Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Personalized Santa Videos from Portable North Pole {Review}

Portable North Pole logo
I can still remember that feeling of waking up on Christmas morning as a kid. You know the one, right? Where there is the split second as your mind is starting to twitch, trying to tell you that there is something special about that day... and then BAM! It hits you: It's Christmas!

I don't know about you, but jumping up out of bed and rushing into the living room to assess the change in presents couldn't be done fast enough and, even if I was the first one awake, I would stand there in the silence just soaking it in. There's something so magical about believing in the possibility of Santa that, even when I knew the truth, still made the whole idea fun.

Which is why I love passing on that amazement to my daughters and look forward to many years of seeing the wonder and joy on their faces as the holiday season grows near. And what better way to bring a little extra delight and enchantment than with a message from the big man himself?

I'm not talking about just any old generic letter, mind you, I'm talking about an ultra-personalized, treasure-this-always letter, video or gift brought directly to your child from the PNP - Portable North Pole.

Santa Claus

For five years, the PNP - Portable North Pole console has been allowing families to create, view and download personalized video messages from Santa Claus, along with other customized gifts, to send to their children or loved ones for the holidays. What better way to kick off the season than with a fun, fully-personalized experience for kids and young-at-heart adults all around the world?

After all, when it comes to hearing from Santa, typically you'll find letters that are... fine. Dear Johnny, hope you've been good. Don't forget that I'm watching, be nice to your brother/sister, clean your room. Love, Santa. I guess if you can call that personalized, then... well, okay.

PNP is different and by different, I mean the top of the line when it comes to Santa Claus and personalization. Instead of just inputting the standard things like name, age and hometown and having them copied and pasted into a form letter, the products from PNP are thorough, detailed and fully customized for each individual child.

I'm telling you, it's hard to watch Santa talk from the PNP and not believe that he really does know if you've been naughty or nice!

When it comes to creating a personalized video, PNP walks you through the options step-by-step, so that you can rest assured that the end result will be just right for your child.

I was able to choose if my daughter was Nice, Naughty/Nice or Naughty, along with options such as gender, birthday, location and pronunciation of her name (something that I especially appreciated, being someone who has a difficult name to pronounce, as well as knowing that there are a large variety of ways to spell names these days).

I went on to choose my daughter's day-today-life (options included goes to school, goes to daycare, is in a particular grade, etc), her best quality (e.g. generous, intelligent, a little shy, trustworthy and kind, etc), and what special effort she has been asked to make this year (e.g. try your best in school, don't suck your thumb, always brush your teeth, keep your room neat and tidy, always share your toys, not to sulk when you're upset, be nice to your sister/brother/siblings/friends, etc).

After a few more customization options, I loved that PNP also allowed me to upload a few photographs to really make the video special.

personalized Santa

After uploading a photo, as well as one of our house, a favorite animal, and two notable events from 2012, I looked over all of my choices and hit submit.

Within seconds I had an email letting me know that my exclusive merry video was created and ready for viewing — Santa sure does work quick!

If you've never made a video through PNP, you've got to try it just so that you can see the amazingly fun results. While they do have gifts and upgraded packages to purchase, their basic video is FREE! Just seeing the look on your child's face when they hear Santa Claus address them and know so much about them is something that can't be matched otherwise.

Each of my girls watched with utter amazement when Santa talked directly to them...

video from Santa

...and the reactions each time he mentioned something specific about them or showed a photograph that demonstrated how much he knew, well, those were just priceless.


When it comes to adding in the magic of Christmas and Santa Claus to any child's life, PNP - Portable North Pole is the place to go. In my mind, Santa symbolizes joy and love, so how better to make children feel so completely special than to know that he cares about each and every one of them individually?

Considering how excited my kids have been over their videos from Santa ("Again! I want to watch it again!"), I can understand why people return to the PNP year after year. What a great tradition!

If you want to thrill the lucky child in your life with a personalized message from Santa Claus this year, head over to PortableNorthPole.com (and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter) and take a look at their full line of options. Videos, phone calls, gifts... help keep the magic alive today!

I was provided with PNP product to facilitate this post, however, all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own. This review is solely my opinion of this site, their products, and the magic of Santa Claus.

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