Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Start Your Day Right with New Honey Bunches of Oats Whole Grain Cereals {Review}

Honey Bunches of Oats logo
If there is a family out there with school-aged children that manages to have calm, smooth, happy weekday mornings, I bow down to your greatness (and am also secretly shaking my fist at you in jealousy).

Why is it that no matter how much time we start out with and how much we have prepared the night before, the last five minutes before heading out the door always end up a disorganized, rushed mess? How is it possible that there is always more hair to brush, papers to sign, and homework to pack up?

Fortunately, even though I never know what state of mind my family will be in by the time we get started on our day, I do know that I can count on each of us having had a good breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day, right? That's why I love knowing that we can always turn to the taste and nutrition that we all know and love from our favorite cereals, Honey Bunches of Oats!

Honey Bunches of Oats

What started back with the original Honey Bunches of Oats, the collection of flavors has grown to now include 19 different varieties such as Strawberry, Vanilla Bunches, Cinnamon Bunches, Pecan Bunches, Fruit Blends in Peach Raspberry and Banana Blueberry, Morning Energy flavors, and more.

No matter what your preferences, there is a box that is sure to provide the crispy flakes and tasty, crunchy granola clusters with just a touch of honey that the whole family will enjoy! After all, who can resist the delicious crunch that comes along with so many whole grains?

So, as already-big fans of this cereal in our house, we were excited to hear that yet another new twist had joined the Honey Bunches of Oats lineup to take the number of whole grains to an entirely new level: Honey Bunches of Oats Whole Grain with Vanilla Bunches and Honey Bunches of Oats Whole Grain Honey Crunch!

HBO Whole Grain

Starting the day off right begins with eating a breakfast rich in whole grains and these new Honey Bunches of Oats Whole Grain cereals make that a snap (and a tasty one, at that)!

Both of the two delectable varieties are packed with ⅔ of your day's whole grain (33 grams), 4 grams of fiber, and 12 essential vitamins and minerals, all while staying heart healthy (0g trans fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol per serving) and deliciously wholesome.

But let's be honest. As much as the nutritional information is important to me, all parents know that there's only one thing that our kids care about when it comes to introducing a new cereal to the breakfast table: how does it taste? It was time to put these whole grains to the test!

Honey Bunches of Oats Whole Grain

While I initially wondered if either of my kids would be interesting in swapping out our traditional Honey Bunches of Oats for the new varieties, all hesitation was completely dismissed once they both dug right in and kept on eating!

The Honey Bunches of Oats Whole Grain with Vanilla Bunches has just enough of a hint of vanilla to go along with the crunchy flakes...

Honey Bunches of Oats Whole Grain Vanilla Bunches

...and the Honey Bunches of Oats Whole Grain Honey Crunch has the added sweetness from the honey that makes it satisfying without at all being overwhelming or too much. This one has ended up being our new favorite!

Honey Bunches of Oats Whole Grain Honey Crunch

In short, both of these new whole grain varieties stay true to the Honey Bunches of Oats taste that we already know and love but with all sorts of increased nutrients such as iron and folic acid and the ability to start our day with so many whole grains right in one bowl!

new honey bunches of oats

Even though Honey Bunches of Oats was already a staple in our household, I'm happy knowing that my kids have welcomed yet another good-for-you cereal into the rotation. I love knowing that I'm sending them off to school having eaten a filling breakfast and that their bellies are full of so many whole grains and protein!

When it comes to starting off the day in a healthy, delicious way, Honey Bunches of Oats has always been the first box that we reach for in the cupboard. Now that they have given us the ability to extend our breakfast love even further with Honey Bunches of Oats Whole Grain (as well as their many other great new varieties), we can have a different flavor every day of the week if we want to — if you haven't picked up one of their many new boxes, try one today!

Find out more about the nutrition and varieties of Honey Bunches of Oats available by visiting and connecting with them on Twitter and Facebook.

Other than the breakfast package of goodies that I was sent by Honey Bunches of Oats, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of these products.


  1. I'd love to try the Honey Bunches of Oats Whole Grain with Vanilla Bunches, they sound (and look) delicious.

  2. I really love this cereal and think that it has great flavor and l like the new Whole Grain look.

  3. We have never tried this cereal but I know with all the different flavors my family will love this. We do try to eat healthy. Thank you for sharing

  4. I had no idea Honey Bunches of Oats had different flavors. Thanks for the review!

  5. I love the variety of Honey Bunches of Oats cereals. Filling and delicious.
