Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holiday Travel Safety Tips from LifeLock {#LifeLock}

No matter what holidays you do or do not celebrate this month, it's a good bet that you'll be spending time in December traveling. After all, this is the time of year when millions of us brave the weather and make a trek home for the holidays!

However, no matter if your trip takes you down the road or across the country, just being out and about makes you a prime target for identity thieves. While it's a depressing concept that there are people out there that use the holidays as a time to prey on others, the unfortunate truth is that it does happen all too often.

This year, don't be another statistic and instead let LifeLock and their suite of services work to help protect your identity from risks of all kinds.

As I mentioned last month, LifeLock works relentlessly to protect their members from identity theft before it happens, so there's no reason to wait until thieves have accessed your personal information and have taken out a mortgage, committed tax fraud, opened new credit cards or gone on a shopping spree before taking action!

LifeLock logo

As the experts on holiday travel safety, I was happy to head over to the LifeLock for Life Sweepstakes on the LifeLock Facebook page and find a whole list of great tips and advice to keep in mind this season...
  • Before traveling, one should inform a family member of where they are going.
  • 911 is mandated by law as the emergency number accessible on all telephones in all 50 states.
  • 511 is the nationwide telephone number for transportation and traffic information since July 21, 2000.
  • Due to laws limiting credit fraud responsibility to consumers, a credit card has a lower financial liability than a debit card or traveler's checks.
  • If a person is on the road, do not pick them up. Proceed to the nearest police station to report the incident. 
  • As SUVs and pickups do not have trunks to hide valuables, it only takes thieves a few seconds to check all the "usual" hiding places for valuables. 
  • A common laptop bag can increase your chances of being targeted for theft — almost 12,000 laptops are lost or stolen in U.S. airports each week. To make your laptop less of a target, skip a typical laptop bag and instead try carrying your laptop in a padded briefcase, suitcase, or backpack. 
  • Install a Security/Anti-Theft Program on your laptop that allows you to track/recover your laptop if it is lost or stolen. 
  • Protect the data on your laptop when using airport or other free Wifi services by using VPN services. These encrypt all data that comes and goes from your PC, eliminating the need to worry about settings with each individual application you use (i.e. email, web, IM, VoIP). 
  • Make two copies of your passport and credit/ATM cards: one to leave at home with a friend or family member, and the other to bring with you on your trip (be sure to keep it in a separate place than the originals in case of theft.) 
At the same time that I was glad to learn this great information, I was also happy to enter my name in the LifeLock for Life Sweepstakes! With a different, important topic each month, it only takes a minute to enter and you can bring home some amazing prizes — the grand prize for December is a $4,500 travel voucher for a family vacation!

LifeLock Sweepstakes

As well as the chance to win a great vacation, this December LifeLock is partnering with an amazing new documentary called Waiting for Lightning.

As LifeLock knows that "identity is everything," it is a perfect partnership with professional skateboarder Danny Way, who found his identity by always challenging himself with the biggest (and most dangerous) goals.

Waiting for Lightning

LifeLock is supporting the release of Waiting for Lightning in two great ways!

First, LifeLock is hosting a Twitter party! This Thursday, December 13th at 12:30pm CST (10:30am PST, 1:30pm EST), join @LifeLock and the team from Waiting for Lightning for a fun and informative event with the chance to win prizes like a skateboard signed by legendary Danny Way. Find out more information and add your name on the RSVP form!

Second, how about winning a trip for two to L.A. for a private screening of Waiting for Lightning with Danny himself? You can do just that in the Waiting for Lightning Sweepstakes that's going on right now! Head over daily until December 21st and you could find yourself heading to California to meet Danny, winning a signed skateboard or a pair of tickets to see Waiting For Lightning at a theater near you!

This holiday season, let LifeLock go to work all day, every day to ensure your personal information is always secure. By offering proactive identity protection that alerts you of potential threats, LifeLock service can provide everything from early detection to remediation and give you the peace of mind you need to end 2012 on a high note.

Find out much more about their services by visiting LifeLock.com, following LifeLock on Twitter, Liking LifeLock on Facebook, and joining LifeLock on Google+. Don't miss the opportunity to take part in the LifeLock for Life Sweepstakes as well as the Waiting for Lightning Sweepstakes to win some great prizes... and I hope to see you soon at the LifeLock Twitter Party!

I am receiving compensation from LifeLock for my role as a LifeLock Brand Ambassador, however, all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.


  1. Those are all good tips. I tend to forget that credit cards can be safer than debit cards.

  2. Great tips. A couple of years ago I was a victim of credit card theft, it wasn't a good experience! When I was a child our house was broken into when we were at my Grandmother's funeral, there's some sick individuals out there and now they have the power of the computer, making it easier in some instances to steal.
