Friday, December 21, 2012

COOL WHIP Frosting Makes Finding Reasons To Celebrate Easy and Delicious {Prize Pack Giveaway!}

Cool Whip logo
Often when I admit that, strange as it sounds, I don't like cake, people look at me as though I've suddenly sprouted a second head.

But truly, it's not the cake that I don't like, it's the frosting. There's something about traditional, store bought frosting that just seems too sugary for my taste buds that it ends up feeling sticky and sweet in my throat. Don't get me wrong, I still find myself managing to eat more than I need to at various parties and celebrations, but it's just not my thing.

But what's the other option? Not frosting my kids' cakes for their birthdays? Not exactly plausible.

Fortunately, from now on I not only know exactly what frosting to reach for to satisfy my sweet tooth, but I don't even have to wait for a special occasion. Because when it comes to COOL WHIP Frosting, I'm going to be on the lookout for any reason to frost a cake or cupcake and celebrate!

COOL WHIP Frosting

Found in the freezer aisle next to traditional COOL WHIP Whipped Topping, COOL WHIP Frosting is whipped to perfection, making it easy to spread while providing a perfectly sweet touch to your baked goodies. This innovative new frosting is available in Chocolate, Vanilla and Cream Cheese flavors and is a great alternative to canned frosting.

While I would have been perfectly happy testing out COOL WHIP Frosting simply to celebrate it being December or that my kids helped clean up the playroom, we decided to put this right to work on cupcakes for Little Sister B's birthday. Between having a celebration here at home and her party at school, we were counting on these cupcakes to satisfy the sweet tooth of quite a few people!

Cool Whip frosting review

While the Vanilla and Cream Cheese flavors were extremely tempting, we went with the Chocolate COOL WHIP Frosting to go with the chocolate cupcakes. Can you ever have too much chocolate? I think not.

As this frosting is kept in the freezer, preparing it for use just takes minimal forethought. Leave it at room temperature to thaw for an hour or place it in the refrigerator four hours in advance and it will be ready for spreading!

Chocolate Cool Whip frosting


Just as COOL WHIP had proclaimed, this frosting was whipped so light and fluffy that it was easy to spread. I love that it didn't tear into my cupcakes at all and instead was able to be smoothed right on however thin or thick I desired.

Cool Whip frosting cupcakes
I make no claims at actually having any frosting skills!

With the addition of a Gummy Bear and individual clear containers, these cupcakes were perfect to share with all of Little Sister B's friends at her preschool!

birthday cupcakes

Not to mention that all these cupcakes needed were candles and they made for an amazingly delicious birthday celebration here at home as well!

blowing out the candles

The result of both?

birthday girl

I'm not exaggerating when I say that I had the exact same reaction myself! This COOL WHIP Frosting is my absolute new favorite frosting and I will definitely be using it again in the future! It's just the right amount of sweetness without going overboard — I think the Chocolate tastes like a rich chocolate mousse that, to be honest, I've had a hard time not eating directly out of the container.


No matter how on-the-go our lifestyles can be, COOL WHIP has made it beyond easy (and DELICIOUS) to step back from the chaos and celebrate the little moments in life along with the big. Whether you're having guests over for the holidays, welcoming a new baby to the world or simply are excited about your good hair day, COOL WHIP Frosting can be your secret weapon to delectable desserts in no time at all!


To find out more about COOL WHIP Frosting, visit the COOL WHIP Facebook Page, where you can find more mouthwatering information and a whole slew of yummy recipes to try.

Be sure to also join in the fun and larger conversation of finding reasons to celebrate with COOL WHIP Frosting by sharing pictures using the #coolwhipfrosting hashtag on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

And, thanks to the generosity of COOL WHIP, one person will be prepared to celebrate all of the upcoming moments in their life with their favorite cakes and cupcakes, because...

One lucky person will win a "Reasons to Celebrate" COOL WHIP Frosting Prize Pack*! ARV $100!

Cool Whip giveaway
*Prize Pack includes: (3) free product coupons for COOL WHIP Frosting, (1) package of Gingerbread Man cupcake liners, (1) Cake Stand plus Cover Set, (2) Stainless Steel Cake Icing Spatulas by MIU, (1) package of reusable silicone heart-shaped Cupcake Liners, and (1) Baking by Flavor cookbook by Lisa Yockelson.

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I am working in partnership with the COOL WHIP brand and I am receiving compensation for my participation in this campaign. All thoughts/opinions are 100% my own.


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♡♥♬ Louis ♬♥♡ said...

my daughter's birthday in february
Thank you for hosting this giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

Kim said...

