Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Unlock a Perfect Cup this Holiday Season with the TASSIMO T55 Brewing System {Review & Giveaway}

Tassimo logo
No matter if you're a coffee addict or simply enjoy a cup every now and again, there's something undeniably luxurious about a coffeehouse.

The groups of people talking and laughing while they sip their cappuccinos, the students hard at work on their laptops with frappés nearby, the coffee snobs ordering their half-caf double soy no whip mochas... I'm not the only one who finds it all somehow a little magical, am I?

The only part that makes me cringe? Pulling out my wallet to pay for my coffee. $5 for one drink? That's fine to pay if you only visit once every blue moon, but there's just no way would I pay that every day, no matter how much I love a perfectly brewed cup of coffee and a tasty latte.

Instead, I'd much rather skip the expense, lines, hassle and even the need to get out of my pj's thanks to the newest way that I've found to create a luscious coffeehouse experience right at home: the TASSIMO T55 Single Cup Brewing System by Bosch.

Tassimo T55 brewer

A one cup, on-demand brewing system that brews an assortment of café-style beverages, the TASSIMO T55 provides the ability to have a delicious cup of coffee, tea, cappuccino, espresso, latte, hot chocolate and more all conveniently at home.

But the feature of the TASSIMO that separates it from other single cup brewers is the inclusion of the innovative and unique INTELLIBREW barcode technology, which makes sure every cup is brewed using the right amount of water, the right temperature and the right brew time.

Tassimo brewer

Are you as curious as I was as to how?

The answer is that the TASSIMO works exclusively with TASSIMO T DISC pods, with each one containing an expertly-measured portion of coffee, hot chocolate, tea, or shelf-stable milk creamer. When the T DISC is inserted, the TASSIMO brewer reads the unique barcode printed on the label and adjusts each preparation accordingly to result in an impeccable beverage every time.

Considering how much I love my coffee already, hearing that the TASSIMO T55 could read a code to know just the right beverage size, brewing time and optimum temperature required for perfect quality each and every time, I couldn't wait to test this appliance out.

Tassimo T55 single cup brewer
A coffee-lovers dream come true!

While I initially wondered if it would be difficult or time-consuming to learn how to utilize all of the features of the TASSIMO T55, I was pleased to pull it out of the box (complete with manuals and filter) and find that there really wasn't much required before I would be sipping my delicious drink in the comfort of my own home.

Tassimo T55 review

After admiring the way that the cup stand includes an enhanced slide-control (who wants their coffee slipping around?) and that it is easily adjustable for shorter and taller mugs (and then removable for travel cups)...

TASSIMO T55 height adjustment

...I noticed the mild/strong pre-setting options.

How great is it that the T55 brewer can integrate the addition or reduction of water during the brewing process and make it possible to brew a superior quality beverage precisely as subtle or strong as the user would like? Love it!

Tassimo drink adjustment

Essentially, however, the TASSIMO T55 is extremely simple to use, with no guesswork involved. Just push the power button and the on-demand heating element provides an instant heat-up so that there is barely any wait for your cup of coffee.

Once I ran the brewer through an initial cleaning process and installed the MAVEA MAXTRA filter cartridge into place (the prep took around 5 minutes), it was time to go.

Just place your T DISC of choice right into the top, close it up, and with one press of the power button the brewing begins.

TASSIMO coffee maker

While no coffeemaker is silent, the T55 does include a noise reduction system so that there is no worry about waking your sleeping family while your morning beverage is prepared.

Instead, in around a minute, your custom coffee, tea, cappuccino, espresso or latte (or many more!) is ready and waiting... and delicious.

Tassimo Cappuccino

Coffee at home doesn't get much better than this!

The convenience of the TASSIMO T55 Brewing System really is unparalleled, as they truly have thought of everything to make this as user-friendly and easily customizable as possible. Not only does this brewer give you a fresh-brewed cup of coffee every time that is made exactly how you like it, but its features make it pretty much fool-proof.

Add to that its low energy consumption, built-in water filtration system and that T DISCS are available in just about every beverage variety that I can think of, and could there be much more?

I adore having the ability to offer guests (expected or unexpected) an amazing cup of coffee or tea without any fuss or wait and that it can be brewed precisely to their liking... and that this machine works well for the entire family (or would excel in an office setting), because of its ability to go from one drink to the next without ever compromising taste or quality.

Tassimo T DISC
I have two big fans of the Peppermint Hot Chocolate over here - perfect for the holiday season!

