Friday, April 18, 2014

Get Pampered this Mother's Day with the Dr. Fischer Dead Sea Minerals Gift Set! {Review & Giveaway}

Dr. Fischer logo
As with every other holiday that involves gifts, when I'm asked What do you want for Mother's Day? it results in a blank look and an explanation that I don't have an answer.

At least, not an answer that is tangible. If someone has figured out how to gift wrap things like time and relaxation, then my wishlist is complete.

In the meantime, I look for ways that I (and all other busy women) everywhere can fit in a little zen-like pampering as a way to provide that elusive calm, relaxing feeling that we all desire. Although my schedule (and wallet) might not allow me to spend every week at the spa, that doesn't mean that I can't have the same experience right at home thanks to the rejuvenation from Dr. Fischer Dead Sea Mineral Spa Products.

spa products

Fischer Pharmaceuticals, one of the most beloved brands in Israel, has launched its dermatologist-recommended Dr. Fischer Dead Sea Mineral Spa products in the U.S. and these unique, high quality items are a great gift idea for Mother's Day!

Dr. Eli Fischer is a scientist, a successful international industrialist, philanthropist and an international brand. After his first innovation for treating glaucoma, he founded Fischer Pharmaceuticals in 1965, specializing in the fields of ophthalmology and dermatology. Currently his spa products have been sold in over 40 countries and have received rave reviews worldwide.

So of course I jumped at the chance to get to pamper my skin with this gift set of amazing items!

Dr. Fischer spa review

Containing a unique herbal, mineral and vitamin complex for silky soft skin, I appreciate that this set of products is designed to not only protect my skin from the aging effects of dryness, but that daily use will also leave my skin extra smooth and lightly scented.

Dr. Fischer shower mousseFirst on my list to try, the Creamy Shower Mousse.

Designed to cleanse and replenish essential moisture to the skin, this unique product (I've never heard of a shower mousse before!) leaves the skin fresh, clean, silky smooth and nicely fragrant.

While I tend to reach for traditional bars of soap in the shower, I do like the way that Dr. Fischer has made the Creamy Shower Mousse out of Dead Sea minerals, 100% natural oils and fruit extracts, so that I am confident that it will leave my skin soft and clean.

Dr. Fischer mineral shower scrubAt the same time, the Body Scrub has proven to leave my skin fresh and clean, but in a revitalized, new-skin-cells type of way.

The combination of the Dead Sea minerals, natural oils, witch hazel, and pro-vitamin B5 results in a gentle, deep clean that I love to feel when I rub my hands together — and is also a great wake-up start to the day. Who doesn't want to have radiant, invigorated, fresh, clean, lightly-scented skin first thing in the morning?

Dr. Fischer body butterOnce my skin is clean from the Creamy Shower Mousse or Body Scrub, Dr. Fischer's Mineral Body Butter has proven to be just the silky follow-up that it needs.

With ingredients such as vanilla, patchouli fragrance and Shea butter, it's no wonder that this body butter smells so good! Add to that the way that it helps enhance skin elasticity and leaves my skin looking radiant, smooth and healthy and it's a no-brainer to add it to my daily routine!

If it's weird that I find myself taking a deep breath of my arm throughout the day, then I will just have to accept it. But the body butter aroma is soothing and relaxing (for the body as well as the mind) and I just love knowing that it is helping protect my skin from the aging effects of dryness.

Dr. Fischer hand creamFinally, when my hands need extra moisture and care, I reach for Dr. Fischer's Hand Cream.

Similar to the Body Butter in that the Hand Cream formula was also created to provide younger looking, soft, smooth skin, this portable, convenient tube is just right for a quick application at any point during the day.

Also similar to the other Dr. Fischer Spa products, the light scent of this cream is one that I find strong but not overpowering. I don't end up wrinkling my nose at fake floral tones, rather by using items like vanilla, patchouli, date, pomegranate, jasmine and more, these all instead provide a rich, soothing aroma.

Dr. Fischer spa products

Even though it may not be a full trip to the spa, these products are a great way to take a few minutes for myself that result in feeling refreshed, relaxed and that I've done something just for me. Plus, where they would usually retail individually for over $70, this set is currently on sale for only $47.95 (until May 12th, 2014)!

One more bonus? Dr. Fischer Gift Sets are packed by women with special needs at Bayit Cham-The Centers for Mental Wellness, so by buying this gift, you are also helping to support this special population of women!

With such a wide variety of high quality and natural products, once you've tried Dr. Fischer Spa Products, you just might be hooked on the way that they leave your skin perfectly nourished and balanced, highly invigorated and delightfully fragrant. Head over to to find out more about the full line.

