Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Unleash a World of Creative Possibilities with Seedling Activity Kits {Make Your Own Party Piñata Kit Review}

Seedling logo
Like pretty much all kids, my girls love getting hands-on with nearly any activity presented to them. Whether that means digging in the dirt, gluing together a craft masterpiece, cooking our next meal (and even washing the dishes afterward), or building a carefully constructed tower, they're happy as long as they can be a part of the action.

So, I'd like to say that I give them those opportunities at every turn... but that doesn't always happen. Sometimes it's just easier if I quickly make dinner on my own or plant flowers in the garden without them ending up strewn about the yard, you know?

Fortunately, I've found a new win-win way for all of us to be happy. My kids can participate in entertaining, interactive activities that they'll be sure to enjoy, while I don't have come up with the idea or even try to find the materials. Instead, it all arrives in the mail perfectly designed to spark creativity, curiosity and imagination right out of the box thanks to Seedling!

Seedling activity kits

Founded in New Zealand in 2007, Seedling thinks "outside the kit" with their products, ranging from mermaids and magic to superheroes and science. What child wouldn't be thrilled with instant inspiration and materials needed for fun, hands-on learning — all in one box and delivered right to their doorstep?

Seedling activity kits combine award-winning design with high-quality tools and materials to inspire kids from 3 years old and beyond to create open-ended play experiences. They're very passionate about creating hands-on ideas for kids that encourage creativity, confidence and growth – so each and every one of their activity kits and toys are designed to provide the materials and suggestions for kids to make, learn and play, over and over again.

The result? Children (as well as their parents) can easily end up having a great time building, exploring and creating as there are never any boundaries. Instead, kids are always encouraged to steer their own creative course and continue the magic through imaginative play.

Knowing that my girls would be thrilled to receive a kit with a fun activity plan, no matter what the theme, I was already looking forward to their response when this adorable bag from Seedling arrived at our door.

Seedling bag

As if the adorable reusable bag wasn't enough, once we opened it up and saw the beautiful packaging of our Make Your Own Party Piñata kit, we were even more excited. I love the way that Seedling designs their kits to be classic, modern and green all at once!

Seedling Make Your Own Pinata Kit

Inside, we found all of the craft materials needed to create our piñata as well as an instruction card that told me everything we needed to know.

make your own pinata

Seedling believes that there's nothing more exciting than watching children explore, imagine and discover the world in their own unique way... and I adore the way that this kit let me do just that.

With Little Sister B's birthday just around the corner and Frozen party planning happening left and right, I was able to turn over the instructions for this kit to Big Sister E and Little Sister B and see where their creative vision would take them.

With a little tape, ribbon, glue and patience...

DIY pinata

...our piñata turned from a pile of high-quality materials into a magical, extremely fun project. Let the party begin!

homemade pinata
Okay, the party can't start quite yet because we haven't decided what to fill our piñata with and therefore need to still close and finish the top... plus it needs glitter. Lots of glitter. But the party can almost begin!

As well as the pride that my girls displayed from having used their imagination to turn this kit into a cute party game, seeing the way that my kids were able to work together and stay happy and engaged was a great mom moment for me. This box of craft supplies really became hands-on, meaningful and lasting fun!

Frozen party pinata

If you're looking for a gift idea that is sure to wow, a Seedling activity kit just might be the answer — there's a perfectly curated activity kit for every age and interest, in a range of sizes and possibilities. The Make Your Own Party Piñata kit retails for $39.99 but there is an endless selection of other kits available both larger and smaller that range from $6.99 to $59.99!

Plus, with the majority of the kits, the fun and excitement starts with building a project, but it doesn’t end there. The finished products become playthings for fun that lasts today, tomorrow and beyond, whether that be accessories, toys, outdoor fun or more.

Need even more of an incentive? Then how about a discount? Right now when you enter the coupon code MAILCARRIER at checkout, you'll receive 15% off of your Seedling order!

To find out much more about the huge selection of boredom-busting kits available from Seedling, check out and connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

Other than the activity kit that I was provided by Seedling in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion about this site and this product.


  1. These all look like high quality projects. I like how hand on they are. My girls enjoy things like this and I bet they would love to make the pinata.

  2. That looks like something easy enough for the "craft challenged"--lol! Thank you for sharing!
