Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Have a Tasty Halloween with General Mills Retro Monster Cereals {Target Gift Card Prize Pack Giveaway}

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For me, the process of decorating, cooking and preparing for Halloween tends to fall into my Aspirations category.

Meaning that, unlike Christmas, where I actually get out the decorations and bake the cookies, my Halloween bin usually stays in the basement unopened (next to my Easter bin) until it seems like far too late to make taking anything out worth it.

Someday, right?

This year, however, General Mills and Target have made it easy to get ready for Halloween even before all the ghosts, goblins, and monsters come to the door thanks to their exclusive Retro Monster Cereals!

Monster cereals

How cute are these boxes of tasty cereals? Available exclusively at Target, these colorful boxes not only include the fun retro packaging, but also re-introduce two throwback flavors: Fruity Yummy Mummy and Frute Brute!

My kids definitely couldn't wait to get into the Halloween spirit with these bright, tasty varieties!

General Mills retro cereals

Having never tried these before, the entire family was not at all disappointed in the sweet flavor and the yummy crunch!

General Mills retro cereal

But wait, there's more!

As an extra incentive to head over to Target and pick up these Monster Cereals, when you purchase any three boxes in a single shopping trip (until October 31, 2013), you'll receive a FREE copy of Monster Bash magazine.

For someone like me who could use the added push to get on the ball with Halloween, Monster Bash includes recipes, tips and tricks for planning the creepiest, scariest, spookiest, most fun Halloween ever!

Monster Bash magazine

Find out more about how to get your Halloween howling with this great deal by visiting, where you will also be able to take advantage of promotions, coupons, recipes and more. Then be sure to head to your nearest Target to pick up these spooky (and yummy!) retro cereals this month!

And, thanks to the generosity of General Mills, one person will be even more prepared to go shopping for Halloween supplies, because...

One lucky person will win a $25 Target Gift Card and
(3) boxes of General Mills Monster Cereals in retro packaging!


Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.


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Meaghan F. said...

My favorite is rice chex.

Susan Christy said...

My favorite cereal is Grape Nuts.

Unknown said...

my favorite is golden grahams - my kids will inhale these cereals - LOL

latanya t said...

lucky charms

Unknown said...

Count Chocula is my favorite!

Rebecca Orr said...

I like raisin bran or something with granola. My kids would like to try these cereals. We have never bought them.

Chris said...

My favorite cereal is Special K.

Jessyca said...

I love Special K with Red Berries. Thanks for the chance.

Regan said...

I like frosted mini wheats

TheAtticGirl said...

we love cheerios

LesleyfromWI said...

Lucky Charms

Jillian Too said...

My favorite cereal is Cheerios but I would like to try the Frute Brute.

DesiredOne said...

My favorite cereal is Special K

DesiredOne said...

My favorite cereal is Special K

Unknown said...

Boo Berry! :)

jamieandandre at charter dot net

ava_ann2001 said...

The Boo Berry!!!! So glad to see these again.

Unknown said...

my favorite is special k with strawberries, and my children's favorite is boo berry, thank you!

Julie said...

i love Lucky charms

hebb dot julie at gmail dot com

Brittney said...

boo berry

Unknown said...

I like Captain Crunches all berries cereal and Cinnamon toast crunches french toast. Also chocolate pebbles is also in the running for my favorite.

Kristen said...

My favorite is Honey Nut Cheerios.

Victoria Nyquist said...

My favorite cereal is Berry Berry Kix or lucky charms! :)

Maryea said...

Honey bunches of oats with almonds

MissKate126 said...

Frosted mini-wheats

hoeyhooper said...

I love frosted mini wheats

wen budro said...

My fave is the froot loops with mini marshmallows but it's hard to find.

Anonymous said...

My favorite cereal is raisin bran.

Mike Bratek said...

Total raisin bran or Cheerios Multi-grain cereal. Its a great start to your day!

wildcat32 said...

My favorite is Frosted Flakes.

Unknown said...

My favorite cereal of all time is Golden Grahams :)

Pixie said...

Quaker oatmeal

Unknown said...

Boo Berry is my favorite!

LWood said...

Lucky Charms

price21100 said...

I love Frosted Flakes!

Tiffani P. said...

I like Count Chocula. I'm gonna have to make a trip to target to pick up a few boxes.

Unknown said...

Cinnamon Toast Crunch has always been at the top of my list!

mogrill said...

I like Lucky Charms.Thanks for the chance.

Tiffany Schmidt said...

Mine is Honey Nut Cheerios, the kids love fruit loops.

Candace M. said...

boo berry

Kris B said...

Lucky Charms!

Unknown said...

Lucky Charms are my fave.

Rebecca W. said...

My favorite cereal is Raisin Nut Bran.

Unknown said...

My favorite cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios

Mari said...

I know it is crazy but we are Cherios fans here. The multi grain are our favorites. The dog goes crazy when the cherios box comes out.

Rebecca said...

corn chex!

Anonymous said...

captain crunch!

Mrs. R said...

I like Fruity Pebbles!

