Friday, February 27, 2015

Wrapping Up the Listerine 21-Day Challenge — A Success!

 Listerine logo
We are a family of routines.

Although the clutter and disorganization might indicate otherwise, it has always seemed as though the four of us have thrived the most when our days have been somewhat predictable or methodical. What can I say? Daredevils, we are not!

Therefore, when it comes to altering our daily routine, the change has to be something that has not only come about for a good reason, but it has to be received quite positively in order for it to stick.

Which just goes to show how much we have enjoyed being a part of the Listerine 21-Day Challenge that we're excited to keep up our new and improved (and healthy) habits!

Listerine Challenge

Three weeks ago, when we committed to brushing, flossing and rinsing every day, twice a day, I had my doubts that we would successfully complete all 21 days. After all, even though my kids were thrilled over their new bottle of brightly colored Listerine Smart Rinse (Elsa, Anna and Olaf are on here!!!), that didn't necessarily mean that they were ready to embrace the idea of a more intense oral care routine.

After all, it was one thing to make sure that we were doing all three aspects at bedtime, but in the morning as well? Didn't the people at Listerine have school-age children or have any idea as to how hectic things can get when it's time to get out the door to get to school on time?

Listerine 21-Day Challenge

However, all it took was a demonstration from Mom showing how much fun it was to squeeze the bottle of Smart Rinse so that the correct amount of mouthwash pooled in the top (LOVE that feature!) and my assurance that they would be able to handle it, and they were ready to give things a try.

While it took Big Sister E a little more convincing, Little Sister B was immediately on board. By the second day, they both realized that they were able to do the entire process (squeeze the bottle, pour the mouthwash into a cup, rinse and spit it out) all on their own, and suddenly the idea of being "in control" of this process made it infinitely better. Not to mention how good it feels to start your day with a clean, fresh mouth!

As the week went on, I noticed that instead of constant reminders and cajoling to get the kids to brush, floss and rinse twice a day, they both knew that this new routine was for the best and happily dubbed using mouthwash as "swishing." I love that this simple addition was like putting a magnet into their mouths to grab any particles left from brushing and that they were happy to do it in the morning or at night!

kids mouthwash

By the time the three weeks ended, it was clear that Listerine 21-Day Challenge had made enough of an impact on our lives to be a permanent part of our routine.

Little Sister B's class has coincidentally been discussing oral health recently and I happened to be volunteering in the classroom when the kids were giving suggestions on how to have healthy teeth... and my little girl confidently raised her hand and said We need to SWISH!

And don't even get me started on their disapproval when the bottle gets low!

Listerine kids
Do you not SEE that the bottle is empty, Mom?

Overall, I'm glad that we were able to participate in the Listerine 21-Day Challenge to improve our oral health in such a fun and easy way. I will definitely be buying more Listerine Smart Rinse, as I hope that having shown the importance of the brush-floss-rinse-twice-a-day process with my girls still so young that it will continue on with them through childhood and into adulthood.

As for me, my teeth, gums and mouth have never felt healthier!

At the same time that our oral health was improving, I appreciated all of the ways that Listerine Brand helped make the process more fun as well as more informative. Each day I received an email checking in to see if I had rinsed the day before and a chance at the instant win game...

instant winner well as great tips and fun facts.

I chose to receive a daily tip from Cassey Ho, fitness expert (other options included an organizational expert and a healthy eating/nutrition expert), and was happy to read the great information that she shared as well. If I can improve other areas of my life along with making my mouth healthier, why wouldn't I jump at the chance?

health tips

If you haven't already joined the Listerine 21-Day Challenge, head over to their website to sign up today!

Then be sure to stop by your nearest Walgreens, as they offer a wide range of wellness products that can get you stick with just about any healthy habits you may be incorporating into your life. Even better, you'll want to head to Walgreens next week (the week of March 1st) as Listerine Antiseptic will be priced at $4.49, perfect to help keep you going with your continued rinsing.

Here's to a healthy mouth for all of us!

I received LISTERINE® Brand products and a Walgreens gift card from Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. and The Motherhood as part of my participation 21-Day Challenge. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are my own.


  1. Well done! And your girls have the start of a lifetime of healthy oral habits!

  2. Great Job! I love using Listerine products to help keep my teeth and gums healthy!!

  3. I use the Listerine smart packs all through the day. Your kids keep growing up...

    slehan at juno dot com

  4. I hope you are continuing your family's good habits.
