Friday, December 5, 2014

#Cube, the Digital Wi-fi Touchscreen Photo Viewer for Instagram {Review}

Cube logo
Even though I spend the majority of my life on the internet, I fully admit that I'm a little slow when it comes to embracing new social networks. Maybe I'm just old or maybe I'm just resistant to change (or maybe I just don't ever feel as though I have time to keep up), but eventually I get there.

And while there are varying opinions on some of the popular networks, one that has caught on and continues to provide a positive, visually appealing, fun way to stay in touch has to be Instagram. Who doesn't love this amazing photo-sharing app that keeps us connected with each other all across the world?

However, that's not to say that scrolling through photos and videos from the confines of a smart devices is all that great in itself. Isn't there a better way to enjoy the viewing experience?

There is. It's #Cube.


New from Konnect Labs, #Cube is a digital Wi-Fi touchscreen photo display/viewer for Instagram that provides a real-time display of your choice of the social network's images.

Why squint at your phone when this innovative, attractive, wireless photo canvas can showcase your favorite social photo and video streams instead?

Instagram Cube

Right away I appreciated that #Cube was designed and packaged to literally be ready for use right out of the box. Simply unwrap it from the plastic and it's ready to go!

Hashtagcube photo viewer

While I was initially assuming that I would have to plug #Cube into my computer in order to do the setup, instead I was pleased to find that all of the controls were right at my fingertips.

Thanks to the easy, step-by-step illustrated guide...

Hashtagcube instructions

...I was able to successfully have my #Cube ready for use in a matter of minutes.

Throughout the intuitive steps and by using the sensitive touchscreen, it only took a few taps before I had this device connected to our Wi-Fi and had granted it access to view my Instagram account.

HashtagCube setup

From there, the options are all done at the touch of a button or the swipe of your finger.

You can choose to stream photos from a particular account, therefore being able to easily view the images shared from a favorite friend, traveler or even yourself. I opted for the latter and was instantly reminiscing over my own pictures from the past!

Instagram photo viewing

Or perhaps you have a favorite hashtag that you like to follow? Then set up your #Cube to stream that particular one and you'll instantly have a real-time succession of photos showing things like #nature, #dogsofinstagram, #beach or more.

Similarly, if a #Cube was given as a gift to grandparents or other relatives anywhere in the world, your family could set up your own personal hashtag and it would be possible to share moments in your life with them instantaneously!

Sure, you can always send pictures from graduation, sporting events and birthday parties after the fact, but #Cube would make it possible for them to arrive as the experience is actually happening and with no work of uploading, sizing, emailing and more.

Hashtagcube review

There are more than 60 million photos shared every day on Instagram and I really don't think that #Cube could have made it much easier to view any or all of them!

The large 8" square LCD display gives it a retro-yet-modern look; the ability to use it anywhere Wi-Fi is available (plugged in or on the rechargeable battery) makes it extremely versatile; and the configuration of the three buttons along the top of the device and the touchscreen itself gives access to every setting or option you might need.

Want to flip to a particular picture? Just swipe up and down. Easier to view a group at once to find it? Simply flip to the 4x4 tile view. Interested in finding out more about a certain photo that appears in your stream? Swipe to the side and you'll see the "back" of the photo with comments, likes and more. Not a techy? No worries! #Cube takes care of its own free wireless software updates that enable new features & application support.

Really, no matter what your level of experience with Instagram or technology in general, #Cube requires no attention or work once it is set up. Just let it stream photos and video clips for you to enjoy!

#Cube Review

Whether you are a part of the 200+ million in the Instagram global community who capture and share the world's moments or not, #Cube makes it possible to stay socially connected and have a better viewing experience. This extremely innovative, attractive, easy-to-use wireless photo viewer can showcase your favorite social photo and video streams like never before!

To find out more about how you can stay socially connected in such an easy way, head over to, where you can learn more and connect to Amazon to purchase a #Cube in the classic design I received or a sleek white or black model for $149.99. You can also connect with this trailblazing company on Facebook, Twitter and, of course, Instagram.

Other than the #Cube that I was provided from Konnect Labs in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion about this product.


  1. I love how compact this is. Would make a great gift!

  2. That's a neat invention. I don't have an Instagram set up to use it.

    slehan at juno dot com
