Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Beauty of a Candle with the Excitement of a Hidden Gift: Prize Candle {Review}

Prize Candle logo
While most purchases result in a very predictable result (e.g. I bought a shirt, therefore I can now wear said shirt), there are times when innovative companies manage to add a fun, festive surprise to their products.

Remember the line of clothing popular back in the 90's that changed colors when you wore it? Or what about kids' shoes that light up with every step, adding a little extra pizazz every time they're worn?

The same excitement is found — with the addition of mystery and suspense — in a chic, fashionable, all natural, beautifully packaged Prize Candle!

prize candle

An eco-conscious candle line that is sophisticated and refined, Prize Candle takes things one step further with the added bonus of a prize tucked into every candle!

As someone who enjoys the soothing look and aroma of candles, why wouldn't I want to choose an all natural soy wax candle with a beautiful fragrance that has a hidden prize valued at $10 to $5,000 in it?

Prize Candle box

Right away I was impressed with the stylish, colorful packaging of my Prize Candle, which perfectly complemented the simplicity and beauty of the 9 oz candle itself.

prize candle review

Not to mention the overall fun and ease of the process in discovering my prize!

prize candle steps

With the anticipation high, it wasn't long before we had lit this candle and were enjoying the Jasmine Neroli scent (which is not at all strong or overpowering, something that we all appreciated).

While the full candle itself boasts a 40 hour burn time, it wasn't long before the edge of the prize packaging began to peek through... just making us even more excited to see what was awaiting us inside!

prize candle prize

Although the Prize Candle "How It Works" steps show the prize pouch being removed after the candle has only burned a little bit, it took quite a few days of (impatient) waiting for ours to be uncovered enough that it could be pulled out.

In the meantime, the girls and I browsed the pictures on the Prize Candle website and imagined the possibilities that might be waiting for us inside...

prize candle rings

...until finally, after a little maneuvering with a pair of tweezers, it was time for the big reveal!

prize candle ring

Amidst all of our ooohing and ahhhing, it only took a few seconds for me to visit to type in the code included in the prize packaging to receive my appraisal.

prize candle appraisal

While it's not a $5,000 ring, a surprise $25 ring is still a lot of fun to discover in your candle!

Overall, I think the Prize Candle concept is a great twist to a traditional candle and would be a wonderful gift for anyone who enjoys enhancing their decor in this manner. Again, if you're going to burn a candle anyway, why not choose one that is beautiful, all natural, made in the U.S.A. and contains a different sparkling prize inside each time?

To check out the full selection and variety of Prize Candle options, visit and connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. These attractive soy wax candles retail for $24.99 each, however, why not save a little money on your order? Simply click here and you'll automatically receive $10 off of your order, dropping the price down to only $14.99!

What hidden gift is waiting inside your next Prize Candle?

Other than the candle that I was provided by Prize Candle in conjunction with Tastemaker Mom, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This post is solely my honest opinion on this product.


  1. This is a great idea and I love the candles. Thank you for sharing

  2. This would be so fun at Christmastime! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Your ring looks amazing! I like the blue color. I have a Diamond Candle I got a really nice ring out of it. I will have to get a Prize Candle. They look so pretty.

  4. We use to get surprise balls that you unwrapped and unwrapped and unwrapped, finding some little thing every once in a while and then a fun toy in the center.

    slehan at juno dot com
