Friday, December 14, 2012

Hallmark Keepsake Chuggington Ornament {Review}

Chuggington logo
As 2012 comes to an end, I'm already feeling a combination of excited as well as nostalgic about what the past 12 months have brought. New schools, great vacations, family gatherings, fun times with friends, and moments big and small that we'll be sure to remember forever.

At the same time, here on the blog life has had all sorts of ups and downs as well, but one aspect that stands out from 2012 was having the opportunity to be a part of the Chuggington Conductor program. From traintastic Chuggington birthday parties to the latest and greatest Chuggington toys, DVDs and more, each month it was fun to see what reviews, giveaways, Twitter parties and more would come rolling down the tracks our way.

So what an appropriate way to end the year — with a classic, colorful, fun way to trim the tree this Christmas with the Keepsake Chuggington Ornament from Hallmark!

Chuggington Christmas ornament

Including everyone's favorite trainees — Brewster, Wilson and Koko — the new Hallmark Keepsake Chuggington Ornament measures 2.25" x 1.5" x 3.75" and is just the right addition to the tree for any young (or young at heart) fan.

While we've been enjoying having our tree up and decorated for a few weeks, the arrival of this ornament made both of the kids excited to hang this bright and colorful piece up to show off.

Chuggington ornament

After we pulled it out of the box and examined each of the small touches and intricate details that Hallmark had included to capture the fun of these three friendly trains...

Hallmark Chuggington Christmas ornament

...all that was left to do was slip a hook into the top loop and give it a prominent spot hanging on the tree!

Hallmark Chuggington Christmas ornament review

How cute!

If you have a Chuggington fan in your life, they'll be sure to enjoy this unique way of adding a traintastic touch to your holiday decorating that can be pulled out year after year.

Available now in Hallmark stores and on, the Keepsake Chuggington Ornament retails for $14.95 and would be a great way to surprise your young trainee, as well as have a way to remember this time in their life every holiday season.

Other than the Hallmark Keepsake Chuggington Ornament I was provided to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this product.


  1. Cute, we have a long standing traditon of buying Hallmark Ornaments for the kids every year and when they move out their tree will have a good start!

  2. this is so awesome. good for kids and they will love it

  3. how cute! my son LOVES Chuggington and I just know he'd love these too! what a great tradition-giving a special ornament every year.

  4. Oh man, Mason is SUPER into Chuggington right now and he would really love these! Too bad he picked out some Thomas ornaments in November to be this year's "Mason" ornaments LOL

  5. We buy an ornament for each child and one for hubby and I each year.

  6. My friend's newest grandson is crazy about trains. This would be fun for him.

  7. My grandson would love to hang this from our tree. He loves trains.

  8. This ornament would be a nice gift for my nephew. I will have to tell my sister about it.

  9. I just love Hallmark ornaments this one is so cute. I have a ton of Winnie the Pooh ornaments. I should have got this one my son would have loved it.

  10. That is the cutest ornament! My grandson would love to put this on our tree!
