Thursday, December 12, 2013

Holiday Hosting Tips from Hampton Hotels {"Be My Guest" 1-Night Stay Giveaway!}

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While the holiday season is often filled with indulgent meals, the intermixed sounds of giggles and the ripping of wrapping paper, and the wonder and beauty of light displays big and small, it doesn't lack in stress as well.

Do we have a gift for everyone on our list? Is there time to bake yet another batch of cookies? Are we properly celebrating all of our family traditions? Where in the world is Aunt Kate/Uncle Joe/Cousin Steve going to sleep??

Throughout all of the challenges and dilemmas that this season brings, at least we can rest easy knowing that our guests (and ourselves) can sleep comfortably and soundly thanks to the hospitality and quality found at our nearby Hampton Hotel.

With the knowledge that balancing family, friends, work and free time keeps all of us extremely busy (especially around the holidays) Hampton Hotels do all that they can to help make life easier. Whether that means treating your guests or yourself to a comfortable, clean, amenity-filled place to stay or simply bringing their signature "Hamptonality" into your home, it's easy to make this a season to remember.

What is Hamptonality, you ask? It involves five specific tenets of the Hampton friendly service culture that you'll find delivered by over 50,000 Team Members and supported by the 100% Hampton Guarantee:
  • Unexpected delight
  • Being anticipatory
  • Sharing a compliment
  • Providing a moment of humor
  • Showing empathy
Knowing this, Hampton Hotels want to help hosts maximize their hospitality during the holidays with tips inspired by Hamptonality. There is so much about the holiday season that is exciting, but if you're hosting guests for the holidays, it can be stressful and overwhelming…even for the most seasoned hosts!

Jenny Steffens
For that reason, Hampton has partnered with entertaining expert, Jenny Steffens Hobick, to celebrate little holiday moment makers by providing Hamptonality to travelers this holiday season.

Whether staying at the local Hampton or with family and friends, Hampton and Jenny are here to help hosts create those lasting moments that everyone looks forward to around the holidays – reuniting with family, reminiscing about the past, and partaking in general holiday merriment!

Here are just a few of Jenny's holiday hosting tips for this holiday season, which will help hosts create lasting memories for their guests and celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.

Tip 1: Be the best OFF-SITE host ever.
Let's be honest. You love your friends and family, but cramming everyone into your house for days at a time can be stressful and add to your already lengthy holiday host to-do list!

If you simply don’t have enough room to host all of your holiday guests or you just think everyone would be happier with their own, comfortable space, consider booking them at your local Hampton. With more than 1,900 locations, Hampton is the perfect place to stay no matter where your guests may be traveling from.

Tip 2: Surprise your guests with welcome treats.
I always like to make sure my guests know how excited we are to have them for a visit by surprising them with a little treat when they arrive. One of my favorite ways to greet them is with something personalized with their name on it, like a decorated sugar cookie or a festive welcome sign.

I love staying at Hampton Hotels because they take a similar approach. They often add a personal touch for a guest's stay by offering a favorite local snack or fun local item when guests check in!

sugar cookie
Photos from

Tip 3: Make time for exercise and fresh air.
We all feel better with some fresh air in our lungs. I'd be lost without my daily exercise to clear my head and invigorate my spirit.  Invite your guests on a walk with hot coffee (or hot cocoa!) and everyone will feel refreshed! Suggest an evening stroll through your local neighborhood to check out the holiday decorations. Guests at Hampton can also get energized and make time for a workout as most locations boast fitness centers and swimming pools.

Tip 4: Make time for resting.
The holidays can be very exhausting especially for your guests who have traveled near and far.  Make sure to schedule down time for resting in the afternoons or early evenings.  An afternoon nap can feel like an indulgent treat for exhausted guests.

Tip 5: Be prepared with lots of snacks.
We all get a little grouchy when we're hungry — adults and kids alike! Anticipate those moments by having snacks planned for afternoons and before dinner to keep everyone happy.  Be sure to include fresh options like fruit and crunchy veggies, along with filling cheeses and more decadent treats so you have something for everyone!

baked brie

Tip 6: Plan one special night for the adults.
The holidays are really all about the kids, but it can be really nice for the adults to get some time for themselves, too.  Hire a babysitter for the night for the children (or let the grandparents take over), so the parents can enjoy a special night out on the town.  Everyone (even the kids!) will appreciate a night of freedom.