Are you ready to indulge in some pampering? Whether you prefer lotions, oils, hair care, baby products or more, one person will be able to choose their own way of relaxing or have a great gift for Mother's Day, because...

One lucky person will win a Dead Sea Minerals Gift Set*
from Dr. Fischer (ARV $74)!

Dr. Fischer giveaway
*Gift Set includes Mineral Creamy Shower Mousse, Mineral Body Butter, Mineral Hand Cream and Mineral Shower Scrub. One winner per household, email address or home address. If you have won this prize on another blog you are ineligible to win again. Winners must have a U.S.-based address to receive their prize.

I participated in this event on behalf of Wendy's Bloggers for Fischer Pharmaceuticals Ltd. I received Dr. Fischer products to facilitate my review.


  1. In order to relax, I like to read or listen to guided meditation.

  2. I love to watch a good movie or read a good book to relax!

  3. I like to surf online with a cup of tea and some chocolate.

  4. I like taking baths and reading a good book.


  5. Watch scary movies with a glass of red wine

  6. To relax i like to take a nice long hot bubble bath.

  7. I relax by curling up under the quilt my Grandma made me, cat on my lap, and a good book.

  8. I am a simple girl. I love to take a nice long bath with a good book!!!

  9. To relax, I like to curl up with a blanket and a cup of hot tea.

  10. When I get the chance to relax,I like to soak in bubble bath with some scented candles.

  11. Hi! My favorite way to relax is to sit with my coffee and read various beauty, crafting, and decorating blogs. Fun! Thank-you!

  12. I like to meditate to relax.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. I like to soak in a hot tub bath while reading a good book!

  14. I like to read a good book to relax.

  15. I like to read a good book to relax.

  16. I like to relax with a good book followed by a short nap.

  17. A nice warm bath is my favorite way to relax.

  18. I like to relax by just laying down and browsing through Instagram for a few minutes lol

  19. Read my newest magazines or book.

  20. surf the web

  21. I like to drink Hot Chocolate and read a Book.

  22. To relax, I go out and water the garden or sit down and watch a good movie.

  23. I like to read to relax or listen to music.

  24. Sewing is relaxing to me.
    Kathy Davis

  25. In order for me to relax I read a book.

  26. I go swimming to relax. I also like to read to relax.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  27. I surf the web to relax - it's really an escape for me, from all the cares of the day. I especially like watching/listening to YouTube videos of old songs. scain54(at)aol(dot)com

  28. I like to take a nice warm bath.

  29. I like to turn on the hot tub, hop in and drink a glass of wine, or four. :)

  30. I like to take a nice warm bath with a good book and some candles. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!


  31. I loved to watch a good movie or read a good book!

  32. I like to make a cup of my favorite coffee,either a good book or a favorite movie I have seen many times and sit back in a comfortable chair and don't think! Just VEG for a few minutes or up to an hour and once i am ready I can face any problem with a few new ideas.

  33. I like to go to the spa to relax

  34. I love to fishing with my family.

  35. I love to read a book with a cup of tea.

  36. I love to relax by walking around a lake in our neighborhood with my mom or a friend.

  37. I read a book in the hot tub, and listen to the sounds of nature all around!

  38. I relax by surfing the Internet or watching TV or playing the piano.

  39. I love taking a nice, long, HOT bath to relax!

  40. To relax, I like to work in the garden. It's work, but it's relaxing for me.

  41. I like a hot bubblebath, a glass of wine, and a good book.

  42. I go get a manicure and pedicure when I want to relax.

  43. I do meditation all the time and it helps me to de stress

  44. I really love to relax in my tub!

  45. I love to watch old movies on Turner Classic Movies, the ones from the 30s and 40s.

  46. I like to watch House, Anthony Bourdain and shows like that.

  47. I like to take a long walk outdoors.

  48. To relax, I like sipping on some hot tea, taking a warm shower, and doing a crossword puzzle with a candle lit.

  49. I love Reading to relax! Thanks for the fabulous post and giveaway!

  50. Take a long walk or read a book.

  51. Immerse myself in a good book &/or a hot bubblebath :)

  52. I relax in a long, hot, scented bubble bath.

  53. i like to lay on my bed and watch tv to relax. I get so relaxed I fall asleep.

  54. I like to take a good book and relax in a hot tub.

  55. I love to rest in our hammock to relax!

  56. I like to relax by soaking in the hot tub with a glass of wine.

  57. A glass of wine does the trick!

  58. I love to take bubble baths to relax. I lay everything out, a magazine, glass of wine, and turn music on. Lovely :)

  59. I shut my eyes and listen to audiobooks.

  60. I like to lay in the bed with a book.

  61. I like to lay in the bed with a book.

  62. Relaxing is snuggling down into my bed with my sherpa blanket with a hot cup of coffee and my snuggly puppy.

  63. I like to lock myself in my room and read a magazine! Sometimes with a glass of wine! :)

  64. i love to hear music to relax and rock!