This holiday season and beyond, let TASSIMO provide a high quality, innovative, fast and easy way to bring efficiency and convenience into your life. The T55 retails for $169.99 and will definitely be an item that will provide happiness throughout the winter and long beyond.

Visit TASSIMODirect.com to see their full line of brewers, beverages, accessories and more that can bring a gourmet coffee house into your kitchen or that would make a fantastic gift. Plus, be sure to connect with them on Facebook and Twitter so that you stay up to date on the latest and greatest with their luxurious machines, flavors and more.

And, thanks to their generosity, one person will soon be sipping their own delicious drink in the morning (and throughout the day) as well, because...

One lucky person will win a TASSIMO T55 Single Cup Brewing System and (3) varieties of T DISCS!

Tassimo giveaway
T DISCS may vary

A big thank you to TASSIMO for providing a T55 Brewer and a selection of T DISCS for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. I love that you can make a stronger or larger cup of coffee. Usually you just have one option
    masugr at yahoo dot com

  2. I like the energy reduction and the quiet of the machine

  3. I like the energy reduction and the quiet of the machine

  4. I love all the varieties, and how fast it is to make high quality drinks.

  5. love the INTELLIBREW barcode technology!

  6. I like ho you can adjust it for larger drinks or smaller and stronger drinks.

  7. like that it has a noise reduction system

  8. The barcode technolgy - i can have so many different drinks in just one machine!

  9. Even though there is variety it is still simple to use.

  10. Love the noise reduction! Everyone appreciates great coffee ... except when it wakes someone up 2 hours early just because someone else in the house has an earlier schedule. Certain noises travel more than others

  11. What I will like most is the simple ability to make one decent cup of coffee at a time. Somehow, trying that in a traditional coffeepot doesn't work for me.

  12. The intellibrew barcode system to ensure a perfect cup of whatever everytime is a feature I love.

  13. i like how you can adjust for your coffee cup size... and that you can adjust for milder/stronger flavored drinks ;)

  14. Love that it takes just a minute and I won't wake everyone up with lots of noise because I wake before everyone and the one we have is very loud

  15. I like the intellibrew barcode system.
    lyndadawinda1074 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  16. You had me at single serve coffee maker! I like that we can adjust easily for travel mugs...

  17. I like that you can make your drink as strong as you like.

  18. I really like that it is energy efficient and that you can have a cup of coffee ready quickly when you have company. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.

  19. I live the fact that you can control the size and the strength!

  20. I like that you can choose the strength of the coffee.. mild/strong.

  21. I love that you can control whether you want it milder or stronger, each time! scain54 (at) aol (dot) com

  22. My favorite feature is Low energy consumption: zero watt hours in standby mode and an on-demand heating element

  23. My favorite feature is that you can adjust hoe strong or weak you make a drink. This is really great because people are so particular about their drinks!

  24. we still have a 12 cup maker so I love being able to make just a single!

  25. I love that it has a built-in water filtration system!

  26. I love that it has a built-in water filtration system!

  27. I like the mild/strong pre-setting options!

  28. I like that it adjusts for different size cups.


  29. Noise reduction is a must! Don't want to wake any sleeping babies since the kitchen is closest to their room.

  30. I liek that you can vary the strength setting so easily.

  31. I love the Height adjustment and removable cup stand allows you to use the cup or travel mug of your choice

  32. I like the fact that it uses less energy than most.

  33. I love the Strong/Mild setting.

    Jamie Brigham
    PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com

  34. I love that it can brew from mild to strong depending on the preference of the person.

  35. My favorite feature is that it brews in about a minute!

  36. the noise reduction system is my favorite feature

  37. I like the variety of drinks you can make using the Tassimo.

  38. love that it makes so many different kinds of beverages

  39. with my light bill getting higher and higher each month, the low energy usage is wonderful.

  40. I like that there is hardly any wait for your coffee cup!

  41. I like the fact that you make your coffee one cup at a time - Instead of a pot at a time. Normally, half the pot is thrown away for either no one drinking it or it becoming old coffee.

  42. i like that it is djustable for shorter and taller mugs

  43. I like the different sizes and stronger or weaker along with being quiet...!!!!! Very cool..!!!!

  44. I love the noice reduction setting

  45. I like that you can change from one kind of beverage to the next without the flavors getting mixed up. (I hate coffee, but love tea & chocolate)
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  46. I love that this would allow me to make single cups of coffee, tea, and other drinks. We've never used enough coffee to make it worth making a full pot, plus this way everyone can have just what they want.

