said...

my face!!!!

Leslie S. said...

My hands suffer the most in winter.i break out from them being so dry.

Em Darr said...

My lips get so dry in the winter!

Shawn said...

My feet get the dryest.

Ciera Conkle said...

My hands.

Nicole C. said...

My lips get the most dry during the winter!

Jen F said...

My hands.

jenblogger7 at

Tawnya said...

My hands get terribly dry in the winter.

babytrees said...

usually my lower body

theresa _ heppner at yahoo dot com

Emily Ricketts said...

my feet

Unknown said...

My hands!

rjcqh said...

My face peels.

Erika P. said...

I get dry patches on my face

Anonymous said...

My hands get the driest. Gaye M; rustysrambles(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Wow; I'd have to say my feet. I don't wear boots as often as I should, and no matter what, these snowy Ohio winters do a lot of damage.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Mikki said...

My knees and my elbows get the most dry.

Deanna said...

My hands for sure.

Deanna said...

Google+ Name: Deanna Cali

AmberFaith said...

My hands and lips

Unknown said...

my elbows and my feet.

dani marie ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com

Ashley Morrissey said...

My hands!

-Ashley Marie Morrissey

johnnyp said...

my hands are the most dry

brich2222 said...

hands and face for me

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

April said...

My face and hands get the worst of it, mostly because of exposure (face) and hand washing.

Gennie Lancaster said...

My hands and feet get the most dry in the winter!

Melanie Montgomery said...

my legs get pretty dry.

Sheila Hickmon said...

It's always my hands that get dry in the winter time.

Melissa Storms said...

My hands and face both get very dry, but my hands are worse.

Anonymous said...

My hands! hanovertomato at yahoo dot com

egoettner said...

My hands and feet get super dry.

Alexa said...

my face gets the most dry.

April said...

my feet get really dry!

ssgsweeps @ hotmail .com

ThriftyAnnabella said...

My legs
annabella @ centurytel dot net

Fangirl Jen said...

My hands get very dry during winter.

Anonymous said...

Johnny- amy lynn

My feet and hands!!! HATE IT!!! ALWAYS putting lotion on, but seems as if they are dry AGAIN in just mins....

tavernie said...

My legs and elbows!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...

I started using Aquaphor 10 years ago while enduring radiation treatments to breast cancer - when ALL of my doctors and nurses told me to buy it and apply it several times a day.

It made a huge difference in both my relative "comfort" and healing. My husband also used it after his hip replacement surgery.

We now use Aquaphor for dry skin and just about any other skin affliction that doesn't require hydrocortisone for itching.

Jesselyn A/Jesstinger

Anonymous said...

My hands suffer the most

morganowl28 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...


pauline15 said...

My hands get really dry, especially after a day of skiing.

Unknown said...

My hands get so dry in the winter!

Kathy P said...

my hands and elbows get the most dry

jzagarjr said...

My hands get dry in the winter

anny32 said...

hands every winter! its from washing them at work all day. my son also gets real bad hand skin from school soap in BR. we use the aquaphor with socks to bed.
addrienne mertens

Emmy Coffee said...

My lips and my hands

Tracy Allen said...

My hands and face

chazvgo said...

My hands get the driest :)

msrodeobrat said...

my legs!
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

Stitchin in the Sip said...

My hands and face both get extremely dry during the colder months.

michedt said...

My feet. They are the worst. So horrible it hurts to walk on them.
Michelle Tucker

Unknown said...

my lips and hands

Tylerpants said...

In the winter, my hands get super dry. tylerpants(at)

Anonymous said...

my heels and calves

Judy Estrin said...

It would be wonderful to no longer have dry itchy skin.

Judy Estrin said...

Would you believe my belly, legs and hands.

Andrew L. said...

My hands always get the driest.

trixx said...

My feet gets really dry in the winter

Unknown said...

Its a tossup between my hands and legs

M.A.D. said...

Mary DeBorde (M.A.D.)

Definitely my hands - Winter has just barely begun and the skin on my hands is chapped & dry :P

Anonymous said...

My hands and face :)

bbrittbrat1398 said...

My hands get dry at work.

Brittney House

Carolyn Daley said...

My face and lips get very dry to the point where my lips are chapped and my face is flaky.

Unknown said...

In the winter, my hands get so dry and chapped that they will start to bleed.

