Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Have a Tasty Halloween with General Mills Retro Monster Cereals {Target Gift Card Prize Pack Giveaway}

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For me, the process of decorating, cooking and preparing for Halloween tends to fall into my Aspirations category.

Meaning that, unlike Christmas, where I actually get out the decorations and bake the cookies, my Halloween bin usually stays in the basement unopened (next to my Easter bin) until it seems like far too late to make taking anything out worth it.

Someday, right?

This year, however, General Mills and Target have made it easy to get ready for Halloween even before all the ghosts, goblins, and monsters come to the door thanks to their exclusive Retro Monster Cereals!

Monster cereals

How cute are these boxes of tasty cereals? Available exclusively at Target, these colorful boxes not only include the fun retro packaging, but also re-introduce two throwback flavors: Fruity Yummy Mummy and Frute Brute!

My kids definitely couldn't wait to get into the Halloween spirit with these bright, tasty varieties!

General Mills retro cereals

Having never tried these before, the entire family was not at all disappointed in the sweet flavor and the yummy crunch!

General Mills retro cereal

But wait, there's more!

As an extra incentive to head over to Target and pick up these Monster Cereals, when you purchase any three boxes in a single shopping trip (until October 31, 2013), you'll receive a FREE copy of Monster Bash magazine.

For someone like me who could use the added push to get on the ball with Halloween, Monster Bash includes recipes, tips and tricks for planning the creepiest, scariest, spookiest, most fun Halloween ever!

Monster Bash magazine

Find out more about how to get your Halloween howling with this great deal by visiting, where you will also be able to take advantage of promotions, coupons, recipes and more. Then be sure to head to your nearest Target to pick up these spooky (and yummy!) retro cereals this month!

And, thanks to the generosity of General Mills, one person will be even more prepared to go shopping for Halloween supplies, because...

One lucky person will win a $25 Target Gift Card and
(3) boxes of General Mills Monster Cereals in retro packaging!


Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.


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Angela Ash said...

As a kid my favorite was always Yummy Mummy but now I really like Count Chocula. Other than the retro cereals my favorite is Grape Nuts. I let them sit in milk for a little bit though, otherwise it's like chewing rocks. I like adding them to my yogurt too.

Noelle said...

Granola is our favorite!

Lisa said...

I like cinnamon toast crunch

Unknown said...

My favorite is Fruit Loops
timothyj228 AT gmail DOT com

cman said...

Rice Krispies.

Bo said...

I've always loved Froot Loops.

Unknown said...

I love Special K Red Berries!!

Leslie S. said...

My favorite cereal is golden grahams.

Anonymous said...

cinnamon toast crunch

Anonymous said...

Rice Krispies

blew415 said...

Sugar pops- my treat!

Unknown said...

Count Chocula & Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Unknown said...

Boo Berry

lini said...


jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

i switch around but my top favorites are special k red berries, frosted mini wheats and cheerios

Unknown said...

Count Chocula

Carolyn Daley said...

My favorite regular cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios and my favorite Halloween cereal is Franken Berry.

Unknown said...

My favorite cereal is shredded wheat.

Lily said...

I love Lucky Charms!

Unknown said...

I am lame but I like plain Cherrios. Hits the spot every time.

Anonymous said...

My favorite cereal is Lucky Charms.

callbr549 said...

I like Corn Flakes. :)

Some_Dude_Colin said...

Frankenberry is my fave, we have been stocking up.

Holly said...

CapNCrunch with berries

Jenny Q. said...

My favorite cereal is boo berry and cinnamon toast crunch

Leslie said...

Raisin Bran crunch

Julieh said...

My favorite cereal is count chokula

kat said...

Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Vikki Billings said...

I really like Count chocula, coco puffs and lucky charms.

Unknown said...

I love Boo Berry!

April said...

I love Lucky Charms!

ssgsweeps @hotmail .com

Shayna said...

We love honey nut cheerios :)

Unknown said...

I like boo berry.

mtbears819 said...

HoneyNut Cherrios

Teresa Thompson said...

I love frosted flakes.

Kim Reid said...

My favorite is Honey Bunches of Oats, thanks!

kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Mary Gardner said...

i like count chocula

Unknown said...

Boo Berry is my favorite!! said...

I like Boo Berry!

michedt said...

My favorite cereal is Special K with strawberries.
Michelle Tucker

IcyPinkLemonade said...

My favorite is fruity pebbles and Cinnabon cereal

IcyPinkLemonade said...

Fruity pebbles and Cinnabon cereal

Unknown said...

My favorite kind of cereal is the Crispix. I love the unique blend of rice and corn in every bite. I add a little sugar to the cereal and milk. It is so good. I wish they still made it. I cannot find it in my local stores at all.

bbrittbrat1398 said...

My favorite cereal is Lucky Charms!
Brittney House (

susansmoaks said...

my favorite cereal is honey nut cheerios
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My favorite is Captain Crunch Berries.

Deb S. said...

My favorite is Lucky Charms.

Unknown said...

I love Rice Krispies!

penniespinched AT gmail DOT com

Jim said...

Fruity Pebbles

misterjim74 at gmail dot com

AEKZ2 said...

I love Reese's Puffs

Buddy Garrett said...

Cheerios are my favorite.

rjcqh said...

Special K with strawberries

Evelyn Mayfield said...

We love any and all the Cheerios varieties, and anything with cinnamon...but would love reminiscing with these oldies but goodies...

SandySue210 said...

Nothing fancy any more - just good old corn flakes!

Allison said...

i always love multigrain cheerios for breakfast! thanks for the chances to win.

*Dusty* said...

My favorite cereal is Corn Pops.

candy said...

mine is lucky charms wilcarvic


I have two favorite! Lucky Charms & Chocolate Pebbles!

Tamara said...

We like the Boo Berry.
Thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway!

Sue Hull said...

My fave cereal is Multigrain Cheerios.Thank you :)

Nine said...

Count Chocula is the best. lexbaylor27 at gmail dot com

dv8 said...

I like Cookie Crisp.

dv8 said...

I like Cookie Crisp.

Unknown said...

I love Count Chocula; Cinnamon Life is probably my favorite, though.

Unknown said...

Frankenberry was my favorite as a kid but now i like raisin bran

/\Heather/\ said...

It really depends on my mood. Raisin Bran, Boo Berry, Peanut Butter Crunch. Yum to cereal in general...

lmurley2000 said...

I like the boo-berry

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway… Cheerios !

barblong said...

My favorite cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios.

Unknown said...

I love the Lucky Charms :)

lilyk said...

I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch!

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