We have many birthdays.

Unknown said...

Valentine's Day! I like to do something special for my kids.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

my anniversary this month
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Bo said...

I love celebrating everything! Birthdays, holidays, just because...

Tabisadelta said...

I love using cool whip on my strawberry shortcake

johnnyp said...

it would be good for my sons birthday cake

Adrienne said...

We have three January birthdays to celebrate!

Michelle S said...

My daughter's birthday is next month and she would love this on her cake.

Lisa said...

I would use it the next time I am in the mood for baking, which is often for no special occasion

Diane W said...

I love to celebrate all holidays. It's fun to make treats for others to share. I love to see the smiles on peoples faces.

Jblanton said...

I would use cool whip frosting for valentine's cupcakes

Bre'elle said...

We have a baby shower coming up, a birth coming in February, as well as two birthdays in February to celebrate. We love love love using cool whip in recipes!!

tawndam said...

well... next celebrated event for me isn't til May... so I may have to just create a 'you did good' day... maybe something like a teen doing the dishes without being screamed at... ;-)

Bethany said...

Valentine's Day is a very busy baking time for me. These would be perfect <3

Unknown said...

We like to celebrate our un-birthdays- so many more of those than birthdays. ;)

Erica best said...


Unknown said...

my bday is next

Karen said...

Will be for my little girls birthday coming up in a couple of months.

christy said...

Every day with kids is a reason to celebrate!

mtbears819 said...

I would use cool whip on my carrot cake frosting-Dorothy Deakyne

Unknown said...

To spend time with my son in the kitchen making cupcakes!

Miranda Ward said...

I like to use it during holidays!

Anonymous said...

heather says for mom bday
hg temp addy at hot mail dot com

The Faitsbaus said...

Our 2nd anniversary on the 8th! Mmmm, chocolate.

Stacy Clarke said...

My dad's birthday is coming up at the end of January and none of my family is much for that too-sweet, thick frosting either.

Traci said...

my daughters 4th birthday.

Anonymous said...

My son's birthday is this month and that would be a great time to celebrate with Cool Whip.

Brittney said...

my daughters birthday in march

Leah CB said...

My occasion would be the 3 birthdays we have in Jan.

crissi mcveay said...

my son Sawyer's birthday is in february!! also cupcakes for valentines day!

Lee said...

My daughter will be 10 in March. She loves cupcakes, and will adore this cool whip frosting!

Fibro Fog and More... said...

My husband's birthday is coming up and I would love to try it then!

Daraya said...

I love making cupcakes for my friends' birthdays! And they love it too! Lol :)

Christy said...

I use Cool Whip a lot in the Spring and Summer for desserts and salads.

Unknown said...

i will probably use it for my sons birthday at the end of the month

karenmed409 said...

Celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary in a few months.

Anonymous said...

Valentine's Day deserves a dessert with Cool Whip.

Anonymous said...

My DD likes to bake weekly so we would probably use for our next special occasion which is Valentine'

Anonymous said...

Birthdays are my favorite reason to celebrate.

amp said...

any new day can and should be atime to celebrate so why wait for a holiday

apoalillo [AT] hotmail dot com

alyce poalillo

Ellen said...

Friend's birthday next month

Nikki Strong said...

Children's Birthdays. They love to help decorate :)

Gina H. said...

Valentines Day!

Unknown said...

I will be using cool whip for my son's on valentines day to make them heart shaped strawberry shortcakes

Meghan Finley said...

we love it for birthdays!

Unknown said...

OUr next Wine Club meeting in January

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

Erica C. said...

This would be good for making Valentine's treats.

Ledford Land said...

I'll make some Valentine's Day goodies for my daughter's kindergarten class :)

Jessica Eaton Ledford
cherriesjessilee at gmail dot com

cman said...

The kids kept the house clean for a whole 5 minutes!

Kelly Massman said...

my son's birthday

channallocks said...

I would like to try it out next month on my nephew's birthday cake.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to spread it atop some cupcakes to celebrate my co-teacher's birthday later this week.

Thanks for the chance to win!
sandralclark at

Anonymous said...

My fave reason to celebrate is friends and family members birthdays. Always fun!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

lilyk said...

The next occasion for which I would like to use COOL WHIP Frosting is my friend's birthday.

Literary Winner said...

I love to celebrate birthdays!

maggie at literary winner dot com

Debby Chandler said...

Everyday is a good day to celebrate!

Kimberly said...

I would use it for Valentine's Day. Thanks for the giveaway

Colleen Rehfeld said...

