Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Panasonic JetForce Vacuum {Review}

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If you're a parent, chances are that your life is split into BK and AK time periods.

We're talking Before Kids and After Kids, of course. Because, really? I'm pretty sure that it was a completely separate lifetime in which I lived without my children.

I slept in? I didn't eat as if a pack of hungry wolves was going to come steal my food if I didn't gulp every last morsel? And there was a point in which my brain and my heart didn't hold separate sections for each child so that, during every waking hour of the day there is a part of me that is thinking about them, wondering how they're doing, and yearning so badly to be with them so that I can protect them from anything and everything?

I'm telling you, it just must have been a different lifetime.

In the BK era, I also viewed cleaning differently. There was still laundry and it's not like I didn't wash dishes or have to scrub the bathtub, but none of it was quite so overwhelming... or seemed like it needed to be redone five minutes later.

Nowadays, in the AK, it's all about quality, efficiency, portability and ease of use. If it isn't fast and effective, I don't have time for it. Which is why I count on the dishwasher detergents that leave load after load sparkling clean, the laundry detergents that get out the tough stains and the vacuum cleaners that are lightweight, long lasting and versatile.

Most recently, the latter has come in the form of the Panasonic Jetforce Vacuum.

Panasonic JetForce Vacuum

Panasonic's lightest full size bagless upright featuring their exclusive Jet Force Design, the Panasonic Jetforce Vacuum MC-UL427 has the ability to remove embedded dirt and pet hair without sacrificing suction power.
Considering that I'm convinced that my kids get more food on the floor than in their mouths when eating, I find myself repeatedly having to reach for a vacuum to clean it up. I couldn't wait to try out this convenient appliance to get rid of much of the hassle and work!

Panasonic JetForce Vacuum review

The first thing I noticed when pulling the JetForce Vacuum out of the box was that it was nearly fully assembled, something that I definitely appreciated. Knowing that I wasn't going to have to spend a great deal of time (or any amount, really) sifting through an instruction manual to get things put together was a welcome realization.

Panasonic JetForce Vacuum cleaner review

After sliding the handle into the base, tightening the single screw to hold it securely in place, connecting the hose and putting each attachment in its place, I was ready to put this vacuum to the test.

Panasonic JetForce MC-UL427 vacuum review

Before I even had the JetForce Vacuum turned on, I was really happy with the way that each of the accessories had its own designated storage space. I've used vacuum cleaners in the past that didn't make it quite so simple to pull out the tools needed, so this was a welcome addition!

Panasonic vacuum attachments

Hitting the power button, I was happy to see that Panasonic had truly made this vacuum compact and lightweight, weighing only 15 pounds. It glides smoothly and effortlessly and even after cleaning room after room, you aren't left feeling worn out or exhausted from lugging it around.

When it comes time to move from our carpet or rug to the hardwood, the lever to turn off the brushroll is easily accessible right on the base. Considering that I spend a great deal of time moving between multiple floor surfaces, I was glad that I never have to go far to give it a simple press and release!

vacuum bare floor carpet

As well as the floors, switching over to use the cleaning wand, crevice tool, dusting brush or air turbine in tight spots, on upholstery, walls, drapes, on the stairs or reaching up high is done in moments.

Simply disconnect the 10' stretch hose and wand from the vacuum cleaner and pop on whichever attachment is right for you so you'll know that you're getting every last bit of dirt, dust or pet hair right off!

Panasonic JetForce vacuum attachments

While the 12-amp powerful motor included in this Panasonic provides strong suction power, I also appreciate that the HEPA filters and dust bin are easily removed and cleaned.

Simply pop out the needed filter or release the body of the vacuum and dump the dirt right out into the garbage. The convenient one-touch release and open allows the dirt to fall out the bottom so that you never worry about getting your hands into the debris... or buying replacement bags!

bagless vacuum
The Panasonic JetForce Vacuum also makes storage easy when you're done with it, as the 24' cord is automatically reeled back inside using the convenient cord reel lever. One press and it zips right back in!

automatic cord reel vacuum

All in all, the Panasonic JetForce is a great vacuum for small or large places, multiple surfaces, and is plenty easy enough to push and use for anyone. With its light weight and easy maneuverability, going from room to room is simple... and the addition of the stretch hose and specialty attachments make it possible to get every nook and cranny from floor to ceiling clean.

Combine that with the way that this vacuum contains the widest range and easiest to use options and has a unique powerful filtering system to make sure that swept up dirt and dust do not recirculate in the air, and the Panasonic JetForce Vacuum makes cleaning hassle-free for homeowners or apartment dwellers.

Whether for day-to-day or to keep my home in tip top shape for all of our holiday guests, Panasonic has created a way to cater to my every cleaning need and give me peace of mind that I'm getting my home truly clean without spending unnecessary time and effort.

Retailing for $149.99 (on sale now on Amazon for $121.99), find out more about the Panasonic JetForce Vacuum on the Panasonic website and by connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter.

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Panasonic. I received a product to facilitate my review.


  1. That vacuum looks SOLID! it just seems like a powerful vacuum. The price is great too!

  2. I've never had a bagless vacuum. This looks great.

  3. This vacuum looks really nice! I'm definitely thinking about switching to one that's more lightweight than the one I currently use.

  4. Hmmm, maybe L wants THIS from Santa this year :)

  5. This vacuum is superb and the one which i have is so not good. I would love to buy this one if i get a good deal in the market next time.

  6. I had NO idea Panasonic even made vacuum cleaners! It does look like a great vac and if it's lightweight it has my vote. Ours we bought because it was supposed to be SO good for those in the family with asthma...but is SO heavy and unyeilding, it can CAUSE an asthma attack. G'Lord that thing is heavy and bulky. I like the price on this one too...less than half the price we paid for one of the other highly advertised brands. Thanks for telling us about this one!

    ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

  7. Thank you for sharing all the great pictures of this product and providing a thorough review. I didn't even know that Panasonic makes vacuums. The part about life before kids is so true and funny, I completely relate to you on that one.

  8. This really does look like a very powerful vaccuum without having to spend an arm and a leg on it!