Tip 7: Stock up on extras.
Don't forget to stock up on extra necessities like shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, contact solution, and other toiletries that guests tend to forget! Take a cue from your local Hampton and anticipate everything that your guests may need and put a basket chock full of products right in their bathroom or bedroom.

Tip 8: Big breakfasts.
Serving a big breakfast in the morning seems to make everyone happy! When we host guests, I prepare big bowls of fresh fruit for nibbling on in the morning, and then make some fresh waffles because really, who doesn't love waffles? Hampton offers a free, hot breakfast every morning with fresh-baked waffles – the perfect thing to get your day started!

banana nut pancakes

Tip 9: Plan fun games.
The best memories over the holidays are when everyone is relaxing, laughing and having a great time. You can help orchestrate these moments by planning fun games in which everyone can participate. You can host an Ugly Sweater Contest, A Christmas Carol Sing-Off, or Gingerbread House Competition during one of your "at home happy hours."

Tip 10: Celebrate past holidays.
Another sure way to have everyone in stitches is to get out old home videos and pictures.  Everyone will love reminiscing about past holidays... the bad clothes and questionable hair styles always make for great holiday conversation and laughs. Perhaps dig up some old holiday photos of your guests and use that as their "personal touch" when they arrive at your home for their stay.

Tip 11: Make your guests do some work.
Make your guests feel useful by asking them to help with tasks you know they’ll enjoy. Give your mother-in-law the ultimate compliment by asking her to help you make her famous chocolate pie for dessert.  If you're hosting young nieces, ask them to help make the table decorations because they're such great crafters. It's a great compliment to your guests to make them feel like they are PART of the activities, rather than just spectating.

Tip 12: Prepare!
Do as much preparation in advance as you can. Plan menus around recipes that can be made ahead of time – freezer-friendly, one-dish meals like lasagna, or a hearty-braised beef stew are great options when serving a crowd.

Run a supermarket sweep a few days before for toiletries. Do your own laundry before guests arrive, so that the washer and dryer can be available for them, if necessary. The ultimate holiday hosts know that being prepared is the absolute best way to make your guests feel welcome in your home because you can actually enjoy them while they are there!

beef stew

I love these tips!

While guests visiting my home might not have quite as luxurious of a stay as they would at Jenny's house or at one of the amazing Hampton Hotels, I can still do my best to bring the Hamptonality in the form of a clean and fresh bed, high-speed internet access, hot breakfast served daily, friendly, helpful service and more!


To find out much more about all of the Hampton Hotels across the globe (with over 1900 hotels, they're sure to be in the location of your next travel destination) visit and connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Plus, to really get into the Holiday Hosting spirit, join Hampton Hotels and MomTrends for a fantastically fun Twitter party on December 17th at 1pm EST — stay tuned for more information!

Finally, thanks to the generosity of Hampton Hotels, one person will be even more prepared to experience world-renowned hospitality this season and beyond, because...

One lucky person will win (1) "Be My Guest" card, which entitles the bearer to (1) free night stay at any Hampton Hotel location!

Hampton Hotel giveaway

Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Hampton Hotel via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Hampton or Momtrends.


  1. I DO try to know just what favorite foods a guest likes! I do get different sorts of pillows for them, hard or soft or foam! some people like "heavy" feeling blankets and some prefer light ones, with downier filling. I remember tissues in a room a clock and some of my family can't sleep without a white noise of some kind! LOL Like a fan!

  2. I try to use good towels, and have lots of different shampoos and conditioners available.

  3. i make sure there is plenty of bathroom essentials for guests...

  4. I like to make time to relax and rest a priority, I don't like when people feel like they need to be ON all the time, it's okay to sit on the couch and fall asleep if you want to relax!

  5. I make sure there is plenty of linens, bath towels and foods and drinks that they will enjoy. I just try to think about how I would like to be treated and mimic it for them.

  6. i am constantly in the kitchen making food and treats... i loveto feed everyone!

