Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wow Your Guests with Cool Summer Desserts from Kraft {Brownie Trifle Recipe}

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Although sometimes I think that fall is my favorite season, this year spring is truly giving it a run for its money. After the long, cold winter here in the Midwest, to be able to wear flip-flops, t-shirts and finally put away the snow boots almost feels like a dream.

Not to mention that seeing our calendar fill up with social outings such as cookouts, picnics and potlucks always manages to put a smile on my face. What's better than relaxing with friends and family while sipping a glass of punch or munching or s'mores?

For me, I always enjoy contributing a dish that is not only tasty, but is also... impressive. Admit it, a few oohs and aahs are just the thing to boost your ego, particularly when you're someone like me who isn't always so confident in the kitchen.

This is why I know that I can always turn to a surefire summer dessert, my Chocolate Brownie Trifle.

Chocolate Brownie Trifle

This recipe made its way to me from my mother-in-law, who received it from my brother-in-law's mom (got all that?) and it includes all of the aspects that I love when it comes to whipping up amazing potluck desserts: simple to make, easily customizable, absolutely delicious and gives the appearance that I am an expert in the kitchen.

brownie trifle ingredients

Chocolate Brownie Trifle


1 package brownie mix
1 (3oz) package of JELL-O Instant Chocolate Pudding (or two 1.4oz packages)
1 container COOL WHIP
BAKER'S German's Sweet Chocolate Bar (chopped into small pieces)
BAKER'S White Chocolate (chopped into small pieces)


Bake brownies per instructions in a 9x13" pan and cool. While brownies are baking, mix JELL-O Instant Chocolate Pudding according to directions and leave to set.

After cooling, cut brownies into small squares and layer half of the pan in the bottom of a footed trifle bowl.

brownie recipe

Spread half of the pudding over the brownies.

chocolate pudding

Sprinkle a layer of BAKER'S German's Sweet Chocolate and White Chocolate pieces on top of the pudding.

chocolate topping

Spread half of the container of COOL WHIP evenly over the chocolate pieces.

Cool Whip topping

Repeat layers a second time and garnish final layer of COOL WHIP with chocolate curls or dusting of BAKER'S German Chocolate. Enjoy right away or refrigerate for later!

Chocolate Brownie Trifle recipe

This recipe is so easy to put together and can completely be changed to suit your (or your guests') tastes. Like nuts? Add them in! Want more of a crunch? Instead of using BAKER'S Chocolate, replace that layer with your favorite candy bar chopped into pieces! Want something to break up the chocolate? Add in a layer of sliced strawberries or bananas!

The options are truly endless and the result is always delectable!

brownie trifle recipe

Are you feeling the spring spirit? Whether you are inspired to create (or adapt) your own new recipes or want to have fun browsing the large number available at, it is easy to find a whole plethora of snack, meal or dessert ideas that are creative, delicious, fun and perfect for spring and summer.

This post is a part of a partnered campaign with Kraft Foods, however, all thoughts and opinions shared are honest and my own.


  1. I'd have to make part in a big bowl to take and another small one to eat RIGHT AWAY! Looks great.

    slehan at juno dot com

  2. Looks positively sinful and oh how I like to sin that way!

  3. This is definitely something I am going to be making for my family at my next BBQ - it looks yummy and delicious and it is EASY!!

  4. I am a chocoholic and this trifle has me drooling.what I wouldn't give for a piece right now great receipt I am gling to make it.

  5. Oh my goodness looks beautiful!!! Love your trifle dish, too!

  6. Wow, I have never tried a Brownie Trifle. But, I sure want to now! This looks awesome!

  7. OMG - this is sinful on the eyes! I'll have to share it at the next potluck!

  8. yummy, this looks delicious!! definitely a great party food!

  9. That looks amazing! Like...dunk my face in it and eat the whole thing good. Which is why I will never be able to cook it. :)

  10. this looks so yummy! will be a great dessert to make for the summer!

  11. I love recipes that are easy to prepare but still wow guest. This looks delicious!

  12. This looks amazing! Whats better than chocolate layered with chocolate???

  13. yummie - so good! I'd luv to make this, so simple yet so appealing!

  14. I love light fluffy desserts in summer like this one. Cool and whipped and chocolaty love! Gonna whip this up this weekend I think. So easy fun and tasty.

  15. Ooooh this looks delicious! Just pinned it!

  16. wow, such chocolatey goodness! This sounds delicious, and I may throw in a few banana slices and pretend it's nutritious, too.

  17. This would definitely be a hit! I am going to make it for a party. I happen to love anything with Cool Whip in it. Thanks!

  18. Now this is my kind of recipe. Only 5 ingredients. Some how I would add caramel to it.

  19. This looks delicious and so pretty in the glass bowl.

  20. this has everything you would dream about combined into one! It reminds me of the cake my mom would get for my birthday, it was a special treat! How great to be able to make this, and a good size, too! for a fraction of what it would cost at a bakery - and more tasty, too!

  21. Wow, that looks so delicious!! I wish I had that in front of me right now.

  22. love that you used brownies instead of cake!

    knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

  23. It would be hard to not start eating this right away. The dusting of chocolate on the top looks really nice.
