Monday, December 8, 2014

Sweeten Your Holidays with Double Layer Cheesecake & Chocolate Pudding Pie!

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While families coast to coast have all sorts of varying holiday traditions, the common tie between us all is eating.

Baking cookies, passing the cheese balls, slicing the ham, flipping the latkes, scooping out the sweet potato pie — there is just something about celebrating traditions and family gatherings by coming together to enjoy all things food... and the holidays are an especially perfect time to do that.

However, I also believe that the holidays mean spending quality time doing what you love with the ones you love. Therefore, even though meal after meal needs to be planned and prepared, spending forever in the kitchen deciphering long, complicated recipes is just not high on my to-do list. Can't I enjoy the entertaining and family gatherings without having to put in hours of work?

The answer is yes, I can. And yes, I do. Particularly when it comes to desserts (because with me, it always comes to desserts), I love being able to pull together something that includes my two true loves, chocolate and cheesecake into one easy, mouthwatering dish. Which is why I gathered up a few ingredients and created my very own Double Layer Cheesecake & Chocolate Pudding Pie.

pudding whip cream pie

Is there anything that makes my taste buds dance more than tasty chocolate mixed with creamy cheesecake? I wasn't completely sure how this dessert was going to turn out, but I'm thrilled that I gave it a try as it is just so easy to make and just so yummy to eat!

Starting with a few of my favorite Kraft brands...

Kraft baking only took a little combining, blending and whipping together...

pudding pie ingredients

...before this pie was ready to chill in the fridge.

After it received a top layer of COOL WHIP...

pudding pie

...and some grated BAKER'S Semi-Sweet Chocolate right on top, it was ready to serve!

Chocolate Cheesecake Pudding Pie

Whether you are bringing this to a potluck or serving it at your own holiday party, your family and friends will take one bite and think that this is a complicated, time-consuming dish (you can even easily customize this with berries, nuts, caramels, peppermint and more). Little do they have to know that your mixer did the majority of the work!

Find the complete recipe and instructions here: Double Layer Cheesecake & Chocolate Pudding Pie. Mmm!

This post is a part of a partnered campaign with Kraft Foods, however, all thoughts and opinions shared are honest and my own.


  1. This looks like a easy delicious dessert! I am in charge of dessert for Christmas so I will keep this in mind.

  2. I'm totally with you on the cheesecake and chocolate combination--so good! Thanks for pointing me toward this recipe, too. I'm always on the lookout for a simple but pretty dessert.

  3. Makes my mouth water. I want to do this for a pot luck.

    slehan at juno dot com

  4. This looks so yummy and sounds like it would be easy enough for my 12 year old to do on her own. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Easy, quick and yummy. (sugar overload)

    slehan at juno dot com

  6. These look so delicious. We are having a Christmas party tonight. I am going to make the Chocolate Pudding Cheesecake pie. I know it will be a great hit.

  7. It was easy and got gobbled up quick.

    slehan at juno dot com

  8. OMG! Looks like a killer dessert! Thanks!!

  9. This looks wonderful and I'm sure it tastes as good as it looks! Yum!!

  10. This looks like I can make this this weekend. I am so excited. I bet the kids would love it.

  11. This sounds so good. This is my kind of desert. Great comfort food. Thank you for sharing

  12. This sounds like a great comfort food to me. Thank you so much for sharing

  13. The double layer cheesecake looks delicious! thank you for sharing!

  14. I would make this anytime of year, I love my cheesecake, so this combination of ingredients is right up my alley, looks awesome!

  15. My son loves cheesecake and this looks so good and easy I might have to try it.

  16. This is such perfect timing!!! I have to make a cheesecake for my brother Wednesday and this is the recipe I'm going to use, now!

  17. I think this cool delish dessert is perfect for summertime picnic table eats!!! Not too prissy, and easy to make, and everyone would adore it!!

  18. This looks delicious, and I could eat it anytime of year, not just the holidays!

  19. This is too good to pass up until the winter holidays. I am making this for a party this coming weekend. I will try and make it as good as your awesome photos.
