Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Custom Bobblehead Dolls from Bobblemaker.com {Review}

bobblemaker logo
Every birthday, every Valentine's Day, every Father's Day, every Christmas it never fails that I'm stumped as to what to give to my husband. After all, when you're married to a man this practical, he either doesn't need whatever idea I come up with... or he has already bought it himself.

Then I was introduced to Bobblemaker.com, a site that would allow me to create a unique, completely custom, one-of-a-kind gift that would surely be enjoyed for a lifetime, and suddenly I could rest easy for the holiday season.

custom bobbleheads

Offering head-to-toe pieces in every possible style that you can think of (and many more after that!), Bobblemaker.com allows customers to fully design their product to replicate the recipient's likeness, hobbies, interests, career or more. The result is a personalized bobblehead that is unlike any gift that you've ever given before!

As I began browsing through Bobblemaker.com's various options, it didn't take long before I realized that the most difficult aspect was going to be selecting which body to accompany the wobbly head. With over 1700 options (many of them very similar), how in the world was I going to pick which one would work best for my husband?

Green shirt? Blue shirt? Jeans? Tie? I had no idea that there would be thousands of options to choose from!

male bobbleheads

Eventually I narrowed down the options to a casual outfit that reminded me of what my husband typically wears to work, so I moved on to selecting his eye color and hair color. Bobblemaker.com truly allows you to customize your bobblehead in quite a few more details, however, the addition of each one (e.g. adding glasses, making the frame heavyset, including text on the base, etc) has an added cost.

After a few more clicks and uploading two photos (one straight and one profile), my order was submitted and I received a confirmation email that a specialized artist was going to start sculpting my doll.

Three business days later I was excited to find an email containing two proofs showing my bobblehead doll's head sculpted out of resin (the site also offers a polymer clay option). I loved that I had the option of approving or denying the proofs and the ability to leave comments as to what needed to be changed/altered if I wasn't satisfied!

bobblehead clay

Six business days after approving my first set of proofs, a second email showed up in my inbox showing what my bobblehead looked like — now with color and a body!

bobblehead color

Although I was happy with my miniature replica, my obsessive attention to detail couldn't get past the bobblehead's glasses being brown instead of black, so I chose to deny the proof and left a comment asking for them to please be darkened.

A day later, a new color proof arrived and, sure enough, black glasses were present. Perfect!

I approved the proof with glee and, only three business days later, a box arrived packed very full of fluffy stuffing in every crevice to ensure my bobblehead husband was safe and secure during his journey.

custom bobble head

As I examined him from all angles, I couldn't help but notice the great job that Bobblemaker.com did on each and every last little detail!

Bobblemaker.com review

As for the side-by-side comparison, you can judge for yourself on whether or not you think Bobblemaker.com captured my husband's resemblance!

custom bobblehead

Talk about a fun gift!

Whether you're looking for a creative way to top a wedding or anniversary cake, trying to find a gift for the friend or family member that has everything, or simply want to see the reaction on your recipient's face when they see themselves in miniature, Bobblemaker.com's extensive library and personalization options will provide just that.

Although the prices are higher than simply picking an item off of a store shelf (the least expensive bobblehead and shipping runs around $115), this is one item that literally won't be duplicated at any point in my husband's lifetime!

Men, women, children, pets, couples... head over to Bobblemaker.com to see their tremendous selection today and connect with them on Facebook to see many more photos, information and happy testimonials from past customers.

Other than the bobblehead I was provided by Bobblemaker.com in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this product.


  1. Wow what a great idea - this would be a great birthday gift for my son

  2. This looks like so much fun! Definitely out of my price range. I think yours came out amazing!

  3. That's a really neat gift idea! I think the one you had created does resemble your husband.

  4. Those are pretty cool. Too bad they can't make them about my family!

  5. I was wondering if they could make a bobblehead for non celebrities. Cause there is a sports show called Mike and Mike and they have tons of celebrity ones on their desk

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

  6. I think they did a great job of making a good likeness of your husband. Are his eyes really that blue?

    slehan at juno dot com
