Friday, August 29, 2014

Unbrace Your Smile (and Life) with Invisalign Teen!

invisalign teen logo
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

In sixth grade, I wanted braces.

I can remember seeing them on other kids and marveling at the little metal bars, all the while thinking that the way that their lips had to sit uncomfortably atop them and form words over and around them was just so cool.

Did I know or care about the pain, hassle and work that actually went into braces? Nope, it was all about the cool factor.

Fortunately, my ambitions have changed in the next 25 years and, due to my good genes, my pearly whites have stayed straight on their own. Unfortunately, in what is beginning to look like karma coming back to get me, my nearly-8-year-old has a mouth currently filled with teeth out of my preteen dreams.

crooked teeth

Granted, Big Sister E doesn't have all of her permanent teeth in yet, so we've still got a few years to see what happens on its own (which is what her orthodontist suggested).

But in the meantime, that doesn't mean that I'm not going to be prepared with the information and knowledge about what treatment options are available if and when we need them. No offense to braces and all, but options for straightening teeth have come a long way and I want to provide my daughter with only the best of the best for her beautiful smile.

I'm talking Invisalign treatment!

Invisalign Infographic

If you're not familiar with Invisalign, then you're missing out on this great alternative to braces. As opposed to traditional wires and brackets, Invisalign's clear aligners straighten teeth in a virtually invisible way.

As well as the convenience, I love that Invisalign Teen — created specifically for preteens and teens — all but eliminates the disruption and sacrifice that comes with the usual teeth straightening for the younger generation.

This method results in less social awkwardness to impact a teen's confidence and self-esteem during an already vulnerable time; no worry of interference or injury when used while playing a musical instrument or participating in sports; no emergency orthodontic visits for broken wires and brackets; no food restrictions (as Invisalign Teen is removable for easy brushing and flossing) and more!

Invisalign Teen

Plus, although there is a common myth that Invisalign can only treat minor or cosmetic issues, the truth is that this treatment effectively treats a wide variety of orthodontic issues including severe bite issues.

From underbite to crossbite, deepbite to overbite and overly crowded to widely spaced, advancements to Invisalign's patented technology continues to increase the complexity of issues that can be treated. Pictures like these of Brandon's results give me great hope for how well my daughter's smile can turn out after Invisalign Teen!

invisalign results

If you're thinking that the cost of braces is already high, so the price of Invisalign must be more expensive than metal braces, no worries. The cost of Invisalign is quite comparable to the cost of traditional braces and many dental insurance plans cover Invisalign just as they would braces — up to 50% of the cost may be covered!

And, even if dental insurance doesn't apply, many doctors will help parents find options to make straightening their child's teeth more affordable, such as flexible and affordable monthly finance plans.

Why would I want anything less for my daughter than Invisalign Teen? If these removable clear aligners can straighten her teeth without a mouth full of metal and all the disruption and sacrifice that comes with it, then I'm on my way to the Invisalign Smile Assessment to find out if Invisalign will be right for us!

Invisalign teeth straightening

Be sure to find out more about Invisalign options, how this modern treatment works, whether you or your child are good candidates, Invisalign results and much more by visiting and connecting with them on Twitter and Facebook.

But, wait! Why not enter for a chance to win FREE Invisalign treatment as well?

Invisalign sweepstakes

On now through September 30th, 2014, the Straight Talk Sweepstakes just might provide you or a member of your family with a beautiful, straight smile completely free of charge! Enter right here!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
I'm keeping an eye on both of my daughters' teeth to ensure that they have the best treatment available as they enter their teen years. But now I want to hear your thoughts! How do you think Invisalign Teen compares to braces?

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