Thursday, July 3, 2014

Keep Fruits and Vegetables Fresh with Food Huggers Reusable Food Savers {Review & Coupon Code}

Food Huggers logo
We all have good intentions. Spending more quality time with our children, actually making it to the gym to exercise, cutting down on carbs or sugar or just the number of sweets that pass by our lips...

And, although all of us may have different goals and plans, is there anyone who doesn't feel as though eating a little healthier would be a positive change in their life?

However, along with my lack of willpower, one aspect of eating more fruits and vegetables that seems to continually prove difficult is keeping them fresh. Why can't my bananas stop turning brown and my tomatoes keep the mold away long enough for me to eat them?

Fortunately it's all a little easier now with the arrival of Food Huggers in our kitchen.

Food Huggers

Designed to help get as much freshness and deliciousness out of each fruit and veggie, Food Huggers are the answer to less waste and more taste that you haven't known you needed.

These small, colorful silicone food savers are easy to use, a snap to store and even manage to add a dose of fun to your cooking and cleaning. They do it all!

Food Huggers food savers

Right out of the box and I was thrilled with the way that the Food Huggers nest within each other for compact storage and that pulling them out for use doesn't take more than a second or two.

Food Huggers food savers review

Simply use the portion of the fruit or vegetable that you need, grab the closest sized Hugger when you're done, and pop it in to save it for later.

Food Huggers fruit

Forget cramming things into baggies and ditch the plastic wrap that inevitably falls off, Food Huggers are the perfect solution!

Food Huggers fruit saver

As these Huggers create their own tight seal, I love being able to toss them right into the refrigerator and know that my produce will still be fresh and ready for me the next time I need it.

At the same time, the Set of 2 Avocado Food Huggers are perfect for sliding onto either half of the yummy fruit (with or without the seed) to help keep it from turning brown. No worries about only eating half of your avocado and not being able to turn it into guacamole in time, just put it right onto the shelf next to your half lemon and half cucumber!

Food Huggers vegetable saver

Still thinking that you might not get enough use out of these? Well, think again. Food Huggers can pop on more than just various sized fruits and veggies, they're also flexible enough to cover open cans and jars to keep contents fresh!

jar cover

All in all, I love how effective and efficient the line of Food Huggers food savers have proven to be and I have been thrilled with the results that they have provided. No more baggies or filling plastic containers (which somehow always results in "mystery contents" a few weeks later), these colorful food savers are just right — they're even dishwasher safe for easy clean-up and 100% BPA free for safety.

They really couldn't be much easier to use (my kids think that they're so much fun!) and, now that they are in my kitchen, I wonder how I got along before they arrived. I can also see these making a unique and practical gift!

Retailing for $14.99 for the Set of 4 Food Huggers (or a multi-pack of small sizes) and $9.99 for a Set of Two Avocado Huggers, you can find out more and make a purchase by visiting But don't delay! Until July 16, 2014 enter the coupon code MAILCARRIERHUGS and you'll receive 15% off of your order!

You'll also want to connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram so that you stay up-to-date on Food Hugger info, new additions (what size or shape is next?!), tips and ideas, and much more.

Other than the two sets of Food Huggers I was provided in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this product.



    I live alone and could really use these.

    slehan at juno dot com

  2. What a great idea. To get food huggers to keep my food items fresh and not exposed to the air. I would like to get some of these because I know i have needed them in the past.

  3. These look like something everyone could use. Thank you for your review.
