Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mr. Coffee Café Latte {Review & Coupon Code}

Mr. Coffee logo
Once a month I get together with a group of wonderful women at a local coffeehouse, where we talk, laugh, commiserate, advise and sip our lattes. It is uplifting, inspiring, and leaves me feeling thankful that these amazing ladies are a part of my life.

The only part that makes me cringe? Pulling out my wallet to pay for my coffee. $5 for a latte? Definitely fine for our get-togethers, but no way would I pay that every day (even though I would LOVE a latte more often than once per month).

But what is the alternative? I know it is possible to make lattes at home, but that would require figuring out the pans, correct temperature, how to froth milk, etc, etc.

Right. Definitely not going to happen...

Until now. Now that I have been introduced to the Mr. Coffee Café Latte machine, creating my own luscious coffeehouse experience at home couldn't be easier (or more delicious).

Mr. Coffee coffeehouse at home

The Mr. Coffee brand forever changed the way America brewed its coffee with the invention of the automatic drip coffeemaker back in 1972, paving the way to new innovation in home appliances. Today, the Mr. Coffee brand is America's #1 brand of coffeemakers and produces over 200 different models to conveniently brew coffeehouse style drinks at home.

Truly, I couldn't think of a better way to bring the coffeehouse to my own countertop than with the innovative convenience of the Mr. Coffee Café Latte.

Mr. Coffee Cafe Latte

While I initially wondered if it would be difficult or time-consuming to learn how to use this latte maker, I was pleased to pull it out of the box (complete with a user manual, quick start guide and four paper filters) and find that there really wasn't much required before I would be sipping my delicious drink in the comfort of my own home.

Following the instructions of the quick start guide, the only assembly I had to perform was attaching the whisk to the inside of the lid (a task that took all of five seconds).

Mr. Coffee Cafe Latte whisk

The steps to prepare my latte took less than a minute, as it wasn't much different from preparing a regular pot of coffee.
  1. Place a paper filter into the brew basket and fill with ground espresso or coffee (3 tbsp for a single, 6 tbsp for a double).

  2. Add cold water into the reservoir up to the desired water level marking. There is a single drop marking 4oz for a single and two drops marking a double serving (8oz).

  3. Add milk to the pitcher, filling to the desired level single or double serving marking right on the glass. Also, add any other ingredients (such as flavor syrups) for your desired recipe.

Mr. Coffee Cafe Latte instructions

That's it! Then simply press the power switch to on and watch the Mr. Coffee Café Latte perform its magic. The power light illuminates right on the top the entire time that the cycle is active and turns off automatically when it is done.

All you have to do is sit back, watch the milk froth and the coffee brew as your drink is made right before your eyes.

Mr. Coffee Cafe Latte review

There is absolutely nothing to this machine! And the results?


Want a little foam? Leave it as is. Want a little more? Spoon it on!

making lattes at home
I got a little carried away with the foam on this one, but I was just so excited about having a latte right at home!

What could be better? The process is simple, the cleanup is a breeze (just rinse and dry the pitcher after use and discard the used filter), the cost is minimal, and you're able to have a custom-made, perfect latte anytime you desire.

Mr. Coffee sums it up best:

Mr. Coffee motto

Instead, I'm perfectly happy to skip the hassle and the cost and have my latte while enjoying my favorite little barista's company instead.

latte machine
Regular amount of foam on this one... and don't let this barista's cute smile fool you, she just wants me to use the Mr. Coffee Café Latte to make an amazing cup of hot cocoa for her!

I have been completely enamored with the Mr. Coffee Café Latte since its arrival and haven't even tried out all of the 20 various delicious recipes that are included with it yet! But just having the ability to have a fresh, hot latte (at nearly no cost) to start my day or during some downtime in the afternoon makes me incredibly happy.

And let's face it, when Mama is happy, everyone is happy.

coffee lover

Designing to the trends and tastes of the coffee-drinking population, the Mr. Coffee brand continually reinvents its coffeemakers to deliver the best technology for a great price... and the Mr. Coffee Café Latte is a perfect example. Retailing for $99.99, this innovative small appliance would make an amazing gift for the latte lover in your life — it truly will have paid for itself after a short amount of time!

Even better, right now the Mr. Coffee brand wants to make it even easier to bring the coffeehouse into your home with a special discount offer. Simply enter the coupon code MLAT10A on your purchase of a Café Latte at and you'll receive $10 off AND free shipping (this great little machine can be found on Amazon as well)!

To find out more about how you can have delicious lattes in one simple touch, visit to see more about how it will provide a quick, easy and affordable solution and change the way you view the coffeehouse experience. Be sure to connect with Mr. Coffee on Facebook as well for the latest and greatest in products, information, contests and more.

Other than the Café Latte and accessories I was provided by Mr. Coffee to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this wonderful machine. Now, can anyone teach me how to make cool designs in my foam?


  1. I want to come over and have a latte with you! :-) This machine looks really cool and easy to use...because like you, I don't want to pay crazy amounts for my lattes either.

  2. This would save a ton of money! Well not for me because I'm a pop drinker...although I'm currently stuck on my Chai Latte and Hot Cocoa in my Keurig. But I have to rinse it like 4 times between mine and "someone's" morning coffee.

  3. So what I meant to ask before I posted too quickly was if they have a Chai Latte for the Mr. Coffee also?

  4. Good question, Liz!

    Yes! There are three tea-based latte recipes in the included booklet: Tea Latte, Green Tea Latte and Chai Latte. Come on over and I'll make you one! :-)

  5. I have had good luck with Mr. coffee products in the past and I am sure this is a good one. If I got one of these I would get hooked on lattes in a day or two.
