Tuesday, September 23, 2014

It's Time to #GetGoing with the Jif To Go Photo Contest!

Jif logo
I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Influence-Central for Jif To Go Dippers. I received a sample to facilitate my review and a thank you item for participating.

Even though there are times in our lives where it feels as though each minute couldn't tick by any slower, the truth is that the days, weeks, months and years end up passing by more quickly than we ever would have thought possible.

So, although we'll never have any control over the how fast life can feel, we are in charge of what we're doing with each of our days and weeks. Do you want to look back in 10 years and regret too many missed opportunities? Of course not! Instead, let's grab every experience and adventure that comes our way and make the most of them! Let's celebrate all of the crazy ups and downs of our busy lives on-the-go and stay focused on being in the moment!

Right now there is the perfect way to do just that (while entering to win some cold hard cash!) thanks to Jif and their Jif To Go #GetGoing Photo Contest.

Jif To Go contest

On now through October 1, 2014, Jif To Go is celebrating life on-the-go by asking fans
to share a picture of how they get going.

Entrants can enter through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or by uploading a photo directly at Jif.com and each week Jif will choose a new winner of $1,000 cash to use for their next adventure (see complete details here)! 

#GetGoing contest

What kind of adventure would you take or dream would you follow with an extra $1,000?

My family is extremely fortunate to have been able to travel near and far for all sorts of fun, so I have no doubt that we would have a blast planning anything from a trip to a staycation that would involve us gearing up to #GetGoing and go out and enjoy life!

Jif #GetGoing contest

Jif knows how busy our lives are and how much easier it is if things are accessible and convenient, so be sure to keep an eye out for their new Jif to Go Dippers. These grab-and-go packages are the perfect snack to enjoy anytime, anywhere and are available in two delicious varieties: chocolate silk with pretzels and creamy peanut butter with pretzels. Stay tuned for a future post sharing our thoughts on them!

How do you #GetGoing? Be sure to head over to the Jif To Go #GetGoing Photo Contest to share for your chance to win $1,000!


  1. I like to get going by traveling and being outside. Have to find a picture for this contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  2. This sounds like a fun giveaway. I will have to think about getting creative. Thanks for the information about the giveaway! Rita Spratlen

  3. Still haven't taken the time to find a picture and enter.

    slehan at juno dot com
