Thursday, December 19, 2013

Maxi-Cosi RodiFix Booster Seat {Review}

Maxi-Cosi logo
With two kids that have continually been outgrowing clothing, shoes and toys in what feels like 10 minutes, I sometimes feel as though I spend a great deal of time removing and replacing, removing and replacing, removing and replacing.

But wherein I may not have put a huge deal of thought into the cups that replaced the bottles or the twin beds that replaced the cribs, the same is not true with car seats. When it comes to replacing our infant and convertible car seats with booster seats, I have always been steadfast on having only those that are high quality, durable and 100% secure.

After all, nothing is more important than my kids' safety.

Most recently, I have been happy to be introduced to a new measure of safety for my children (as well as other kids that we often drive around) thanks to the RodiFix booster seat from Maxi-Cosi.

Maxi-Cosi RodiFix

After already receiving plenty of praise for the quality of their infant and convertible car seats, Maxi-Cosi has joined the booster seat arena in a big way with the RodiFix and the Rodi XR.

The style, design, comfort and safety of Maxi-Cosi now available for big kids as well? It was definitely time to put the RodiFix to the test!

Maxi-Cosi RodiFix booster seat

Available in a variety of fashionable colors, the RodiFix is designed for use for children who are 30-120 lbs. and up to 57" and includes just about every possible feature that I can think of to make up an incredibly functional and safe booster seat (and a few that I probably wouldn't have come up with either).

With zero assembly required, it literally doesn't take more than pulling this car seat out of the box before it is ready for use.

Maxi-Cosi RodiFix review

The durability and high quality of the RodiFix was evident immediately, as the padding on the base, back, wings and headrest are all thick and strong.

However, as much as I care about the comfort of my children, I was even happier with the strength of the Air Protect Advanced Side Impact Technology and knowing that it would it that protects my child's head in the event of an accident.

Air Protect Impaction Protection

At the same time, Maxi-Cosi ensured that their multi-height headrest and expanding side wings are very easily accessible and made to grow right along with your child. With one simple squeeze on the top lever, this seat can be customized for the very short, the very tall and everywhere in between.

Maxi-Cosi booster seat

Plus, even before bringing the RodiFix out to my car, I appreciated the inclusion of the IsoFix LATCH connectors for easy installation or when moving this seat between vehicles...

booster seat with latch well as the unique way that this seat has the ability to slightly recline so that it can best mimic your car's seat-back angle for a perfect fit.

booster seat recline

As I assumed, the RodiFix was extremely simple to install and I'm such a huge fan of the IsoFix LATCH connectors! Simply slide them straight out and they remain rigidly in place, so there is no fiddling with clasps or sticking your fingers into the seats to make sure that everything is just right.

In a matter of seconds, the seat was tightened into place and I slipped the seat belt through the locking shoulder belt guide.

Maxi-Cosi RodiFix installation

While having a belt guide isn't a new feature for a high back booster seat, Maxi-Cosi went above and beyond by ensuring that the overall design and shape of the RodiFix makes its use as easy as possible for kids. 

I have watched my girls struggle with trying to get their seat belt snapped correctly into place with other seats that are bulky or thick, but the RodiFix leaves plenty of space at the seat belt so that small hands don't have any issues!

Maxi-Cosi RodiFix booster review

All in all, Maxi-Cosi has done a wonderful job reducing my fears and easing my worries, while also keeping my children safe and secure. I am positive that we will be using the RodiFix for quite some time to come, as it has received rave reviews from both of my young testers.

Add in the ease of use, the way the premium fabrics are easily removable for cleaning and the overall way that safety is number one, and it's really no wonder that we're all such fans!

When it comes to innovation and luxury, Maxi-Cosi has the car seats, strollers and accessories that meet all the needs of children from birth through school years reliably and comfortably. There is no doubt in my mind that this booster seat will last for many years to come and, while it has a higher price tag than others on the market ($250 on Amazon or in stores near you), the quality simply can't be beat.

Find out more about the RodiFix booster seat (as well as other excellent products) on the Maxi-Cosi website and be sure to connect with this award-winning company on Facebook and Twitter as well.

Other than the RodiFix I was provided by Maxi-Cosi to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This post is solely my honest opinion of this product and this company.


  1. great information we will be looking into a seat like this soon and with the information you shared I feel ready to find the best

  2. That's a very comfy looking seat for kids. It looks very well made.