  7. Always have soft towels and bed sheets

  8. I always have fresh coffee brewed!

  9. I try to play fun games. It can get boring sitting around so I look for activities we can do.

  10. I love to pick up my guests' favorite foods (including snacks and beverages) and make sure I wash up the bedding they'll be using (to give it a fresh boost, since it is obviously already clean).

  11. I do try to have my guests help me in whatever way I can (if it's not burdensome to them) and I try to plan a special something for just the adults.

  12. We always play fun games with our guests! Its one thing guests have told us they like about coming to our house to visit!

  13. By providing welcome treats and good breakfast!!! Also the best towels are always reserved for guests.

  14. I always make sure clean towels are available and put travel size personal items like Toothbrush/Toothpaste, Razor and the like in the Guest Bath. I make sure the Guest Room is clean and comfortable for a good night's sleep.

  15. When family comes to stay with us, I have meals planned with plenty of fresh fruit and veggies.

  16. I make sure I buy their favorite food and pops

  17. I definitely stock up on extras, I think that's the biggest one - food, toiletries (though I usually have an abundance of samples and from previous hotel stays), and household goods. Also make ahead breakfast casseroles the night before so I can still make a hot meal in the morning without all the fuss!

  18. I definitely stock up on extras, I think that's the biggest one - food, toiletries (though I usually have an abundance of samples and from previous hotel stays), and household goods. Also make ahead breakfast casseroles the night before so I can still make a hot meal in the morning without all the fuss!

  19. Fresh linens, towels, lots of travel size products. Meals are planned plenty of snacks and drinks available.

  20. I prepare, prepare, prepare. I have all types of different foods and drinks stocked and ready. I also have extra toiletries in case my guests forgot something.

  21. we always play board games! or holiday themed games around the holidays

  22. I like to make them feel as much at home as possible. I tell them to help themselves, have fresh linens for them and special snacks that they may like.

  23. I try to make foods and have snacks on hand that I know my guests love.

  24. I fix a big buffet breakfast with pancakes, waffles, cereal, eggs, donuts, etc.

  25. I leave a good supply of big fluffy towels in their room, along with sample-size toiletries they might need. I also like to keep things like extra toothbrushes on hand, in case they forgot to pack their own.

  26. I use my best china and I always clean before they arrive!

  27. I get new towels and bath accessories. Also I stock up on snacks and drinks

  28. we always do huge holiday breakfasts when we have company- it their mini vacation!

  29. i constantly tell my kids, "the guests get the best!"

  30. big breakfasts - great way to start the day!
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  31. Being prepared with lots of snacks is important at my house when guests visit!

  32. I try to make the bed really comfortable with crisp sheets and soft pillows!

  33. Clean linens & towels, which I guess goes without saying, plus access to our WiFi & we give up one of the bathrooms exclusively for their use.

  34. We play fun games! This year we will be adding to our Christmas celebration an ugly sweater contest as well as a yankee swap.

  35. I always prepare ahead of time. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

  36. I very much enjoy being the hostess and I always strive to maker sure our guests have a wonderful time. I prepare as much of the food ahead as possible or I hire a caterer so that I can spend time with our guests and not in the kitchen. I also like the little touches, such as leaving a hand lotion pump in the guest bathroom. I also make sure that I have the liquor that is preferred by each of our guests. Thank you for the super giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.

  37. We do big breakfasts, like my sausage breakfast casserole or homemade bacon waffles.

  38. I create an amazing breakfast -- just like the ones at Hampton Hotels!

  39. I have different pillow types, different blanket types, wi-fi, and hot meals!
    Beth H

  40. I provide high speed Internet access. :-)

  41. I always try to make sure I have food they like, and towels and toiletries available in their room.

  42. I never really host guests since I live in a small 1 bedroom apartment, but I love the tip about making time to rest! I know that I get exhausted pretty quickly when I'm on vacation, so some downtime is totally appreciated!

  43. I make sure we have plenty of fresh towels in the bathroom and extra blankets for the sleeping quarters.

  44. i keep an assortment in the guest bathroom of sample and trial sizes of almost everything from shampoo to deodorant to toothbrushes. I also have a baby travel crib just in case.
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  45. I bring out the good stuff, linens, towels, etc. We prepare and plan ahead for activities we want to do.

