Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Get Your Nominations in Now for the Health Mart Pharmacy Champions of Care Challenge!

health mart pharmacy logo
This is a sponsored post with the Niche Parent Network & Conference. All opinions are my own. 

While most of us get up every morning with the thought of being a helpful, generous, productive, contributing member of society, it's a much smaller number of people that truly follow through with doing amazing things for the health of their communities.

And isn't it about time that those people were recognized and applauded for all that they do?

Well, now is the time!

To say thank you to those unsung local heroes whose everyday actions have built healthier families, workplaces, neighborhoods and communities, independent Health Mart pharmacists are holding Health Mart's Champions of Care Challenge!

Health Mart challenge

This fantastic challenge is looking for nominations until March 9th and entering couldn't be much easier!

Visit now to nominate yourself or someone deserving of being recognized for improving the health and well-being in the community. Maybe you know someone who takes extra care of a sick loved one? Or brings meals to the elderly? Or has started a violence prevention program? Or something else just as wonderful!

Just tell the story about the good deed you or someone you know has done and the positive impact it has had, attach a photo of the hero involved, and submit your entry!

Starting on March 17th, the public will have two weeks to vote for their favorite Champions of Care and the winners will receive the right to select the local non-profit of their choice to receive thousands of dollars to continue critically important work for the health of the community.

Prizes include:
  • $30,000 grant chosen by the grand prize winner
  • $3,000 grant chosen by the 2nd place winner
  • $2,000 grant chosen by the 3rd place winner
  • $1,000 grants chosen by each of 15 finalists
champions of care challenge

Who do you know that is making their community healthier? We all want our neighborhood to be the healthiest place that it can be, so don't let the opportunity to praise the people making a difference slip past!

Be sure to head over to by March 9th to take part in the Champions of Care Challenge from Health Mart to recognize them today (and help decide where the $50,000 in grants will go). Your community deserves it!

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to think who I'd nominate. Have a couple of people in mind. Thanks for the link.

    slehan at juno dot com