Birthdays and report cards! My son's is coming out soon! If he gets good grades there will be cake! I am the next birthday in Feb!Thank you!

Unknown said...

I want to use cool whip frosting for my daughter's 7th birthday in March.

sparkedcat said...

Graduations and weddings are my favorite times to celebrate.

Leenburke said...

Love to use it for Valentine's Day
Eileen Burke

Jocelyn said...

My mom's birthday is coming up towards the end of January. Would love to do something special with Cool Whip for her!

Unknown said...

I would love to celebrate Valentines Day with Cool Whip Frosting

Liz said...

I'm baking tonight for a co-worker's birthday! This would be so great for that!

Cassandra S. said...

I'd use it for my dad's birthday this month!

bubsgizmocontest at gmail dot com

Stephanie Ann said...

I would use cool whip to make banana pudding for my dads bday!

Shawn said...

A reason to celebrate would be my birthday this next week.

Jen F said...

My daughter's birthday! It is just a couple weeks away.

jenblogger7 at

Karen said...

Cupcakes for my son's birthday :)

ktgonyea at

naomi said...

My birthday Jan 15

Ashley Welton said...

I would use it for my daughters birthday cupcakes!

AmberFaith said...

My daughter's birthday party in April!

Unknown said...

I want to make cupcakes and use it so I can try this yummy looking frosting.Thank you for the awesome giveaway! :)

Sara G said...

Use it for my son's birthday and the famous Jello cake I make!!!

Jessica Rose said...

Birthdays are my favorite to celebrate!

ijessica_r at yahoo dot com

Karen said...

I would make treats for my nephew's birthday party. Thanks for the giveaway.

Nickolay said...

We love to celebrate for the 4th of July

egoettner said...

Valentines day, school bake sale and hubby and sons birthday all coming up.

Anonymous said...

Johnny- amy lynn

WOuld use it for my hubbys birthday coming up!!!

Jeni said...

my sons birthday on the 25th

tavernie said...

Id use for Valentines Day!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

ken ohl said...

we have a February Birthday to celebrate and a March Anniversary. Thankyou, Ken

Leslie S. said...

I want to use the cream cheese one on a red velvet cake next month for my daughter's 13th birthday.

Caryn said...

I'd like to use this for my daughter's birthday

caryn9802 at yahoo dot com

Melissa Storms said...

we celebrate each weekly spelling test passed!!

msrodeobrat said...

My next occasion will be the super bowl!
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

sd4david said...


kyl neusch said...

for a cake im making

brich2222 said...

would use it for a birthday coming up next month

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

chazvgo said...

Valentines Day is coming up :)

bbrittbrat1398 said...

My sister's baby shower.

Brittney House

dfraley3 said...

Valentine's Day is coming up. Would like to make some cupcakes with it. If I can hold out that long!

Barbara's Beat said...

the only reason I need to use it or to celebrate is to bake cupcakes with my granddaughter

LesleyfromWI said...

Summertime when there are fresh strawberries available

Linda said...

Family birthday's in Feb.

Amanda Boerst said...

My son's 2nd birthday!

serenityspeaks at ymail dot com

one frugal lady said...

This would be perfect for valentine's day!

Anonymous said...

Cupcakes for my birthday! hanovertomato at yahoo dot com

Melanie Montgomery said...

My sister in law has a birthday later this month

Kathy P said...

we love to celebrate birthdays and I will be making my son a cake with

Anonymous said...

My next celebration will be when the Packers beat San Fran this weekend, I hope.

morganowl28 at gmail dot com

Chip said...

My daughter's birthday is coming up. This is perfect!!

Entered under Jill L

kim h said...

My dads birthday is in a few weeks11 I will be using the coolwhip!!!!

Jenny said...

I would like to use cool whip to make my daughter's birthday cupcakes next month!!!

Anonymous said...

I like to make cupcakes just because. I love sending them with my husband to his work on Fridays and then keeping a few for myself!

bac1 said...

my birthday

bac1 said...

my birthday

Rita M said...

Perfect for Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

my daughters baptism
tcogbill at live dot com

Lisa R said...

my fathers 79 bday on Valentines day

sibabe64 at ptd dot net

Gennie Lancaster said...

We love to bake whatever the occasion so I guess the next time will be for Valentines Day!!

momof5girls said...

I think the next reason we'll have to celebrate is the weekend in a few days! Sounds like a great reason for cupcakes with cool whip frosting!!

Sass said...

My sister's birthday is coming up!

Erika P. said...

For Valentine's cupcakes

Anonymous said...

superbowl sunday

Angela M said...