Unknown said...

My fav cereal is cinnamon toast crunch

Barbara Montag said...

Tried the Frute Brute & loved it!
Thank you.

Barbara Montag said...

GFC & Google+ Barbara Montag
Blog Lovin barbaramontag

Elizabeth said...

I like organic stuff like Cascadian Farm raisin bran. :)

Unknown said...

My all-time favorite cereal is Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds. But I love cereal in general and have tons of faves! :)

Priscilla S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Priscilla S. said...

Count Chocula… you can never go wrong with chocolate!

Anonymous said...

Lucky Charms! I'm still a big kid at heart!

MamaHen said...

Honey nut cheerios

desdun31 said...

I love Cheerios and Boo Berry.

Desiree Dunbar

Jessica Cote said...

Lucky Charms!

Cop-MonsteR said...

My favorite cereal is Kashi. I will pretty much eat any flavor of this.

Kaila said...

I love Golden Grahams

Julie Waldron said...

My favorite cereal is Chocolate Cheerios

Unknown said...

lucky charmes

Jessica said...

I like Boo Berry

Unknown said...

I love Lucky Charms.

sohamolina said...


bless their hearts mom said...

grapenuts, but it was boo berry as a kid

Brenda said...

Cinnamon toast crunch is my favorite!

bettycd said...

my fave cereal has been Honey nut cheerios for many a year.

jlafount said...

I'd go with Cap'n Crunch with crunchberries

Courtnie said...

Lucky Charms are my favorite.

Crystal said...

My favorite is Honey Nut Cheerios, but I'd like to try Yummy Mummy!
CrystalW07 (at)

Rusti Michael said...

My all time favorite cereal is raisin bran.

Ryan said...

I like Life.

Unknown said...

Peanut Butter Capt'n Crunch

Beth said...

Honey Nut Cheerios

Bettimoe (at) gmail (dot) com

deallieb said...

I love Honey nut Cheerios and Fruity Pebbles!

deallieb said...

I love Honey Cheerios and Fruity Pebbles

Kim said...

I can't do gluten, so I'm thankful for all the Chex cereals. My favorite is the Honey Nut Chex :)

Danielle said...

Cinnamon toast crunch

megan said...


Dave said...

my all time fave I cant resist would be fruit loops

Sylvia said...

we love Frankenberry!

Jmstrunk said...

I love any kind of fruity cereal!

Jennifer Where the Green Grass Grows said...

Captain crunch or pebbles or corn flakes.

April Yedinak said...

My cereal 'favorite' changes with my mood, but of these three, I love Boo Berry.

april yedinak

Unknown said...

I like Count Chocula.

Unknown said...

I love any kind of granola cereal!

dawn keenan (newnameford) said...

Of these, it's Frankenberry. All time favorite, lucky charms.

Unknown said...

My favorite cereal is fruit loops, although I have a lot of close seconds :)

dfraley3 said...

My favorite is Honey Nut Cheerios.

sweetsue said...

I love Raisin Bran, but I would love to try the Yummy Mummy.

April M said...

I like cinnamon heart to heart.

seaburd said...

My favorite cereal is frosted mini wheats

Lana said...

My husband & kids are huge cereal eaters! Their favorite is Cocoa Puffs/ Count Chocula! I prefer oatmeal. :)

Sarah Oswald said...

favorite cereal is peanut butter captain crunch.

Trisha B said...

My favorite General Mills Monster cereal is Boo-Berry!

Unknown said...

cinnamon toast crunch is my fav

slehan said...

Hot oatmeal with fruit added.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

Anonymous said...

Boo Berry!!

Stefany T said...

My favorite cereal is Captain Crunch, even though it cuts up my mouth! haha


lucky charms =)

jenspurg said...

I like the COunt Chocula.

BrunoDogg2 said...

We love Lucky Charms and Frosted Shredded Wheat!

ReviewsSheRote said...

honey nut cheerios...but I do enjoy the Count Chocula once in a while =)

Sandra VanHoey said...

My favorite is honey nut cheerios or lucky charms

Unknown said...

My favorite cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios.

Unknown said...

Cinnamon Chex

mysweetiepiepie said...

Cinnamon Toast Crunch

laurie nykaza said...

Honey Nut Cheerios

virgomomwriter said...

These days my fave is kashi cinnamon

PAIGE said...

My fave is Rice Krispies.

Kelly g said...

I like fruity pebbles

kathy dalton said...

i love captain crunch

sparkedcat said...

We like to eat raisin bran cereal for breakfast.

Unknown said...

boo berry is my favorite

Aleksandra Nearing said...

We're giant fans of Quacker Oats cereal.

danijebo said...

My favorite cereal is Boo berry. It's the best

sd4david said...

I love Lucky Charms!

sd4david said...

I love Lucky Charms!

karmakaytlyn said...

MY favorite monster cereal is Franken Berry!

tina reynolds said...

i love captain crunch

Karen F said...

My favorite cereal is Frosted Flakes.

jcwega27 said...

