Wednesday, June 12, 2013

VTech CareLine Home Telephone and Personal Communication System {Review}

VTech logo
Although you can stock up on all sorts of advice and information before you have children, I'm a firm believer that you just can never fully understand the scope of parenthood until you have a baby of your own.

From the sleepless exhaustion to the my-heart-might-explode-with-love adoration that you feel, once that child is in the world, your life is never the same.

Therefore, now that I've been a mother for nearly seven years, I can see how my view of my own mother has changed. Everything that she did, all of the choices that she made, all of the free time she gave up and the money that she spent... so how can I not want to do everything that I can now to thank her and take care of her?

Most recently, I was introduced to a product that I knew would make my mom's life more convenient, comfortable and safe, while giving me a little bit of extra peace of mind as well: the VTech CareLine Home Telephone and Personal Communication System.

VTech CareLine

As one of the world’s largest suppliers of corded and cordless telephones and electronic learning products, VTech designs and manufactures high quality products that span across the globe. Founded in 1976, they offer phones that are stylish, technologically-advanced, loaded with features, and at a wide range of prices to fit your budget.

When it comes to features, my mom isn't one who wants (or needs) the latest and greatest that is out there, she wants products that are high quality, dependable and won't end up causing unnecessary hassle or frustration.

Which is why I was looking forward to getting to know the VTech CareLine and seeing how much of a difference it could make in her life.

VTech CareLine system

Right out of the box and, although there were quite a few pieces involved, I could see that there really wasn't much to do in order to get this great phone system up and running.

VTech CareLine phone system

Containing three different devices, the CareLine makes it extremely easy for folks to decide how they want to communicate — whether for everyday conversations or in an emergency.

First, the corded phone.

VTech CareLine corded phone

The large buttons and displays on this phone make it extremely easy to dial, no matter if you have 20/20 vision or need a little extra help.

Even better, I especially love the option of setting four frequently dialed phone numbers and labeling them with a photo. This makes it possible to have one-touch dialing without ever having to wonder which number activates the speed dial to your favorite daughter or your superhero granddaughter.

VTech CareLine photo speed dial

Along with great options such as Caller ID (done by Voice Announce so you can hear who is calling without even looking!) and speakerphone, the corded phone also includes a digital answer system that ensures that the user never has to fuss with tapes when listening to their missed messages.

VTech CareLine answering system

While the corded phone provides the convenience of always knowing exactly where the phone is when it rings, the cordless handset makes it possible to be able to move around the home without being tied to one spot.

VTech CareLine cordless phone

This handset features oversize, lighted buttons for simple dialing and a large screen to make seeing the time or the Caller ID clear and easy.

As a bonus for those who might have a harder time hearing, the cordless handset also includes Audio Assist to temporarily boost up the volume while on a call. No more plugging your free ear or asking the person on the line to speak up, simply get the sound boost that you need!

VTech CareLine audio assist

Finally, the addition to the CareLine System that I really appreciate, this phone also includes a portable safety pendant that can be worn around the neck or clipped to a waistband for the most mobility at home.

VTech CareLine pendant

This innovative pendant allows up the programming of up to two numbers to make calling for help or connecting with family a breeze no matter if you are out in the garden, sitting in the den, or reading in bed. Simply set each button to an important number and the user then has access to one-button or voice-activated dialing wherever and whenever they need it.

Plus, by using the single button on the front of the pendant, users can actually answer calls (right to speakerphone) without ever having to get up or move from their location. Never rush to go answer the phone again when it is right there around your neck!

Even better, unlike other safety pendants, the CareLine pendant doesn't require a subscription to a third party so there is no worry about using it as often as you want without racking up monthly monitoring fees.

VTech CareLine pendant phone

All in all, the simplicity, ease of use, high quality, and durability of this phone system can allow for less worry about everything from missing a call to losing a message to mis-dialing to falling and needing immediate help. Add to that the unique and very user-friendly way that the entire set is designed, and I can rest easy that my mom will have a reliable home phone and a personal safety system in one.

Retailing for $119.95 from (or 15% less on, the 3-piece CareLine Home Telephone and Personal Communication System can be expanded to up to 12 devices (cordless handsets or pendants) while still using only the one original phone jack.

If you have a senior citizen in your life that wants to stay in touch while staying independent at home or if you just want the easy of being able to answer the phone while it hangs on a pendant around your neck (I want that aspect for ME!), then visit VTech to find out more if the CareLine System will work for you. You can also stay connected with them on Facebook and Twitter to never miss the latest and greatest that they have to offer.

Other than the VTech CareLine System that I was provided in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This post is solely my honest opinion about this product.


  1. Wow these look super nice. We don't have a home phone right now but I think we'll get one when we move. My favorite (of course) is the picture speed dial! How cool is that.

  2. This looks like a product I should buy for my 89 year old mother. She would appreciate all the functions.

  3. I like the large buttons and the portable piece. I like all the functions.

    slehan at juno dot com

  4. This is great information about this phone. My aunt is in a nursing home for a short stay and this is perfect for her to have when she comes home just incase something happens!Thanks for this great review

  5. I like that you can put pictures on it to see who the button belongs to.

    slehan at juno dot com

  6. I have been looking for a new phone as ours will not hold a charge. I like this one and thanks for the review.

  7. I love that you can post pictures on the 4 speeddials. This would be great for kids in case of emergency - they can call someone designated to help or 911. Even if they can't read, they can see the photo and know it's the right button to press to call the right person. What a great idea.

  8. I really love this system! My mom just had a internal defibrillator put in after having major heart problems & could really use this system in an emergency.

  9. I appreciate that the system seems to account for any emergency situation, especially with the pendant. Those can be a life saver!

  10. This seems like a great phone system. I would definitely consider it if we got a landline.

  11. that is a pretty impressive phone system!

    knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com