I would use it just because. I like to make cupcakes for no special reason. :)

Karen F said...

Valentine's Day

Sophie said...

We have an 18th birthday coming up and my brother already requested my strawberry cake with cool whip frosting so that would be it!

Anonymous said...

My favorite reason to celebrate is birthdays

Anonymous said...

Wednesday, and the three days before and after!

Charlene S. said...

My son's birthday next week :)

Unknown said...

Valentines Day... all those cookies and sweets are going to need some frosting. :)

thescribbler said...

My son's birthday...February 16th!

sdavis said...

i would use it for a birthday cake for my son whos birthday is the end of this month

sandradavis07 at comcast dot net

wins4me said...

I love Birthday parties

ossmcalc said...

My daughter's birthday is on January 22nd.

Unknown said...

my sons birthday this month :)

Jennifer Paige said...

My sister in law will be giving birth to my 2nd nephew any day now. That is a lot of reason to celebrate!

corey1971 said...

Cupcakes for my son to take to school for Valentine's Day. (Corey Olomon)

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

It'd be great for Valentine's Cupcakes.

Unknown said...

valentines day cupcakes

Alison said...

I'll bake a cake to celebrate my niece's birth next month.

Unknown said...

Any reason is a good reason to celebrate especially with cupcakes.

Marie said...

I like to have big celebratory meals whenever the whole family is together, now that all of the kids are older and in college/on their own, I like to make our together time extra special.

Unknown said...

Valentines Day is coming up!!!

Kati Lynn said...

New jobs and graduations. Completed goals are always a good reason to celebrate and relax.

Tanya M said...

Valentine's Day cupcakes!
Thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

i'm going to try it on valentine day cookies

Nancy Shaughnessy said...

I would use it for cupcakes.

Anonymous said...

People think I'm crazy but I eat it straight out of the carton.

Brandi H said...

I would like to try it for my daughter's birthday.

michedt said...

My favorite reason to celebrate is spending the day with hubby. I love it!
Michelle Tucker

Roxann said...

My birthday is in February. I could use it for my cake!

Unknown said...

i will use this on my daughter birthday in march

Unknown said...

My son's 17th Birthday is Feb. 1st This would be AWESOME!!!

peppersalt said...

I have used this Cool Whip and will use it again in February for my grandson's birthday.

mary reynolds said...

I would use this for Valentines Day

Tawnya said...

It would be perfect for Valentine's Day! Thanks

Stacy said...

My birthday (it just passed, but that's ok)

Kelli said...

My twins have a birthday coming up on February 9! I would LOVE to win this!

Brad Merrell said...

My brother's birthday

Nicole Lancaster said...

I like to celebrate family and co-workers birthday's every month.

Anonymous said...

My daughter's birthday is coming up so that should be a great time!

JACLYN said...

Valentine's Day!! :)

debrastein10 said...

having a good meeting at work

Shari Klyn said...

My daughter is getting ready to have a sledding party. I will be using cool whip for the goodies.

Vikki Billings said...

I would use it on Valentine's day to make something yummy for me and my fiance to enjoy.

Daphne Turner said...

For my birthday, in a little over a month

Renee G said...

My favorite reason to celebrate is Birthday's

lmurley2000 said...

we have some birthday coming up and this would be great for the cakes

susansmoaks said...

i have a birthday coming up that this would be nice for!

susansmoaks at gmail dot com

carol lewis said...

My son's birthday(28) and granddaughter's birthday(6)both coming up in a week or two. Plus Mom's 80th! Alot of birthdays with my family!

spcale at yahoo dot com

Barbara R. said...

I would use it to make cupcakes on Valentine's Day.

fotw _1999 at yahoo dot com

Holly said...

My fiance's birthday is Feb. 11. He has quite a sweet tooth.

Breanne said...

Valentine's Day

Anonymous said...

My son's birthday is next month and I would love to try Cool Whip frosting for cupcakes!

imaclutz89 said...

Valentines Day!


bev said...

The next celebration will be my granddaughters birthday in Feb. Thanks.

Tylerpants said...

I'd use it for my kids' birthdays next month! tylerpants(at)

trixx said...

My dad's birthday is coming up!

Unknown said...

my daughters birthday

elangomatt said...

My co-worker has a birthday coming up in early February and I usually bake cupcakes or something for people birthdays.

Aaron Bretveld

Sand said...

This would be perfect for out valentine's celebration.

Unknown said...

My reason to celebrate is that I'm graduating from my Masters program this year.

Unknown said...

I would like to use Cool Whip on Valentine's Day.

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