  47. I like the built-in water filtration.

  48. I love the noise reduction! That's awesome! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

  49. I love that you can dial the strength of the cup of coffee.

  50. My favorite feature is the that you can integrate the addition or reduction of water during the brewing process and make it possible to brew a superior quality beverage precisely as subtle or strong as the user would like! That's awesome!

  51. I like being able to adjust the strength of the coffee.

  52. I like that you can adjust based on the size of the coffee mug, and I also like that you can adjust the strength of your coffee.

  53. My favorite feature is Low energy consumption

  54. I like how quickly it brews and also that you can adjust the strength of the beverage.

  55. I would like the built-in water filtration system feature.

  56. i like the built-in water filtration feature

  57. I could finally use the k-cups I won

  58. being able to make a stronger brew with same kcup!

  59. I love that it has built in water filtration:)

    jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

  60. I like that the strength is adjustable!

  61. My favorite feature is the instant heat-up and fast first cup.

  62. What a great way to get the day started with coffee or end it with a hot cuppa tea.

  63. My favorite features are it's low energy consumption and built-in water filtration system!

  64. I like that it includes a noise reduction system so that there is no worry about waking your sleeping family while your morning beverage is prepared.

  65. You can control the strength of your coffee

  66. Noise reduction is the best feature

  67. I like you can set it for mild or strong

  68. I like that it can brew a lot of different beverages. That's cool.

  69. I love how simple it is to use as well as the noise reduction feature!

    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  70. I like that you can change the strength of the coffee

  71. I love that you can make one flavor and switch to another without getting the flavors mixed up! But there are so many great features!

  72. I like that you can choose how strong you want your coffee.

  73. I would love to be able to easily make a latte right at home!

  74. That it is single serve. My sister would really like this and her boyfriend does not like coffee, but she loves it so it would be nice to have the ability to only make one cup.

  75. I like being able to select coffee strength

  76. hat you can have a coffee or a Tea within Mins

  77. I like the noise reduction feature.

    rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

  78. I like that it's made to be a bit quieter with noise reduction. I have a combo machine that has a grinder with the brewer and it is so loud.

  79. Being able to adjust flavor strength seems neat.

  80. I like the quiet of the machine and that I can have coffee, tea, cappuccino, espresso or latte

    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

  81. I like the convenience of making drinks quickly without a mess.

  82. I like the whole barcode system which takes the guesswork out of making a great cup of coffee

  83. I really like that it's adjustable to fit different sized mugs.

  84. My favorite feature is that many different types of tasty beverages can be made with the same machine.

  85. There are a ton of features I love, like the size/strength feature and the nose reduction.

  86. I like that its adjustable for different size cups.

  87. I love the mild/strong option I would prefer mild myself

    ssgsweeps @gmail.com

  88. I like the built-in water filtration system.

  89. low energy consumption makes me happy!

  90. The noise reduction feature is great so I won't wake everyone in the morning when i'm up early

  91. i love the size option. i love smaller cups, my hubby likes a large cup

  92. I actually like the noise reduction feature - my Keurig sounds like a snoring bear on the countertop.

  93. The intellegent/bar code feature is really cool.

  94. I like the noise reduction system.

  95. I like that I could make a smaller and stronger drink

  96. I love that you can control the coffee strength.
    Thanks for the chance.

  97. I love that I can adjust from mild to strong.
    Sometimes I like to shake it up ;)

  98. I like that it adjusts for all cup sizes

  99. I love the mild to strong selection. A few family members prefer a more mild beverage.

  100. I love how its single serve since my Keurig is the best think since slice bread.

  101. The ability to change the concentration

  102. I love that you can customize the strength of your coffee!

  103. I love the fact that you can get exactly what you want for your perfect cup of coffee...

  104. I like that it has a built-in water filtration system we have well water and this is perfect for us

  105. I like the fact that it offers a variety of different drink types from coffee, to tea, to hot chocolate.

  106. I like that it makes all kinds of drinks not just coffee

  107. I like that it has a noise reduction system.


  108. I like the variety and the low noise.

  109. I like that it can adjust how strong it all is!

  110. its low energy consumption

  111. its low energy consumption

  112. The feature I like is the built-in water filtration system!

  113. The feature I like is the built-in water filtration system.

  114. I like how you can adjust the strongness of your coffee ..

  115. I like that T DISCS are available in just about every beverage variety

  116. I like that you can adjust the strength of the flavor

  117. I like the noise reduction feature.

  118. I like the noise reduction feature.

  119. I like that it is low energy consumption.

  120. It's easy to use, and makes Lattes and cappuccinos. yumm

  121. I like the variety of drinks it makes and it looks like it won't take up too much room on my kitchen counter. thanks for the giveaway!

