Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Celebrate Summer with a Bomb Pop Party! {#BombPop}

Bomb Pop logo
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Bomb Pop. I received product samples, a party kit, and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Due to the crazy summer weather we've had here in the Midwest, it has made us all the more excited to get outside and enjoy the days with beautiful temps even more. It's not raining? Get outside on the trampoline while you can! It's not 95°? Throw on some shoes, we're going for a walk!

One more surefire way to put a smile on our faces on a hot summer day? By pulling out an ice cold tasty treat, of course!

For more than 50 years, kids and adults have enjoyed the sweet, frozen blast of fruit flavor in the classic red, white and blue Bomb Pop and my family is no exception. Is there anyone that can turn down this iconic and delicious treat?

Bomb Pops

I've been a big fan of the Bomb Pop brand for as long as I can remember, so hearing that they have introduced two new flavors into their lineup is something that I knew my kids would love to hear as well.

That's right, in addition to the beloved Original and Original Sugar Free Bomb Pop, Hawaiian Punch and Sour Wower have joined the Bomb Pop family so that now you can enjoy your favorite Hawaiian Punch fruity flavors or pucker up for some serious sourness.

This calls for a celebration... Bomb Pop-style!

Bomb Pop Party

Turning a regular playdate into a Bomb Pop Party wasn't difficult thanks to the variety of Bomp Pop ice pops, Bomb Pop keychains, a Bomb Pop beanbag toss game and Bomb Pop baseballs (Bomb Pop is an official sponsor of Little League Baseball and Softball!) that we received.

All that was left was to get together with some of our favorite friends, set up our activities, and enjoy an afternoon filled with tasty treats, laughter and outdoor fun!

Bomb Pop baseball

While the kids had a great time tossing the baseballs and beanbags, the excitement was turned up a notch even more as they took turns playing with a stomp rocket...

stomp rocket

...before the draw of the Bomb Pops was too strong. It was time to dig in!

Allowing each child (and adult) to choose their own flavor, I was happy to see a mix of the Original, Hawaiian Punch and Sour Wower be a part of our taste testing. It was time to dig (i.e. lick) in!

Bomb Pop review

Each of the flavors was a big hit with the whole group, with nods to the sweetness of the Original and Hawaiian Punch and a few scrunched, sour faces at the Sour Wower. Each one was a win!

Bomb Pop flavors

While I've always believed that you can't go wrong with a Bomb Pop, the huge variety of flavors (there are at least a dozen different kinds!) truly ensures that, no matter what your preference, you'll find a cool and refreshing treat that your taste buds will enjoy. If there is a better way to enjoy a summer day than being outside with a Bomb Pop, I'm not sure I've found it yet!

Find out much more about all that Bomb Pop has to offer by visiting with them at and connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter. Be sure to keep an eye out for many of the delicious Bomb Pop flavors at retailers nationwide for a suggested retail price of $2.99 for a box of 12 pops.


  1. How fun. I guess I didn't realize how many different varieties there were. I was just a traditionalist, I guess I'll have to venture out of the comfort zone!

  2. What a great party! Looks like all the kids had a blast :)

  3. The party looks like lots of fun! And the Hawaiian Punch flavored one looks delish.. may have to try it!

  4. that was my favorite summer treat growing up

    knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com
