Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sweeten Up Your Halloween with Starburst Candy Corn {#StarburstCandyCorn}

Starburst Candy Corn logo
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Starburst. I received product samples to facilitate my review and promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Although I'm always extremely happy to see spring arrive each year (mainly because it marks the end of another cold Midwest winter), I'm fairly certain that fall is my favorite time of year... with October leading the way as the best month.

What is there to not like about October? The craziness of back-to-school has died down, the leaves change to amazingly gorgeous colors, and things like apple pie, pumpkin picking, hayrides and pumpkin spice lattes are everywhere you look.

Add in Halloween and how much I enjoy seeing my kids' excitement build over which costume they are going to wear and exactly which path we'll take when we go trick-or-treating, and it's just a winning month from start to finish.

The only aspect that I've never been thrilled over? Candy corn.

I see that orange, yellow and white candy appear on store shelves and the thought of it makes me cringe. I'm not sure what it is about the flavor that I dislike so much, but every year I see so many cute candy corn Halloween activities and crafts and I wish that I could partake... but, no. I just can't stomach them.

Until now! This year I can finally welcome candy corn into my home (and my fall menu), as it has gotten a major upgrade once Starburst took it under its wing. Instead of the traditional candy corn of years past, now things are fruity and fun with Starburst Candy Corn!

Starburst Candy Corn

Just in time to add a burst of color to fall festivities, Starburst Candy Corn puts a new twist on the Halloween staple. Whether to offer as a sweet treat for your guests, to use for an innovative crafting project, or to decorate your home for the season, Starburst Candy Corn makes for a fun addition to any fall event.

Although my interest was already peaked, once I heard that Tori Spelling had teamed up with Starburst, that sealed the deal. I love me some Tori! Did I want to see her Tasty Tips for Halloween Entertaining, a how-to guide for creating great seasonal craft projects and decorations, all featuring Starburst Candy Corn as the centerpiece? Absolutely! 

Tori Spelling Starburst Candy Corn

Already known as an entertaining guru, mom and TV personality, Tori's Tasty Tips include a variety of adorable (and tasty) activities and projects that would be perfect for a Halloween party.

You can't tell me that your guests wouldn't be incredibly impressed if they arrived and found that you had decorated with your very own handmade Magnificent Mum Balls or Delightful Door Hanger!

Halloween decor

Or maybe you'd rather add small touches of creative Halloween decor around your home instead? Then how about setting your table with some Noteworthy Napkin Rings or displaying your favorite photo in a Perfectly-Pleasing Picture Frame?

Halloween decorations

Knowing that I have only a tiny percentage of Tori's talent with a hot glue gun, I opted to focus on her unique ways to incorporate Starburst Candy Corn into a Halloween menu. Sure, you could put them in bowl and have them out for visitors to snack on, but where's the wow factor in that?

Instead, I saw Tori's Candied Cupcakes and knew that they would be a hit with adults as well as kids. Plus, as it only required three easy steps, I felt pretty confident that I wouldn't end up with disastrous results!

Candied Cupcakes


Starburst Candy Corn
Cupcakes (any flavor)
Icing of your choice


Bake cupcakes in your favorite decorative liner according to package directions, allowing to completely cool.

Ice cupcakes with a large dollop of the icing, spreading evenly across the entire cupcake.

Place a single Starburst Candy Corn piece into the center of the cupcake so the round edge is still exposed. Lay Candy Corn pieces on the cupcake around the center piece with the tips facing inwards.

decorating cupcakes

These couldn't get much easier or cuter!

Tori's Tasty Tip that accompanies these cupcakes reads: Have a sweet treat topped with Starburst Candy Corn to eat! These Candied Cupcakes are not only tasty for your Halloween party guests to enjoy, but are also beautifully designed and can be left out at a dessert bar for a short time to add to the decor of the party. Serve them at your home or give to guests as party favors.

I love when my food displays are attractive as well as tasty, so being able to put these on a plate or stand and have people comment on them before biting into them would be a lot of fun!

flower cupcakes

By taking a classic Halloween candy and giving it an exciting new twist, Starburst's introduction of Starburst Candy Corn is a fun new product that I'll be looking for each fall. They take the same bright, juicy flavors and colors found in Starburst Original fruit chews and combine them with the iconic shape and texture of candy corn — which results in a product that tastes good and makes for a handy craft material!

Starburst Candy Corn is available at retailers nationwide for a limited time through the end of this month, so head out and pick up a bag today so that you can try out your favorite Starburst Candy Corn craft, too!


  1. That is definitely a creative new twist! I love how colorful these treats are. They sound deeeelish. I hope they stay around longer than just the fall too!

  2. I am super excited about starburst candy corn. I was never much of a fan of candy corn but these will be my new favorite halloween candy. I love the idea on decorating with them too.

  3. I share your dislike of candy corn, so am excited to hear about this new variety. Love the picture frame!

  4. This is very cool, I never liked the taste of the original candy corn, but will be buying the new Starburst, and great ideas. thank you

  5. I never liked regular candy corn, but tried these and they are good. The cupcakes are cute, me and my daughter will have to make them.

  6. I can't believe you don't like candy corn!! LOL I cannot get enough of it this time of year. Also love Tori Spelling. :) Your cupcakes look delish!

  7. Oooh, Starburst is my favorite candy, going to have to get these very soon! :)

  8. I like all the different colors and the clever way they use them.

    slehan at juno dot com

  9. I'm with you on regular old candy corn, but I do eat it anyway if I happen to get a sugar craving. But Starburst Candy Corn sounds like I'm going to be trying, for sure! Not only is it cool looking, but it has actual flavors--LOL! Count me in.

  10. I had no idea Starburst made candy corn! These cupcakes are so pretty and colorful! I like!!

  11. I love candy corn :) I can't wait to try this Starburst Candy corn !!

  12. So it's actually Starburst candy, it's just shaped like candy corn? As a child, whenever we would go trick-or-treating, candy corn was the one candy that I would not touch, I just don't like the taste. But now that Starburst has created these new Starburst Candy Corns I can finally eat Candy Corn, thank you Starburt!!

  13. What cook decorating ideas! Love it!

  14. Wow love the colors and all the cute ideas. I know kids would love them, too!

  15. Finally someone thought of making new flavors of candy corn

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

  16. I LOVE the varieties of candy they have these days. These sound delicious! I have never heard of these until now! Thanks for sharing!
    Desiree H

  17. We didn't see those this year. They look super cool!

  18. those look delicious.gonna have to try them next year.didnt see them this year

  19. OK I will have to look for these this Halloween. So pretty and I bet they are really good too. Thank you for sharing!!!!