  122. I like TASSIMO can shorten the brew time at a touch of a button to reduce the amount of water being brewed

  123. I like the ability to adjust to coffee cup size. That is a cool option.
    brandy graham (name on rafflecopter)

  124. i like that it can make lattes


  125. I like the noise rduction seystem.

  126. I like the intellibrew bar code system and that you can pick the strength you want.

  127. I love that you can offer different teas and coffees when friends and family are over and that it is great for the office too. The adjustable strengths is also a great feature

  128. Make coffees to your strength preference. Good for everyone in the family!

  129. I like that I can pick the strength of coffee I prefer, which will be great fro my husband an myself.

  130. I like being able to choose whether I want the coffee to be stronger or weaker.

  131. The fact that I can brew a number of different things, not just plain old coffee, is what appeals to me the most. I (heart) Latte's! And the intellibrew! That is just too cool! This would be my Christmas present to myself... Mommy has to have at least one cup of coffee every day to get that blood pumping!

  132. The fact that I can create a variety of drinks and even make them similar to the ones at our favorite Coffee shop.

  133. I love the different variety of drinks it makes.

  134. I Love that you don't have to wait in line :) I also love the adjustment for size & strength!

  135. I love that it has on-demand heating for fast start-up time.

  136. The barcode reading on this Tassimo is so out of this world.

  137. My favorite feature is the low energy consumption.

  138. I love the subtle to strong adjustment option! Plus, just the ease of something like that when I'm sleepy in the morning sounds great.

  139. i like that they have a noise reduction feature., this way the dog won't get too upset.

  140. I like that you can make a strong cup of coffee, and that it brews quickly!

  141. I love the size customization! Makes it so much easier to fill up coffee cups or your thermos! :)

  142. I think the noise reduction system- my children always wake when my husband makes coffee early mornings!

  143. being able to adjust strength is a plus

  144. I like built-in water filtration system

  145. I love the fact you can make it mild or strong

  146. My favorite feature is that the on-demand heating element provides an instant heat-up so that there is barely any wait for your cup of coffee. Thanks.

  147. My favorite feature is the noise reduction system. Some are so loud that it can wake everyone up and I'm normally up before everyone else.

    Beth W

  148. Didn't realize it had a built in mavea filter...I love mavea, use their water filtration

  149. I like the noise reduction sys.. I like to have the mornings early to myself and sometimes my coffee pot is so loud..

    hebb dot julie at gmail dot com

  150. I like that it has noise reduction so as not to wake my light sleeping crew :)

  151. It is not noisy and you can have a flavored coffee in a minute or so!

  152. I like the built in water filtration system. Thanks for the giveawy.

  153. I like that you can make a favorite single cup so everyone in the house can choose their flavor cup.

  154. I like all of the flavor and drinks variety options and the single serving.

  155. I like the noise reduction of the product!


  156. Why go to Starbucks when I can have Tassimo T55

  157. I like that it does a single cup at a time

  158. The quietness of the machine is awesome!

  159. I like the noise reduction system.

  160. I like that you can make different size cups

  161. I like that you can integrate the addition or reduction of water during the brewing process + the heght adjustment feature.

  162. I like how you can customize the strength of your coffee.

  163. I like the noise reduction system

  164. I like how it has a noise reduction system.

  165. I like that you can control the strength of the coffee

  166. I like that you can accommodate a tall or short glass. My current coffee maker only fits short mugs.

  167. I like that you can choose cup size and brew strength

  168. Fast! Convenient! Space-saving! happy holidays

  169. I really like the adjustable cup height settings!

  170. Noise reduction and flavor adjust. :)

  171. That you are able to adjust the strength of the machine from mild to strong!

  172. I like that it's Low energy consumption: zero watt hours in standby mode and an on-demand heating element.
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  173. You mentioned one of my favorite features in your review - the ability to adjust the coffee strength! I love STRONG coffee, but most people seem to prefer a sort of medium-strong brew, so this is a perfect way to accommodate different tastes. Thanks for the chance to win!

  174. i like the variety of little packs it has!

  175. i like that you can use the k-cups with it.