Unknown said...

In the winter, my hands get so dry and chapped that they will start to bleed.

Amy said...

usually my feet and my back.

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

my feet

Denise Donaldson

Jenny Q. said...

My hands are what gets really dry, especially in the winter.

Unknown said...

My hands

bac1 said...

my feet

Crystal F said...

My hands get the most dry. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

Nancy Shaughnessy said...

I'm going through chemo, so my hands are very dry and cracking. I would love to try this to see if it would help.

Unknown said...

My hands

Amy delong said...

my hands

crankyyanky1 said...

My elbows and my feet get most dry during the winter

Amanda Boerst said...

My face and hands get dried out the most.

serenityspeaks at ymail dot com

degood said...

My lips and the area between my lips and nose.

susan1215 said...

My lips and hands get dry

s2s2 at comcast dot net

tina page said...

my ankles
trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

ladcraig said...


Lisa Garner said...

My lips get the most dry during the winter.

Lisa Garner

clynsg said...

My legs and feet.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

Jenny D said...

My hands

Unknown said...

my elbows

Susan Climan said...

My hands and face.

Unknown said...

My hands get the most dry because of frequent washing and dry heat.

Cindy said...

My feet!

Anonymous said...

my legs
tcogbill at live dot com

Lisa R said...

My hands sometimes get so bad I get eczema

sibabe64 at ptd dot net

Anonymous said...

Aside from my hair, my hands get the most dry during the winter.

07violet said...

my legs

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

Terri said...

My hands get the most dry. Constantly reaching for lotion, the good ones like Aquaphor last longer!
terri.moore 30 at yahoo dot com

Vickie Mason said...

My lips and hands are the driest in the winter.

Anonymous said...

My elbows
lisa.blogs2 at gmail dot com

Nicole Lancaster said...

My lips and face get the most dry during the winter.

angel320 said...

My hands and feet always get dry this time of year

Vikki Billings said...

I think my legs and elbows get dry more in the winter.

Sarah Hall said...

My face and my hands get the most dry.

Candice said...

My lips and my hands definitely
thank you

Karen F said...

my feet

Sophie said...

My left elbow. Not sure why its just that one, but thats it.

Barbarawr said...

My hands are ALWAYS dry in the winter.

Derek Timm said...

It always my lips.

Mary Gardner said...

my hands!

jagar0047 at yahoo dot com

Charlene S. said...

My face gets the driest in Winter :)

Unknown said...

My hands and lips

susansmoaks said...

my elbows get super dry and so do my hands
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

wendym said...


wendym at cableone dot net

Anonymous said...

My hands!
-Judy L

AEKZ2 said...

My hands get so dry

annemarie562000 said...

My elbows!


Jodi J. said...

My legs get dry and itchy in the winter.

Unknown said...

My feet and legs

Anonymous said...

I would have to say my face.

bev said...

My feet and hands get very dry during the winter, but bath oil and lotion helps. Thanks for this contest.

cassandra m said...

its a toss up between my lips and hands but my hands bleed more

Nicolette Bretana said...

My hands definitely get the dryest. Between doing the dishes and chores around the house, they are chapped and white by the end of the day!

Chelsea Korth said...

My hands and feet suffer the most dryness during winter.

ossmcalc said...

My lips and elbows.

Thank you,

Christine W

Laura said...

My hands get super dry but I find if I put lotion on every night before bed, I can usually keep them from getting too bad.

wins4me said...

My feet and heels

Emiller said...

My feet.

Aly said...

My arms, legs and lips get really dry in the winter.

acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My legs get really dry in the winter.

sarah79harding said...

My legs and feet get so dry and itchy

Julieh said...

My hands get really dry
honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Julieh said...

My hands get really dry
honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Breanne said...

My legs

lmurley2000 said...

i have trouble with my feet

Unknown said...

My hands dry out

dvice12 said...

My hands get very dry

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway...hands, lips, & face !

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Sand said...

My hands get so dry that they crack.

Unknown said...

my face

/\Heather/\ said...

A couple of places: inside of nose and feet.

corey1971 said...

My lips (Corey Olomon)

Anonymous said...

My hands.

Tim Moss,

Kimberly M. said...

My hands do from washing them so much.

barblong said...

My hands get the most dry during the winter.

Unknown said...

My hands get the driest.

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