  46. I incorporate the great breakfast at the Hampton hotel into our home.

  47. having good food

  48. Preparing in advance! I like to have as much a1s I can ready before hand so I can enjoy the time more with guests.

  49. Being prepared is a general Hamptonality we incorporate when we host guests! Stocking up on extras, giving guests complimentary tasks to do and leaving enough time to relax are also some of the tips we try to keep in mind.

  50. Its all about the food, At every chance we like to offer our guests something to eat and I make sure there are "munchies" all over the house. I like to prepare ahead as much as I can so I get to spend plenty of time with them :)

  51. When having guests, I plan ahead as much as possible. Food is definitely important. I try to have food on hand that I know they will enjoy. I also have lots of extra toiletries on hand!

  52. Wish we did more of that! I need to practice!

  53. I always have treats that my guests will enjoy, and with certain friends or relatives, we bake together.

  54. When we have guests I usually make everything ahead so I don't have to cook while they are here. I also make sure all our laundry is done and everything is very clean.

  55. I try to anticipate my guests needs and preferences and make them feel comfortable and at home.

  56. I keep my bathroom stocked full of goodies!

  57. I have a super comfortable bed in our guest room with lots of fluffy pillows, just like Hampton Inn!

  58. towels and good food, ask if they need anything

  59. I always give new towels and a huge breakfast to get the say started

  60. I put out fresh flowers and make a large breakfast.

  61. I put nice sheets on the bed.

  62. My guests get homemade meals and the best of everything I have to offer.

  63. I have fresh linen and towels for my guests

  64. comfortable bedding for guests with nice pillows and comforter

  65. I would love to treat them like they are in paradise.

  66. I make sure there are freshly cleaned linens and that I serve meals they enjoy

  67. I make sure things are planned ahead and there are plenty of food choices for different tastes.

  68. Like to have plenty of food and snacks. I also like to let them know about what's activities are available nearby.

  69. we like to have snacks, great food and small cute samples of toiletries on hand for guests to try out. fresh linens, flowers in the room if in season, and some books or magazines to read at night or on rainy days when they don't want to leave. oh and and DVD player good video selection too!

  70. I have lots of snacks clean their room really well and use special towels

  71. I prepare for the guests I expect, and I prepare for extra guests I don't. I make sure everything is clean and comfortable! I have snacks and always be a great host.

  72. I welcome them and make them feel like they are at home.

  73. I make sure everything is clean!

  74. I make my home as comfortable and as clean as possible-just like the Hampton Hotel!

  75. Always have their favorite foods on hand, comfortable beds to sleep on, clean towels available and great conversation.

  76. Have your guests do a simple task. It does help everyone feel comfortable.

  77. I like to stock up on snacks or favorite food items for my guest.

  78. I try to make my house guests feel as comfortable as though they were in their own home. I make sure the room is clean and smells good, there is plenty of food and they can relax and unwind.

  79. I try to personalize the guest room depending on who's visiting -- I'll put their favorite colored sheets and towels in the room, put out some books and magazines they would like, put an iPod and dock in the room for them to play their favorite music, etc. I want them to feel like it's a home away from home!

    geoff k
    gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

  80. we always have fresh towels and linens.
    gabbflabber at

  81. I make sure my guests are comfortable. Clean sheets & nice comforter. I also make a nice breakfast.

  82. I prepare, make time for resting, and do big breakfasts when hosting company!

  83. I try to make them feel comfortable and have their own space by making the guest room nice, with room for them to unpack.

  84. I always have a bath and beauty kit for all guests that includes soap, shampoo, toothbrush, razors and other special items.

  85. We always have fresh coffee,plenty of snacks,breakfast,fresh linens and movies for our guests
    mike2stacy1 at gmail dot com

  86. I like to feed them well and make sure they have everything they need and want!

  87. Make sure the bathroom is clean!
    inalak at msn dot com

  88. I don't have guests, but if I did it'd be comfort and cleanliness first.

    Wendy T

  89. We usually don't have guests, but if we did, I would make them feel as comfortable as possible. I would also have their favorite things for them.

  90. I try to our guest's stay as comfortable as possible.

    G+ & GFC id: abfantom fantom

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  91. I always have fresh bed linen, extra toothbrushes, in the morning I cook a full breakfast to get their day started on the right foot.