Lucky charms

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

My favorite cereal is Honey Bunches of Oats.


Thabal said...

Honey nut cheerios are our favorite. Thanks for the giveaway.

thabal628 (at) gmail (dot) com

NewlyCrunchyMamaOf3 said...

I love Cocoa Pebbles!

Jennifer said...

I love Lucky Charms. Husband thinks I'm crazy, or just a sugar addict. :)

Anonymous said...

specil k or honeycomb

4mariemh at gmail dot com

Kerry said...

I love Cocoa Pebbles

Francine Anchondo said...

lucky charms

Unknown said...

Count Chocula is my favorite cereal of the three.

Sara Wood said...

My favorite cereal is honey bunches of oats.

shirley said...

I do like my Cheerios.

Anonymous said...

I have always and will continue to love good old fashion cheerios, yum. Thanks for the giveaway.

Melanie said...

Honey Nut Cheerios with bananas cut up in it!

JC said...

My favorite cereal is Total because of all the vitamins.

BeeCute said...

omg, thank u for this post! Count chocula and Frankenberry are my fave cereals and I have been looking everywhere for them! I have had no luck finding them, so now since I read your post, I'll be heading to Target soon to get some! Yay!!

Anonymous said...

my favorite cereal is the boo berry... i love the taste and the colors

Anonymous said...

my favorite cereal is the boo berry... i love the taste and the colors

Unknown said...

Cinnamon Toast Crunch or honey nut cheerios.

mich0825 said...

Of the cereals offered a favorite would be Booberry & Frankenberry

hhkaufman78 said...

Fruity Pebbles

Lloyd Family said...

i have 2 favorites - frosted flakes & multi-grain cheerios

Jen said...

honey nut cheerios

J.N. said...

I use to eat Count Chocula when I was younger and I loved it!!!

Unknown said...

Cheerios multi grain

Unknown said...


Rebecca Williams said...

Fruit Loops are my favorite!

smarieee said...

I love Honey Nut Cheerios!

Hotsnotty2 said...

Lucky Charms

Starla said...

My favorite is the Count Chocula, but the husband looooves Boo Berry!

Kellie Conklin said...

Honey Nut Cheerios! I never get sick of them! Thanks!

Jennifer Speed said...

my favorite cereal is frosted flakes

hedgerhousehold said...

frosted mini wheats

Becca said...

I love Lucky Charms! They are delicious! Honey chex is a close second!

Brittany said...

The Original Cheerios.

Unknown said...

My favorite is a special edition of a chocolate cereal. Of these cereals, my favorite is Count Chocula.

Run_Free said...

Simply maize

ann said...

I love cinnamon toast crunch. Yum!

ann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
barb said...

I like Cheerios.

Wendy Rozema said...

Cinnamon toast crunch is my favorite!!

Anonymous said...

frosted flakes

Unknown said...

My favorite is Life cereal.

Ellen said...

Lucky Charms is my favorite

Unknown said...

My favorite cereal is Cheerios:)

Unknown said...

I love cereal so its hard for me to choose a favorite- but I guess Cinnamon Life would be one of my top picks :)

dawn keenan (newnameford) said...

Frankenberry is actually my favorite all time.

Unknown said...

Frosted Flakes with bananas

iloveher6923 at yahoo dot com

Sarah said...

My favorite monster cereal is Boo Berry, but I also love Lucky Charms. It must be a marshmallow thing, lol

bac1 said...

boo berry

amanda mclemore said...

I like fruit loops!

Olivia said...

My favorite cereal is granola!

ken ohl said...

lucky charms. thankyou, ken

Unknown said...

I love Lucky Charms

Melanie Montgomery said...

I like the boo berry

saturdaynightfever said...

I want to marry Banana Nut Cheerios!

Becca Ann said...

I like frosted mini wheats

Rachel said...


Unknown said...

I Like the mini wheats.

Unknown said...

capn crunch

Kathy P said...

I love reeses puffs :)

tavernie said...

My favorite cereal is Frosted Flakes!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

Rose Red said...

Boo Berry! Or... cinnamon toast crunch, but it's sooo sugary.

guettel78 said...

My favorite growing up was definitely Count Chocula, but now I love Life Cereal.

Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

ThriftyAnnabella said...

I love Lucky Charms
annabella @ centurytel dot net

Amy said...

Oat bran--I'm an old lady at heart. :)

trichie said...

count chocula

Unknown said...

Fruity pebbles for sugar cereal,I love corn flakes reminds me of my grand parents.

Anonymous said...

My fav is Honey Nut Cheerios

Unknown said...

original Cheerios

maryjaco1 said...

My favorite cereal is Rice Krispies.

annemarie562000 said...

I love Honey Nut Cheerios!


goingnuts2 said...

lucky charms. the best.

susan1215 said...

I like Lucky Charms

tlcfromtn said...


Anonymous said...

I like Boo Berry.

Roxann said...

My favorite is Rice Krispies.

Anonymous said...

My favorite cereal is frosted flakes.

Mia J. said...

I love original Cap'n Crunch.

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