Monday, April 14, 2014

Get Kids Excited About Science with Nancy B’s Science Club Microscope and Activity Journal {Review & Giveaway}

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While my daughters enjoy playing with games and toys that span a huge variety of topics and activities, I am always on the lookout for ones that incorporate education in with the entertainment. After all, why not slip in a little learning while having fun, right?

Which is why I couldn't have been more excited and impressed to be introduced to the large selection of high quality products that are perfect for home or school for children of all ages available from Educational Insights.

Educational Insights products

Based in Southern California, Educational Insights manufactures playful products with serious educational value, including subject-specific classroom products, teacher resources, educational toys, and games. As their products are designed by seasoned educators and parents who know that, first and foremost, learning must be fun, you know that you're only getting the best of the best!

Which is just what we found when we were able to try out Nancy B's Science Club Microscope and Activity Journal for ourselves.

Nancy B's microscope

Designed for ages 8 and up, Nancy B's Microscope is the perfect product to help encourage and/or maintain a girl's interest in science throughout the year. This 2-in-1 light and dissecting microscope is plenty durable to withstand being handled by children, yet functions and performs like a true piece of scientific equipment.

Both of my girls' eyes lit up as soon as they saw "that cool science thing!" so it wasn't long before we had this great microscope and keepsake journal out of the box.

Educational Insights Nancy B's microscope

Immediately we noticed that the small size and lightweight feel of this microscope makes it even easier to transport (or travel with), and that just about everything we needed to get started was included right in the packaging.

While I installed three AAA batteries (not included), the girls excitedly examined many of the tools that come with this Nancy B product. Tweezers, scalpel, stirring rod, specimen vials, slides... they couldn't wait to get started!

kids microscope tools

I love that Educational Insights made this microscope complex enough that users are truly able to observe, experiment and learn with it, yet the controls are uncomplicated and easy to use.

Once turned on, it only takes a matter of seconds to switch the objective lenses from seeing samples 30x to 100x to 400x larger than they would appear to the naked eye! Then, by peering into the eyepiece and adjusting the focusing knob, you're on your way to exploring and magnifying with ease.

children's microscope

At the same time, the activity journal includes a great introduction to using the microscope as well as 22 pages of fun science experiments and activities for kids!

Big Sister E, like most kids, loves being able to use items or follow directions that seem "grown up," so she has been engrossed with looking at all of the different ideas. What child wouldn't think it was extremely cool to observe the cells of an onion, dissect drops of liquid or discover microorganisms in the water from a nearby pond, stream or lake?

Nancy B's microscope activity book

Unsurprisingly, both of my daughters have been enthralled with all that they can discover and observe with Nancy B’s Science Club Microscope and hardly a day has passed that they haven't been on the hunt for different things to place on their blank slides.

From skin cells to dirt and hair to leaves, grass and feathers, they've been hypothesizing, discussing and learning all on their own!

kids microscope

Whether using this microscope to introduce more science and microbiology into your household or to encourage a child who already has a love for it, Nancy B’s Science Club Microscope is a great tool to have around. I can already picture my kids packing this with them for a future beach vacation or to bring to Grandma's house to begin exploring entirely new worlds!

Plus, while this microscope is smaller in stature and made from mainly plastic, this is the perfect way to find out if one of my kids has a hidden passion for science. If it turns out that Educational Insights has opened up a new adoration and truly wants to pursue it further, then we can always look at larger, heavier duty products for future years.

Nancy B's microscope review

For now, however, Nancy B’s Science Club Microscope and Activity Journal retails for only $39.99 and has already proven why it is an award-winning piece of equipment that is perfect for kids!

Speaking of which, Nancy B's does more than simply encourage the love of science with high quality products, they are also currently hosting a Summer Science Scholarship to make even more science dreams come true!

scholarship form

That's right, from now until May 1st, 2014, children ages 8 to 17 can enter to win $500 plus five science tools — what a fantastic way to appreciate science even more!

