Friday, June 7, 2013

Kraft Quick & Easy Recipes for Summer {Truffle Berry Pie Recipe}

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Oh, summer. 

After yearning for your arrival for the past eight long months, now that you're here I feel like I can't bask in your glory (and warmth) enough. I want to spend long hours watching my kids play at the park, go on sunset walks as a family, marvel at the magic of fireflies, sit out on the deck laughing with friends, relax in our hammock with a good book, and much, much more.

Truly, summertime means spending quality time doing what you love with the ones you love. And nowhere in that description does spend forever standing in the kitchen cooking or slave over long, complicated recipes fit into the mix.

Nope, summer is about finding the tastiest and easiest salad recipes, BBQ recipes, 4th of July recipes and more and being able to throw them together without spending any extra valuable minutes in the kitchen.

When it comes to desserts (because with me, it always comes to desserts), I love being able to pull together something that includes the delicious fresh fruits of the season with my true love, chocolate. That's why now is the perfect time to whip up a favorite recipe passed to me from a friend, the quick and delectable Truffle Berry Pie.

Truffle Berry Pie recipe

Is there anything that screams summer more than juicy berries and tasty chocolate? I'm telling you, this cheesecake-esque fruity dessert is just so easy to make and just so yummy to eat!

Truffle Berry Pie


1 refrigerated/frozen pie crust (or make your own from scratch)
1 cup semisweet chocolate pieces
1 tablespoon butter
1 8-ounce package of PHILADELPHIA Original Cream Cheese, softened
¼ cup powdered sugar
1 pint whole strawberries, rinsed and stems removed
1 cup mixed berries, such as blueberries and raspberries
½ cup COOL WHIP Whipped Topping

summer pie recipe


Bake pie crust according to directions; set aside.

In a saucepan combine the chocolate and butter, heat and stir over medium-low heat until melted. Add the cream cheese and continue to heat and stir until combined. Remove from heat and stir in the powdered sugar. Spread in baked crust.

chocolate pie

Arrange strawberries and mixed berries atop the filling, placing strawberries stem ends down. Cover; chill for 4 hours.

chocolate berry pie

Let pie stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving. Spoon COOL WHIP Whipped Topping into the center of pie and slice to serve.

chocolate berries pie

Whether you are bringing this to a potluck or serving it at your backyard BBQ, your family and friends will take one bite and think that this is a complicated, time-consuming dish. Telling them that you spent only a few minutes preparing strawberries and melting chocolate and cream cheese... well, that's up to you!

This summer, be sure to browse the large number of recipes available at to find a huge selection of snack, meal or dessert ideas that are creative, delicious, fun and perfect for a tasty, carefree summer.

This post is a part of a partnered campaign with Kraft Foods, however, all thoughts and opinions shared are honest and my own.


  1. Oh, berries and chocolate! Now that is a winning combination. Yum!

  2. yummy.. looks somewhat healthy too :) only way my hubby will eat fruit!

  3. That looks so delicious. and as a diabetic I can make it with sugar free pudding. Thank you!

  4. makes me soooo ready for summer!! Bring on the berry pie!

  5. I love chocolate covered strawberries. I bet this would be great.

  6. Oh this looks so good! I will have to make this at our next cookout! Yum!

  7. That would be a big hit at summer BBQs. Thanks for the recipe.

  8. This looks SO good ... and easy ... two of my favorite things when it comes to baking! Going right on my weekend dessert list! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Oh man this looks delicious!!

  10. OMG that is just sinful looking! I am going to have to get my sister to make it for me.

  11. MMM this looks perfect. I could enjoy a piece and even make it lower in fat by switching a few things. YUM!

  12. I'm laughing at Nichol and her constant need to health-ify things. lol Anyhow, that looks delicious as is and it would be the BEST when local fresh fruit is in season! Mmmmm.

  13. you can tell this would be hit with everyone - ppl wanting a little decadence, and those wanting their fruit! What a cool recipe!! I love!

  14. This pie just screams summertime! Looks and sounds so delicious...thanks for sharing it!

  15. Does this ever look good! I'm not much of a baker but I think even I could make this.

  16. I love this pie and it looks so pretty and tasty. I might make a lower sugar version and use some homemade ingredients. This is a great easy fun recipe with fruit and chocolate... a winning combo for sure.

  17. My favorite ingredients are in this recipe. I will make this for our next BBQ which is this coming Saturday. Thank you!!!

  18. OH my! I want that in my belly now!

  19. I made this for a garden party I went to today, it was a big hit! Thanks for sharing. =)

  20. It's almost not fair that something that looks so rich could be so simple to make. It's on my list for this summer, for sure (although I'll skip the Cool Whip). I bet it would be good with a graham-cracker crust, too. Thanks for the recipe!

  21. How lovely! It's a very berry cheesecake type pie that my whole family would love. Thanks for the instructions and photos!

  22. This is going on my make next weekend list. (my two favorites, chocolate and berries)

  23. Love the combination of berries and chocolate! I usually stay away from regular pie crust, but this would probably taste good in a graham cracker or vanilla wafer crust as well.

  24. This looks fabulous! I wonder how it would taste with Brownies for the crust?!??!

  25. I am soooooooooo making this this weekend!!

  26. ooooooh, that looks good enough to be illegal!!

  27. This looks so good and SO EASY! I'm not usually a dessert maker but I may have to try this one.

  28. This looks so yummy and its pretty healthy.The berries would look great on a 4th of July bbq.
    Jessica Cox

  29. That looks really good! I bet it would be yummy with white chocolate too!

  30. WOW - does that sound so good - I will have to try this. I love chocolate (you had me at chocolate, by the way) and then I also love berries - or at least all the ones you have listed, so I will have to try this soon, thanks for the tip!

  31. I made the pie for our family's BBQ and everyone raved about it. Thank you so much for sharing this delicious and easy recipe.

  32. This looks great! I love the berries and choco combo!

  33. I am making this tonight! Looks delicious and easy.

  34. Oh, this looks so good and delicious. This is on my list of things to make ASAP.

  35. Oh that looks good.... looks like it would be so nice and refreshing!

  36. YUM!! This is a wonderful recipe, just the thing for a hot summer day. Thank you for posting this, fast and easy I can't wait to try it!!

  37. love the combination of fruit and chocolate.

    knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com
