Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Add Humor and Spice to your Chores with Endust and the Dustersons

Endust logo
Have you heard the stats about how we spend an average of 20 years of our lifetime sleeping? And between 3½ - 4 years eating? Am I the only one who reads those and just feels baffled at the total amount of time spent doing such routine things?

Am I also the only one that then cringes when I think about the total number of years that I will end up having done things like vacuuming or washing dishes? Yikes.

In the long run, I know that the floor really does need to get cleaned and the dishes do have to be washed... but when it comes to dusting, that's one that I postpone for as long as possible. Why hasn't anyone invented a way to totally repel dust from surfaces yet?

Even though that day hasn't arrived, at least I know that I can add some humor to my chores and everyday routine thanks to Endust.


Consumers have been using Endust for over 57 years, as their furniture sprays and dusters are known for quickly removing dust from your homes or office.

But now Endust has added some humor and spice by introducing the Dustersons — Endust's delightful new dusting duo — who illustrate how cleaning together can make sparks fly. Instead of our typical days of dusting alone, Endust has created a series of videos featuring Debbie and Doug Dusterson as they find unique and saucy ways to dust off not only their furniture, but also their relationship.

By using Endust, this couple can get dusting off their plate quickly, leaving more time to participate in fun, enjoyable activities. Who doesn't want to "end dust" quickly to start living sooner? These next few months, be sure to tune in as the Dustersons give a whole new meaning to 50 Shades of Clean!

Endust Dustersons

If you'd like to see this racy video in full, visit Endust.com/Dustersons... and, as a bonus, when you finish watching you can immediately receive a $1.00 off coupon for Endust! If you Like or Share it through social media, your coupon will go up to $2.00 off! Who doesn't want to save $2 on Endust?

While neither my husband nor I are quite like Debbie or Doug, I do think that this humorous video mirrors times in our lives when I will have written a list for my husband to do... which gets forgotten or ignored. It's even funnier when we make a comprehensive grocery shopping list and then he ends up calling me from every aisle due to leaving the list at home!

When it comes to dusting, however, I do appreciate that Endust works quickly and easily, allowing me to get through the chore faster and on to something more enjoyable. Around here life is pretty busy, so being able to "Endust, Start Living" means that I can spend more time playing, cuddling or simply living with these two crazy cuties!

my kids

Are you being held back from living due to household chores? What activities would you like to participate in more if you were able to complete your everyday tasks quicker?

Be sure to tune in to the zany adventures of The Dustersons and learn more about all of the great quality Endust products on their website as well as by connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter.

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Endust. I received a product sample to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for participating.


  1. What? You know you're like Doug. Don't even try it.

  2. Just kidding! Nobody is like that guy!

  3. Aunt M would like those pictures please and any other nice ones that you have from the Kalahari : ) Thanks!

  4. Anything to add humor to a mundane chore. Thanks.

  5. I remember my mom using Endust 40 years ago.

  6. I remember my mom using Endust when I was a little kid. I would walk more if I had more time and less chores.