Find out much more about all of the amazing brands and engaging products that Educational Insights has to offer by visiting them at and connecting with them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube. You'll also want to sign up for Education Insights' newsletter for special offers, promotions and more!

And, thanks to their generosity, one person will soon be able to see the wonder, curiosity and love of science grow on their child's face as well, because...

One lucky person will win a Nancy B’s Science Club Microscope and Activity Journal from Educational Insights!

microscope giveaway

A big thank you to Educational Insights for providing a Nancy B's Microscope for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. I believe my child would like this because she is 6 yrs old and shes at an age were she is very curious about learning new things and how they work.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My granddaughte3r loves science, she loves to explore nature, is great at finding and following animal tracks, loves to collect bugs, and really enjoys trips to zoo and aquariums, she is very inquisitive and loves to know about things, I think she would love this Nancy B Microscope with activity book, to help her learn more and more. She and her sister are homeschooled and they are always telling me something I id not know or did not remember.

  4. This is such a great way to introduce kids to science! My kids would love to look at things under a microscope.

  5. My granddaughter is fascinated by science and how things work. I think she would really enjoy this.

  6. My daughter would LOVE this. She is fascinated by science and nature - animals in particular - this would be a great way for her to learn while playing!

  7. One of my grandsons who is only 6 is into nature, science, meteorology and everything like this. For him to learn through his studies is something he would love, this would be perfect for him

  8. My great grand is interested in anything Why?. This microscope would help in learning the answers to science questions.

  9. My little grandson likes to look at everything with a magnifying glass and I think he would love seeing things under a microscope.

  10. I have a 6 and 8 year old and they both are always wanting to do science experiments. I believe this would be a great tool to keep them interested in science.

  11. I think my child would love this item because they have recently become obsessed with anything scientific.

  12. I think my granddaughter would like seeing things under a microscope.

  13. I think my daughter would like this because it would be cool for her to see everyday objects on a cellular level.

  14. She is a very curious kids and are fascinated with science which is why she'd love this

  15. My 10 year old would like this set. She would love it make her own slides.

  16. My 6 year old son loves to learn and investigate, this would be great for him!

  17. I would love to win because my kids love to learn and explore.

  18. My daughter has wanted a microscope for a long time since she was 9 yrs old but we haven't had the money. she would be so happy if I won this.

  19. My kids would love this because they are all curious and love learning.

  20. My oldest loves to explore and pretend he is a paleontologist. He would love being able to examine bits of nature up close.

  21. My son is so interested in everything. He loves to examine things and figure out how things work. He also asks a million questions a day :)

  22. She would love this microscope because she loves anything to do with science and nature. So I think she would use it to check out water, plants, bugs, etc. with it. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  23. Our grandson would like this, he likes to examine everything and is observant.

  24. I am trying to get both my kids involved in math and science , I am a biology and chemistry major. They both want to do anything that mommy does . Awesome giveaway !!

  25. my grandson loves science and would love to look at things through this

  26. I am actually entering to donate to a children's charity.

  27. My brother always had an interest in science.. I think my grandduaughter is very similar.

  28. Science is my son's favorite subject in school and has always wanted a microscope! I would love to give him this to foster his learning and love ofScience!

  29. She would love to explore nature with the microscope since she loved catching bugs and looking at it with magnifying glass.

  30. we live near some awesome nature places and our granddaughter loves to go into nature and explore this would be awesome

  31. My oldest is almost 5 now and he's all about learning and exploring so I know he'd absolutely love this!

  32. My son loves exploring and figuring out how things work, so I'm sure he'd love this

  33. My 7 yr. old nephew loves everything science. I think this would be an ideal gift for him to further his interests.

  34. My kids love to know how things work, and I think that interest would translate well with what they could learn with a microscope.

  35. They love to explore and learn about the world.

  36. My grandson is very inquisitive and eager to learn. He's also a perfectionist and likes to track what he does so know he'd love the journal. This all sounds perfect for him!

