Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fix your Broken Zipper with the FixnZip! {Review}

FixnZip logo
While there are an endless number of "hot new inventions" that line store shelves, fill internet sites and pop up in infomercials, I know that I'm not alone in assuming that the majority of them are probably worthless. Besides, did the world really need another super-duper cleaning cloth that can soak up 10x its weight?

But then there are those seldom times that a new product proves me wrong and manages to rise above the others. The ones that make life easier, solve a problem, save us time and money, and make us wonder why we didn't have this in our possession much earlier.

For any of us that have ever wondered how to fix a broken zipper, that time is now.

No more reaching for safety pins, paying high prices of a tailor or shoving our beloved coat to the back of the closet. The solution is faster, easier and more affordable: FixnZip.

FixnZip broken zipper

An extremely innovative new way to solve the broken zipper problem, FixnZip provides a solution that was previously unavailable: an effortless zipper repair sans needles, threads and tools.

Whether you are an expert seamstress or have no idea where to start when replacing a lost button, FixnZip is for you and all of the apparel or items in your life that have a zipper. As these durable, convenient, easy-to-apply tools come in three sizes — small, medium and large — all you have to do is simply attach it into place and you're on your way.

While I was already excited about the concept of FixnZip and their collection of videos and step-by-step instructions made it seem as though these might really be a genius solution, I was eager to try them out for myself to see if they indeed could be the answer to a broken zipper.

how to fix a broken zipper

No matter if your broken zipper is on your backpack, jacket, purse, sleeping bag, outdoor sports product, ski gear, wetsuit, suitcase or many more, the FixnZip can be adjusted to fit a range of sizes as well as universally apply to teeth or coil zippers, metal or plastic. Most zippers have a size number (1-10) embossed on the back of the slider, so just flip it over to determine which FixnZip you need!

Even better, it can be started anywhere on the zipper, so whether the zipper is open-ended (as in a sweatshirt) or if it is closed ended (as with a suitcase), FixnZip will work. It is even the solution for a zipper that is missing some teeth!

As Big Sister E recently had the zipper stop working on one of her favorite pair of pajamas, it couldn't have been a better time to put FixnZip to the test.

broken zipper
Not so much helpful when you zip it up and the zipper stays open, you know?

After examining the spring plate design on this small gadget, I still wasn't sure how the two slider plates, thumbscrew and spring were going to magically make Big Sister E's zipper working again, but why not? After all, if the alternative was going out to replace the pj's, trying to doctor up a solution (Velcro?) or paying to have the zipper replaced, this seemed much easier!

After looking over the illustrated instructions a bit...

broken zipper instructions took me a few attempts, but I was soon tightening the FixnZip right into place on both sides of the zipper... and marveling in amazement that it really worked!

FixnZip review

I may have zipped and unzipped the FixnZip a few dozen times before I believed it, but I couldn't have been happier to see that it was working perfectly to open and close the teeth on each side!

replacement zipper

I have also since tried one of the larger FixnZip sliders on items such as our winter jackets and have been as excited to see that it works just as perfectly!

No one wants to have to rush out and replace a coat in the middle of winter simply because the zipper stops working, so I love knowing that FixnZip eliminates that entirely.

fix broken zipper

Perfect for traveling, business and at home, no one wants to be stuck with a broken zipper and the dilemma of choosing between paying a tailor or having to purchase something new. Instead, the FixnZip promotes recycling and sustainability (while saving you money), can be removed and reused on different items (again, saying you money), and is put to use quickly and easily without tools or sewing.

To top it all off, FixnZip is made in the USA and is assembled and packaged by Exceed Enterprises, an employer of the disabled. So your purchase of this must-have product not only helps you, but helps others!

fix a broken zipper

While I've recommended products in the past, I can't express how much I love FixnZip and will 100% be purchasing more for future zipper breakages and mishaps in my family!

Is there a dress that has been hanging unworn in your closet due to its broken zipper? No longer! Visit to find out more, watch videos, to make a purchase (prices range from $9.99 to $12.99 and sliders can also be purchased from Amazon) and more. You can also connect with FixnZip on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Other than a selection of FixnZip sliders that I was provided in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion about this product, which I LOVE.


  1. I doubt there's a person in the world who hasn't had this problem! So this product is ingenious. I think I might get a couple to keep on hand.

    As usual, your model is precious :)

    Wendy T

  2. At the end of last winter, the zipper on Spouse's favorite jacket ceased working. We got him a replacement jacket but kept the old one in the closet as a just-in-case spare. Now I'm glad we did! I'm going to look into the FixnZip to see if it might bring that jacket back to the light of day. Thanks so much for the review!

  3. Ha! That's awesome. I didn't even think of looking for something like that. I just had a zipper that lost the gliding thingy and was about to check out a whole new zipper, sew it on etc. This sounds so much easier. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I am notorious from lacking patience and pulling on a zipper getting it stuck or broken. This product was made with someone like me in mind. How very easy to fix, definitely purchasing

  5. That's a pretty cool way to fix your zipper. Thanks for the review!
