Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Never Be Afraid to Laugh Again Thanks to Poise Microliners!

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This sponsored post for Poise Microliners was brought to you by Socialstars, but all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

While it is important that everyone have a variety of traits (e.g. empathy, kindness, patience, etc), the one that is a must for me is a sense of humor. Life without laughter? I don't even want to imagine.

Therefore, when it comes to selecting television shows, books, movies and more, it is no surprise that I go immediately to the Funny category. I know people enjoy watching dramas and reading mysteries, but just give me a good belly laugh and I'm content. Get me laughing until I'm silently shaking and my stomach hurts and it's all the better!

But, for a large number of women everywhere, they may shy away from laughing too hard (or much at all) due to light bladder leakage, or LBL. After all, humor that results in a loss of bladder control is definitely not a laughing matter.

I consider myself extremely fortunate that LBL is not an issue that affects me, however, stats show that one in three women do experience light bladder leakage. For them, I have two words: Poise Microliners!

Poise Microliners

Designed to lock away wetness better than period pads and liners, Poise Microliners are the thinnest liners available on the market to fight LBL and keep women everywhere feeling dry and comfortable all day. Whether your schedule involves working out, running errands, watching the latest comedy or simply sitting back and relaxing, the SAM (Super Absorbent Material) that Poise includes can, quite simply, make the whole day better.

And what better way to put Poise Microliners to the test than with a bundle of laughter-inducing goodies?

humor package

I am a huge fan of Amy Poehler and was thrilled to pull out her new book, Yes Please. From what I have heard, she is just as funny of a writer as she is as an actress (and producer and director), so I can't wait to dive into this book!

I mean, c'mon. Just from reading the back cover and the author's bio I was chuckling ("Book shall not be read while driving, giving birth, or walking near mall water fountains"), so I really don't have any doubt that I will be laughing out loud when I actually find the time to get into the pages. 

Amy Poehler book

At the same time, if you have a warped, somewhat-immature sense of humor like I do and haven't yet seen Bridesmaids, you have to rent/buy/download/stream it today!

The dichotomy between smart and dumb and raunchy and earnest displayed by this talented cast is pretty much guaranteed to have your cheeks aching from laughter. In fact, the first line in the description is that this movie is "gut-bustingly funny," and I have to agree!

Bridesmaids movie

Does curling up to read with Amy Poehler or popping some popcorn and hanging out on the couch with friends to guffaw at a hilarious comedy make you excited... or does it secretly make you worried about LBL?

Because if it's the latter, no worries! Poise Microliners provide the perfect protection and let you go about your day without feeling weighed down. Just reach for these shockingly thin, surprisingly absorbent liners and you'll be ready to laugh until the tears are streaming down your cheeks!

Be sure to find out more about all of Poise's high quality products by visiting them at Poise.com and connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. I dont have this issue however Amy Poehler does make me laugh to the point of peeing myself! Haha.

  2. I should try these. Don't have much of a problem, but nice to know about it.

    slehan at juno dot com

  3. Handy things to have! You never know...especially after having a bunch of kids!
