Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Miniature Mix-and-Match Fun with the Pinypon Weekend Getaway Hotel {Review}

Pinypon logo
Although my girls have their share of sibling bickering, the times when they are talking, playing and laughing together as best friends are the ones that warm my heart and soul.

And, although their creativity and imaginations can provide plenty of instances of joy without anything more than markers and paper, the fun is only increased with the addition of toys that they both adore.

Most recently, the pint-size world of Pinypon dolls, outfits and accessories by Famosa has had them both smitten (we were introduced to the line last month with our Pinypon giveaway) so, without a doubt, they were thrilled to expand our collection with the latest playset, the Weekend Getaway Hotel.

Pinypon hotel

Coming complete with five Pinypon characters (four dolls and a cute pet turtle), a car and 50 accessories to really bring this hotel to life, the Weekend Getaway Hotel provides an entirely new location for these mix-and-match friends to eat, sleep, relax, swim and more.

The girls were beyond anxious to begin playing with our new Pinypon pals and, after the length of time that it took for the assembly of the Pinypon Ski Lodge, I wasn't surprised to see that this playset also included a large number of small pieces and an even larger number of stickers.

However, thanks to the step-by-step numbered instructions...

Pinypon hotel assembly

...and some patience, I soon had the entire hotel put together and ready for miniature two-legged and four-legged guests to come and stay.

Pinypon Weekend Getaway Hotel

Could Famosa have included any more adorable little details into this playset? Everywhere you look there are additions that make it more and more cute!

Whether the Pinypon hotel guests want to check in at the friendly service desk, get a good night's sleep, take a swim in the pool, get a drink or snack from the juice bar or more, it's all here in a colorful way.

Pinypon hotel accessories

Immediately the girls loved the large number of rooms, big and small, throughout this hotel that allowed for people and pets to move about. Sleeping, swimming, watching television... no matter what sort of adventures and days that they planned for their Pinypon pals, they had a way to make them happen.

Pinypon dolls

Plus, for as many fun additions there are for human guests, the Pinypon Weekend Getaway Hotel has nearly as many special places for pets to play and eat!

Pinypon pet hotel

Each time that the girls have played with this hotel, they seem to discover a new detail, room, piece of furniture or more that makes their eyes light up.

Mama, did you know that you can turn the stairs over so that they're a slide? SO cool!

Pinypon hotel slide stairs

As well as the interchanging of the stairs/slide, these small figures include the unique Pinypon feature that captivated my kids from the first time they played with them — you can mix and match everything!

The clothing, accessories, hair, feet and even the faces can all be swapped from one character to the next by easily pulling them apart or turning the face around to the other side to create an entirely new persona.

Pinypon mix match dolls

If you're looking for a fun way to introduce Pinypon to your household or just to continue the love this holiday season, the Weekend Getaway Hotel is a great way to provide interactive miniature adventures for quite some time to come.

It even comes with a special necklace key to "lock" the hotel at night, making the entire thing extremely portable, easy to clean up and compact to store!

Pinypon hotel storage

Visit to find out more about this miniature mix and match world (safe for ages 4+) and be sure to connect with them on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube so that you won't miss new additions, fun information and more. The Pinypon Weekend Getaway Hotel retails for $29.99 and is available exclusively at Costco stores nationwide and on Amazon.

Other than the Pinypon Weekend Getaway Hotel that I was provided in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion about this product and this company.


  1. i would love to buy these things for my kiddos they will like and wouldnt stop playing with it all day long

  2. My first thought: ALL THOSE PIECES! Then I saw: entire thing extremely portable, easy to clean up and compact to store!
    Looks like they had fun with it.

    slehan at juno dot com

  3. These are the cutest toys! I love the bright, cheerful colors!

  4. That is so sweet. It brought back many happy memories. It's so fun to play with them and watch them play make-believe, isn't it?

    The set is so colorful and pretty. I love that it folds up too.

    Wendy T

  5. My granddaughter loves the PinyPon sets and would adore this one...they are very cute and provide hours of play.

  6. This looks like lots of fun! Can't wait to try it out!

  7. I like all the different things you can play with and imagine the stories they tell when they play with them.

    slehan at juno dot com

  8. A very good toy for children's make believe! Thanks for sharing it.
