Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Getting Life Organized with a Brother P-Touch Label Maker

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If there is a word that I would like to hear much less of around our house in 2013, it would have to be stuff.

As in, Who's stuff is this? and Did you move my stuff? and Did you put stuff away like I asked? and What the heck is all this stuff? and many more.

Why does it seem like no matter how much time I spend trying to straighten, organize and put things away, that 30 minutes later there I am staring at a pile of my kids' school papers on the countertop, tripping over toys in their playroom or digging through clutter looking for the particular cord, charger or keys that I need?

While I have typically felt overwhelmed by the thought of getting our home organized, I know that if all of our items, big or small, had a defined place to be that it would relieve a lot of the stress that occurs. If we all knew where things belonged, then we wouldn't find ourselves frustrated and angry that we can't find them without a lot of hassle and grumbling.

Fortunately, I'm looking forward to heading into 2013 with less struggle, disorder and stress thanks to the organization, structure and management provided by Brother P-Touch Labeling Systems.

Brother P-Touch

Whether handheld, desktop, connected to the PC or more, Brother P-Touch Labelers are just the thing to tackle large or small projects and help keep life in order. Whether your family is getting ready to move, preparing for a new baby, renovating the kitchen or many more, Brother makes it simple to identify specific boxes, files, bins and cabinets for your belongings.

For me, the sheer mind-boggling amount of clutter and disorganization in our kitchen and playroom have had me at my tipping point for quite a while. I love that my daughters have plenty of toys to play with and I appreciate beyond words how much more functional our kitchen is since we remodeled it a year ago, but after this past holiday season, I can't take it anymore.

Why is nothing ever put away? Why can't we ever find anything without spending far too long angrily digging for it?

With the arrival of the Brother PT-H100 Labeler, however, things around here are going to change.

PT-H100 labeler

With its one-touch formatting keys and array of pre-designed labels, getting organized just got easier with the PT-H100. This handheld labeler is durable, portable and takes only seconds to print out any number of labels for indoor or outdoor use. I can't wait to put it to work!

In the kitchen, I'm focusing specifically on the open shelving area that has turned into a catchall for clutter. This shelf houses just about every cord, charger, battery, plug, case and gadget around, so this labeler is going to be perfect to get them all sorted and ordered!

shelf disorganization

As for the playroom, we've already taken the initial steps by going through and removing bin after bin of toys that the girls have outgrown. Why were there still baby toys in a room used by a 4- and 6-year-old?

Next up, the PT-H100 will go to work labeling colored bins so that toys can not only stay connected with all of their parts, but so that they can end up back on the shelf in an orderly fashion. Instead of walking into the room and seeing things aimlessly stuffed in wherever they fit like this...

toy shelf

...and this...

messy toys's my goal to have a place for everything and everything in its place!

Stay tuned in a few weeks to see how my organization efforts have paid off and just how well the Brother P-Touch PT-H100 Label Maker has helped conquer our disarray.

You can also check in on the Brother-P-Touch Facebook tab to find out why others agree that now is the right time to get organized and how they too are using high quality Brother P-Touch products in their quest!

I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Brother P-Touch and received a product sample to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.


  1. a label maker could help out my business

  2. I wonder...

    If I put labels up, do you think my family would actually pay attention to them? LOL We need some serious organization in our house, and this might just be the way to do it! Let me know how it works for you.

  3. I have one and use it all the time. It sure makes all my files look so organized.

  4. I keep meaning to get a labeler, but never find the time because of all my STUFF!

  5. I am certainly not the best organizer at home I'm sure this would be helpful.

  6. I'd LOVE this for my house!!! This would be so fantastic for us because, like your family, we have too much 'stuff'!

  7. i would love to own one of those

  8. Wow there is so much I need to organize and this would really come in handy!

  9. i love the idea of one of these. my only question -- is this one of those things where the printer is inexpensive but the tape costs a lot?

  10. I love to label things,especially when they are small, such as craft things. Small things like Embellishments for cardmaking, such as charms,beads and buttons.

  11. A lable printer is great...and you have given me a few ideas I had not thoght of before.

  12. This is so much nicer than the old ones that punch your letters into the tape...I have to see about this one

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

  13. looks like this is an easy one to use and much more sophisticated than the old ones. I need one!

  14. The Brother P-Touch Label Maker looks like it's easy to use and fits the hand with the right ergonomics. Being inside in this cold weather is a good time to organize and put labels on boxes to know what's located in them.

  15. I really need one of these for my business.