  37. My daughter loves being outdoors and loves nature. She is a homeschooler too. Thanks. gahome2mom/

  38. My kids are home-schooled, so this would be an excellent addition to our school room. My youngest LOVES science and will spend countless hours looking through this microscope.

  39. My daughter is 5 but is far more interested in science than I expected. She'd absolutely love this!

  40. My daughter would love to have a microscope! She is always exploring, asking questions and wanting to know more about EVERYTHING!

  41. My granddaughter loves science and how things work. I think she would really enjoy this.

  42. My daughters favorite subject in school right now is Science. She would love this!

  43. my son would love to explore things up close. Leaves and bugs.

  44. I always loved science as a child and I believe my nephew does too. I can remember my first microscope and I want him to have one also.

  45. I have 2 boys that are nine and five that would love to use this to understand things better. They love to learn.

  46. My daughter is going to a nature camp this summer where they collect samples and look at them in a microscope. She would love to have one at home!

  47. My child would love this because he is such an observer. He notices small details all the time.

  48. i would love to get this to use in my classroom with my students...thank you!

  49. My son would love this because he is really interested in anything science! He also likes to write everything down that he discovers :)

  50. My son loves to look at bugs, and I think this will expand his experience.

  51. My daughter absolutely loves her handheld magnifying glass, so I feel that she would love this!

  52. we homeschool & science is my son's favorite subject! He would absolutely love to have a microscope!

  53. My son is special needs and hands on learning is how he learns best. This would a great asset for him to have fun learning.

  54. My child would love this because she is intrigued by learning and loves being able to do things for herself.

  55. She wants to learn constantly. She would enjoy this set.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  56. I have two little girls here who really DO love science! They love to go out with me and observe things. They love "ancient things" tv shows even. I try to foster love of science in them all I can.

  57. I think he'd love this. Good way to introduce science into his life. I think he'd have a blast with it. He enjoys learning new thing. Just in time for summer.

  58. This would be perfect for my daughter because she loves playing scientist. She already carries a magnifying glass around with her everywhere she goes, and this microscope would be the perfect birthday gift for her.

  59. My nephew loves all things about science so this would be great for him.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  60. Alysia, my niece, is science girl. She loves educational shows and has a magnifying glass and collects bugs!

  61. I would love this for my daughter, she is curious about everything

  62. My son and daughter would have a great time using this and learning with the Nancy B's Microscope and Activity Journal.

  63. I know my daughter would love this! She is very much into science these days and has mentioned wanting a microscope for a while now :)

    Jessica Ledford
    cherriesjessilee at gmail dot com

  64. My grandson would love this Microscope and Activity Journal because he loves science and to explore new things. He has wanted a microscope for awhile now.

  65. My son is just getting into science. He loves learning about things outdoors. This would be a great way to bring things inside and delve deeper.

  66. my daughter says her favorite thing is science so it woudl be fun to watch her play with this

  67. My guy loves science so this would be a big hit.

  68. Our son would love this as he loves science, the outdoors, and tiny bugs.

  69. My son would like this because science is his favorite subject.

  70. My nephew is into science and this is right up his ally

  71. My kids love to learn new things.

  72. my son is just getting into looking at bugs (worms!!) and would love this to investigate further

  73. My granddaughters favorite subject is science and she would have a blast with this.

  74. This would be nice for my curious son who's a big fan of anything Science related! Lisa L tylerpants(at)

  75. my son loves science and experimenting and would get a lot of use out of this!

  76. my 8 year old daughter loves science so she would have fun with the microscope

  77. My kids LOVE science! (CoreyOlomon at gmai dot com)

  78. My grandson would love this because he loves science and learning new things.

  79. our daughter loves to learn, we would enjoy this over the summer.

  80. The Nancy B's Microscope and Activity Journal looks very interesting!

  81. My daughter would love to see all the thing she collects on nature walks up close!

  82. My granddaughter that lives with us gets straight A's so far and this would keep her interested in science.

  83. because they look fun and interesting.