  92. give them fresh sheets and make them breakfast!

  93. Be prepared with lots of snacks!

  94. I always make sure the sheets are freshly cleaned and that I have enough snacks, foods, games, and drinks for everyone. A good breakfast is important too!

  95. I love to use the tips about planning naps and having lots of snack.

  96. Prepare!! the key to big holiday parties and the key to hotels too.

  97. I love to provide a good hearty meal for travelers. I also make sure I have made a lot of great treats. Since we have Amish very nearby, lots of travelers get to enjoy things they have never seen before. I also like to keep a basket in the guest room with toiletries. On the nightstand I keep a water carafe, a bottle of carbonated water, and assorted candy and little individually wrapped snacks. I also put the nicest, fluffiest, soft bath sheets and assorted other sizes of towels for them so they do not have to ask where things are.

  98. MEK - Love the sugar cookie white snowflake idea in photo. Will be sure to have Christmas cookies available to guests!Merry Christmas!

  99. I always make sure the bedding is fresh and I have their favorite drinks and snacks on hand.

  100. I make sure there is plenty of bath towels, fresh linens and foods and drinks that they will enjoy.

  101. We make sure everything is clean, comfortable, and have lots of snacks on hand.

  102. I make sure the Guest bedroom is tidy and clean, also that they have everything they need, towels, etc.

    jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

  103. I always make sure they have a ton of pillows. Nothing makes someone more welcomed to a sleepover than plenty of pillows.

  104. I try to leave little goodies for them to use so they feel at home :)

  105. We fix a big breakfast for them

  106. fix them good food and have plenty of snacks and clean linens and towels.

  107. In the spirit of hamptonality, my guests always have a clean, comfortable bed to sleep in, we have wifi (free for their use!), breakfast is fresh, hot and plentiful and i make sure to try to anticipate their needs by fully stocking a variety of toiletries and household supplies 'just in case'.

  108. I like to make them a nice breakfast.

  109. I always have clean sheets, towels and fresh soaps and shampoos.

  110. Aside from the obvious of having clean linesn, towels etc, I always treat my guests with extreme courtesy

  111. I always make sure the bathroom is sparkling clean!

  112. by keeping up with the same standards of hampton inn with clean fresh linens

  113. I like to keep the house tidy & clutter free. I also have a basket next to the Keurig with lots of varieties of K-Cups.

  114. I put out complimentary goodies baskets for each guest and health and beauty baskets in their room - - Paol Trenny..... emscout9 at Hotmail dot com

  115. Cook a big breakfast when we have guests!!

  116. make the room as cozy as I can...lots of towels and always leave shampoo, soaps in the bathroom for them to use.

  117. I make sure their type of drinks and food are available and I make sure we are entertained.

  118. My hosting skills could use some help. I do make sure the bed is comfy and warm

  119. we also plan ahead, stock up, remember old times and watch our grandkids so parents can go out
    and have a bit of fun

  120. I always save the sample products from hotels and have them in a pretty glass bowl, just like the hotels!

  121. we love to cook good food for our guests

  122. We do make them feel comfortable and show then where things are in order to help themselves to anything they need, plus we do make it fun by planning events or games to play. Always have big breakfasts when we have overnight company.

    thank you!

  123. I keep my house super clean and offer a great breakfast, just like they do!

  124. I would say the one I incorporate the most is the Big Breakfast I love to cook and breakfast is my favorite meal of the day so when I have guests over I love to make them big breakfasts to start the day off right

  125. Make sure to leave towels where they are easily found and a small basket of toiletries and maybe some reading material by the bed is a nice touch.

  126. I surprise them with treats and goodies!

  127. I like to have homemade goodies on hand and a nice comfy bed waiting for them.

  128. We are sure to have plenty of snacks and drinks on hand whenever we have guests!

  129. clean linens and a breakfast buffet

  130. I have lots of their favorite foods and drink.

  131. I serve a big breakfast and have plenty of their favorite snacks.

  132. i will envolve my guests with family projects and family projects

  133. I like to surprise my guests with gifts, just something small, like their favorite wine or meal

  134. I serve a delicious, hot breakfast every morning, just like Hampton Inns.

  135. I insist that my guests make themselves at home and help themselves to whatever they want to eat or drink. I know it's really uncomfortable to be staying in someone's home and having to ask if you want a beverage or bite to eat, LOL!