  65. In the winter months to relax I take a bubble bath or get in the hot tub. In the spring/summer months I like to relax by sitting by water of any kind...beach, lake, pool etc. Thank-you, for a great #giveaway :)

  66. I like to have a cup of coffee and enter giveaways.

  67. I like to take a long hot bath with a good book!

  68. To relax I like to snuggle up on the couch or in our bed to read a good book. :)

  69. Gardening and exercise. Daily.

  70. I like to enjoy a cup of coffee and a good book, curled up on the couch to relax!

  71. I like to take a long hot bath... for me that's a luxury :)

  72. I sit in the hot tub and soak all my stress away

  73. To relax, I get a cup of tea and watch some TV!

  74. I go outside and look at the ducks!

  75. I love getting a massage to relax. :)

  76. For relaxing, I drink a hot tea and just be quiet and listen to my surroundings

  77. I love to watch movies.
    Brittney House

  78. I love to sit outside this time of year and watch the garden grow.

  79. I love to watch tv and drink tea.

  80. To relax I read a book or magazine , and do yoga :)

  81. I veg in front of the tube :)

  82. to relax I read or just sit out on my patio and soak up the sun

  83. I relax with a warm bath, a glass of wine and a good book.

  84. I relax with a warm bath, a glass of wine and a good book.

  85. I relax by sitting outside on the patio with a nice glass of wine.

  86. I like to relax in a hot bubble bath with a new magazine

    CINDY BROOKA on gt

  87. I like to relax with a great book!

  88. I like to play the piano to relax.

  89. I like to get into bed with a good book to relax.

  90. Take a relaxing, uninterrupted warm bath or, if I do not have the time, enjoy a nice cup of freshly-brewed tea

  91. I like to find a quiet place to read a book and enjoy a hot cup of tea.

  92. I love to sit on the couch with a good book and a cozy blanket.

    Desiree Dunbar

  93. I absolutely love to relax in a hot bath while reading a god book. I just have to be careful so I don't drop the book in the water!

  94. I try to take a bath or even just a few minutes alone time - often in the bathroom LOL.

  95. I like to lay on my deck and read a good book when it is warm

  96. I like to read books in bed at night.

  97. I love to soak in the tub with candles lit

  98. I like to read a book to relax.

  99. I like to knit and this does relax me. I also like to take a hot bath with bubbles or just take a nap!

  100. Hot bath + good book + cold drink = relaxation.

  101. I like to surf online.

  102. I like to read in bed and eat Milka chocolate. :P

    My e-mail: blackasphodel(at)yahoo(dot)com

  103. I like to read to relax! And watch "Golden Girls." kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  104. I like to soak in a hot tub or at a hot springs to relax.

  105. I like to take a long hot shower to relax.

  106. For me, it's definitely luxuriating in a long, warm bath full of bath salts and with a glass of good white wine.

  107. To relax I like to sit in the hot tub with a good book.

  108. A stress relief bath with no kids and no phone does the trick.

  109. I like to soak in the tub and listen to music.

  110. I like sitting on my porch swing and reading.

  111. I like to cuddle up in bed with a book of puzzles.

  112. I like to relax in my recliner and watch a favorite DVD.

  113. I like to curl up on the front porch with coffee and the Kindle.

  114. I like to read a good book outside on a warm day to relax!


  115. I like to sit outside and read

  116. I like to take a nice hot bubble bath and read a book.

  117. AA bubble bath and a good book is my favorite way to relax.

  118. I like to curl up with my fiancé and watch a movie.

  119. i like to take a hot bubble bath

  120. Sitting on the porch swing in the evening.

  121. A hot bath, glass of wine and a great book :)

    ktgonyea at gmail dot com

  122. I like to read a good book to relax

  123. Usually I like to sleep...but to relax today I sat outside listening to the beautiful bird songs while I did my prayers...The Divine Mercy Chaplet.

  124. I love relaxing in the bath

  125. Reading a book, is the best!

  126. I like to take a long bath and drink wine to relax.

  127. a hot bath and I use a bath bomb from LUSH

  128. I like to take a bubble bath to relax.

  129. to relax I like to sit on my swing in my garden watching my ducks in my pond

  130. I put an audiobook on my Ipod, put it on the dock and listen in a bubble bath.

  131. I like to sit and watch a good movie with some popcorn.

  132. I like to read books!


  133. I like to go shopping to relax =) Lisa L tylerpants(at)

  134. Thanks for the giveaway… a long soak in our hot tub is my preferred method of relaxation.
