Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Phase 4 Films Family Movie Night: The Jungle Book and Horrid Henry {Review}

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Along with phrases such as Can we have a treat? and But I'm still playing with it! Big Sister E and Little Sister B can often be found asking When's our next movie night?

Although they might not happen every week, we love the family togetherness of all four of us snuggling up on the couch to watch something entertaining and fun.

Being able to pause the show whenever someone needs to go to the bathroom or someone else is just getting too antsy (which usually indicates we need to take a little break and make some popcorn) works out well for our younger attendees and the night usually ends up one big hug-fest... with some buttery fingers mixed in.

movie night popcorn

Most recently, our movie nights have been even more exciting than usual thanks to the arrival of a fun (and tasty) collection of supplies from Phase 4 Films.

movie night supplies

Just add a comfortable seat and a warm blanket and what more could you need?

We kicked off our kaboom! Entertainment movie night endeavors (kaboom! is the dedicated kids and family label for Phase 4 Films) with The Jungle Book The Movie: Rumble in the Jungle.

Jungle Book DVD

With a running time of only 62 minutes, The Jungle Book The Movie: Rumble in the Jungle is a family-friendly, action-packed film focusing on Mowgli living in the jungle with the animals.

From the evil Shere Khan using his sidekick Tabaqui in his attempts to catch his next meal, to Mowgli setting out to prove that he belongs in the pack just as much as the wolves, to Baloo imparting his endless wisdom to all, this feature film kept the girls riveted from beginning to end.

As both girls weren't familiar with the concept of The Jungle Book, they were initially confused at the concept of a human living with the animals (The animals don't know that he's a human, right?) but soon were rooting along with Mowgli to succeed in each plot twist.

Jungle Book DVD

By the time the credits rolled, Big Sister E declared that she thought Mowgli and his friends were cool, with Little Sister B agreed that he was nice and that she liked the parts of the movie that were "not scary." I, on the other hand, appreciated that this movie included lots of important lessons throughout — friendship, honor, truthfulness, trust and family — that I'm always happy to have reinforced with my kids!

Available as a limited edition with two collectible toys for $14.86, The Jungle Book The Movie: Rumble in the Jungle can be found exclusively at Walmart stores in the U.S. and Canada now (the DVD will release nationwide in May, 2013).

The Jungle Book The Movie

After the success of our first kaboom! Entertainment movie night, the girls were more than ready to grab another bowl of popcorn and get comfy the following weekend to watch Horrid Henry: The Movie.

Horrid Henry the movie DVD

Based on Francesca Simon's popular children's book series of the same name, Horrid Henry: The Movie caught my girls' attention right away due to the packaging. What kid wouldn't be immediately interested in the limited edition official Horrid Henry slime pack?

Horrid Henry the movie

However, as we haven't read the Horrid Henry books, I do have to admit that my family was slightly befuddled by some of the plot lines.

The story revolves around Henry, a boy who has a tendency to find trouble in pretty much every aspect of life... a stark contrast to his polite, perfectly-behaved younger brother. When Henry fails to hand in his homework for the umpteenth time, he inadvertently sets off an unexpected and curious chain of events and surprises.

From causing the firing of his eccentric teacher (played by Angelica Huston) to outwitting corrupt School Inspectors to forming an unlikely alliance with his infuriating neighbor, Moody Margaret, to win a talent contest, Horrid Henry's crazy antics take all sorts of creative and outrageous twists and turns.

Horrid Henry

When Horrid Henry: The Movie ended with Henry managing to save the very school which he had always professed to hate, we were appreciative for the happy ending and the focus on the importance of friendship and following your dreams... but again, we were still slightly confused.

Fortunately, we were able to lend this movie to friends who love the Horrid Henry books to get a different perspective and they loved it! According to their opinion, this adaptation of the books does a great job bringing the large cast of characters to life and keeping with the humor and fun that the written words present. So, if you are fans of Horrid Henry in your home already, this movie will surely bring a lot of laughs!

Available exclusively at Walmart stores in the U.S. for $14.86, Horrid Henry: The Movie is rated PG and has a running time of 93 minutes.

Find out more about both of these great family movies by visiting Phase4Films.com and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with all of the latest and greatest films.

As a Phase 4 Films Blogger Ambassador, I have received products and compensation from Phase 4 Films in order to facilitate and thank me for my review. However, as always, all thoughts and opinions expressed are honest and my own.


  1. I definitely think I'd prefer the Jungle Book movie as opposed to Horrid Henry. Just the name of the Henry movie alone would turn me from it.

  2. Air popped organic popcorn is the best way to snack during a movie fest. Jungle Book would by my choice.

    slehan at juno dot com

  3. I'd never heard of Horrid Henry! It looks cute, but I have to admit, I'm a little afraid of that slime pack coming into my home. You're a braver woman than I. :)

  4. looks like a fun thing!

  5. I love movie night. I love popcorn.

  6. glad you had a great movie night

  7. I loved the original Jungle Book. I love how the girls are enjoying their popcorn. That is the snack of choice at our house on movie nights too.

  8. looks like they had fun

    knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

  9. Oh an air popper...love them but don't have one. This movie looks great. Love the green slime.

  10. Family movie nights always seem to be fun for kids, I do know that I always looked forward to them. Your girls must be thrilled with having fresh popcorn! The slime packet that comes with the Horrid Henry movie would probably be really intriguing to me as well! I'm not familiar with Horrid Henry either, so the plot does sound a bit unusual. Glad your girls enjoyed The Jungle Book though!

  11. I bet my son would love The Jungle Book! I forgot that they had a newer one than the one we watched as kids.

  12. Oh, the popcorn maker, just what I need for family night!
