Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My Favorite Unique, One-of-a-Kind Keepsake Jewelry from KidzCanDesign {Review}

KidzCanDesign logo
One of the most common phrases that I heard as a new mom was something along the lines of It goes by SO quickly or They'll grow up faster than you think.

And, like most novice mothers who are knee-deep in dirty diapers and midnight feedings and spit-up galore, I couldn't imagine that being completely true. The elation mixed with the exhaustion, the joy mixed with the tears... you're trying to tell me that this stage of my life is going to pass by quickly?

Years later, I can only shake my head when I look at the photos of my girls as babies and can barely remember them as being so young. How did they turn from these adorable little blobs into full-fledged people in what feels like only a month or two?

So, while I can always take as many photos and as much video as possible to help preserve my kids' childhood before it disappears for good, I am also thrilled when I'm introduced to new and unique ways to honor and cherish my children's creativity and innocence. Most recently, my very favorite way to do just that is through the innovative brilliance of KidzCanDesign.

handstamped jewelry

Joining the custom-designed jewelry scene in January 2013, KidsCanDesign specializes in converting your child's work of art, photos, handprints, foot prints, scribbles, doodles and more into a high quality sterling silver keepsake.

While personalized jewelry isn't a new concept, I have never before seen such one-of-a-kind pieces as those that have been created at KidzCanDesign. No matter what your child draws — people, animals, shapes, words, anything — you simply send a scanned image or photograph over to KidzCanDesign and the results are an amazing necklace, pendant, keychain, bookmark, charm, dog tag or more.

Pretty incredible, right?

As soon as I began browsing at KidzCanDesign.com, I was hooked on the limitless possibilities that they could provide. Their gallery is filled with everything from photographs to prints to illustrations that are simply melt-your-heart personalized and adorable!

custom jewelry

But... what masterpiece would I create? How would I decide which of the thousands of drawings, paintings, prints and more that my kids have made to use?

Knowing that I wanted something that would not only be adored by my kids, but a piece that would somehow represent our love and our family, it was Little Sister B who inspired me with a simple drawing of the four of us.

Ever since she began including people in her drawings, my little one has always had a very specific way of doing so — so this family portrait is not only cute, but it is just so her. While anyone else might look at this and just see a child's drawing, it provides me with a happiness beyond words.

family portrait

After a quick upload with my scanner and a minute or two on the KidzCanDesign website picking out my customization selections (e.g. what piece I would like created, the jewelry finish, etc.) I had my order submitted and couldn't wait to see the results.

I'm always a fan of a site that is user-friendly and easy to navigate and KidzCanDesign is just that. Each step of the ordering process was very clear and, if it isn't convenient for you to scan in your drawing, users are also able to email a file or mail in a physical copy as well.

Almost exactly four weeks from the date that I placed my order, a small box arrived in my mailbox.

handmade jewelry

It's not an exaggeration that, upon opening this up and seeing my completed KidzCanDesign necklace for the first time, I stared at it speechless for a full two minutes.

I love, love, LOVE the way that this has the look of something like a nameplate from a distance, but then, up close, it's just an absolutely perfect miniature rendition of my family... from a 4-year-old's perspective.

kids artwork jewelry

When I showed this to my husband, he first admitted that he was impressed before asking, Do they even have the big, wonky ears that she always draws?

Yes, I replied proudly, showing it to him closer. Yes, they do.

I honestly couldn't be more excited about the way that this necklace turned out and it makes me so happy to wear it and show off my custom-made piece. As a huge bonus, both of my daughters think it's great when they see this accessorizing my outfit and are always quick to point out that You're wearing THE necklace! The one of the picture of our family!

KidzCanDesign review

While the craftsmanship and quality of this necklace is superb, it goes without saying that I especially love that KidzCanDesign goes above and beyond to specialize in truly custom orders that you would just not find elsewhere. If your child can dream up the image for your keepsake or piece of jewelry, they are the place to have it turned into reality!

Whether you are purchasing an item for yourself, are buying a special birthday, holiday or new baby gift for someone else, or just love heartwarming jewelry as much as I do, KidzCanDesign has a necklace, bracelet, pendant, charm or more that will match your recipient's taste unlike anything that they have received before.

Custom products from KidzCanDesign typically sell between $129 - $149, but are currently on sale for $49.99 - $69.99, which is truly worth it for a keepsake that will last (and be treasured) for a lifetime.

Find out much more and get started on turning your own child's masterpiece into a sterling silver work of art by visiting KidzCanDesign.com and connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Other than the necklace I was provided by KidzCanDesign in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion about this site and this product.


  1. I LOVE this!!!! What an awesome idea! I will definitely turn one of Rylie's "masterpieces" into a piece of jewelry.

    I love how she uses certain characteristics every time she draws your family. Rylie always does too...the boys have spikey hair, and the girls always have pony tails. haha

  2. What a fantastic idea and a wonderful gift!

  3. Love love it! So cute. Enjoy and war it in good health! Would the kids draw one for me?

  4. This is great, they make wonderful keepsakes. My favorite is the footprint butterfly. Thank you for this review.

  5. Awww. Your necklace turned out exactly right from your daughter's drawing. Cute idea.

    slehan at juno dot com

  6. what a great gift idea. While I all ready have my daughters gift I think this would be a great gift in the future for her. As her little family grows up it will help her by keeping them near her heart :)

  7. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing the business.

  8. I want to tell my friend about this since her grand kids are always drawing.

    slehan at juno dot com