  136. I make sure the room they'll be staying in is fresh and inviting.
    Thanks for the chance.

  137. A variety of foods and drinks on hand, extra toiletries, and a quiet, comfortable place to sleep.

  138. I make them feel comfortable and keep it lighthearted

  139. mints on the pillows and cozy sheets :)

  140. I ensure the kitchen is spotless since everyone ventures into the kitchen.

  141. I use Hampton's "Make Your Guests Do some Work" rule!! People love to help out before and after a big meal so I let them!

  142. We travel for the Holidays, so some of the stuff doesn't apply to us. My husband and I get to have lots of time off from our daughter because the family wants to spend every moment with her when we are home!

  143. Chocolates on the Pillows & Charge 5.00 for a bottle of water...LOL

  144. #12 - PREPARE! Best advice you can use.

  145. I use my nice china when guests come over

  146. I prepare the guest bath with new bars of soap, fresh towels and wash cloths

  147. I provide snacks and drinks, clean linen and towels, cheery surroundings, and pleasant company!

  148. I make sure their comfortable with soft clean sheets.
    Brittney House

  149. I always have things that the people who are staying love. A favorite cereal, drink, anything. Just something personal for them.

  150. When we have guests, I try to make the room feel nice and inviting, make sure to stock up on goodies for the bathrooms, make sure they have some favorite treats like someone's favorite tea or coffee or candy, have plenty of snacks, and if they have never been to the area, have some handy travel info for sightseeing, etc.

  151. When someone comes over, I want to be sure we have plenty to eat, a clean, comfortable living room (since that's where we hang out) and clean bathrooms.

  152. We always incorporate lots of snacks! :-)

  153. I try to have fresh cookies (or another baked good) for my guests! Food is important!

  154. I always leave fresh linens and a toiletries basket in the guest bathroom.

  155. I always try to plan for fun sctivities for my guests
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  156. Yummy breakfast and comfy towels.

  157. Sharing a compliment. I always focus on the positive and make a point of telling my loved ones how wonderful they are.

  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. A clean room and a nice dinner when they arrive. They think it's heaven!

  161. i make sure the bedding is soft and clean


  162. I leave lots of bathroom products out for guests to use.

  163. I enjoy making memories with visitor by playing games or sending them away with a fun adventure pic.

  164. I make sure that everyone is comfortable and well fed :)
    (ashley Trail )

  165. I try to play fun games. It can get boring sitting around so I look for activities we can do.

  166. Flowers, bottled water, fruit, granola bars and a new magazine or book on the bedside table.

  167. I always have plenty of juice, water, teas and coffee additives on hand as well as snack type foods

  168. Great ideas! We always try to make sure we have PLENTY of food for everyone and focus on serving and pleasing our guests. We also love to have them help out if they want to. It's much for fun to all work together! :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  169. I do my best to be flexible, and I always try to have a never ending amount of food, and the house smelling nice! :)

  170. I make sure my guests have plenty of yummy food & beverages to enjoy! tylerpants(at)

  171. I do like to have big breakfasts, resting time, good food and special decorations.

  172. I always make sure they wake up to coffee and breakfast and all they need for great wake up shower

  173. we always have the needs of our guests in mind when planning menus and activities.

  174. I stock up on extras, bath products, food, drinks and make sure I have a lot of towels available

  175. I like to keep it clean, comfortable,put out fresh towels and soaps I go out of my way to make them feel at home just like the Hampton does :)

  176. One way I incorporate the qualities of Hamptonality into my home when hosting guests is to prepare ahead of time to make sure all supplies are available to my guests.

  177. I make sure to have nice towels and toiletries for my guests

  178. I love the idea of making things food ahead of time and have it in the freezer for when guests come to stay!

  179. i definitely prepare for my guests before they arrive!

  180. i like to make sure they have cookies and milk before bed
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  181. Make your guests do some work- we all pitched in to help prepare the Christmas meal

  182. We always have extra snacks available for everyone!

