Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Combat the Sniffles and Sneezes with Puffs Plus Lotion Tissues!

Puffs logo
I participated in the Pass The Puffs blog program as a member of One2One Network. I received compensation but all opinions are my own.

As if life here during winter in the Midwest didn't already have its problems (if I see one more complaint from you southerners about your temperatures being so "freezing" in the 60s, I might burst), this year we're also dealing with yet another harsh season of colds and the flu.

Many states are on high alert for an outbreak of the flu and, according to the CDC, this is one of the toughest flu seasons in recent memory. Even worse, as much as families everywhere have already dealt with (Big Sister E managed to bring home some sort of virus last month that had her out of commission for five days and then nicely passed it to me so that I was stuck in bed for nearly a week), we're really only approximately halfway through this season of sickness.

Argh! No more!

Unfortunately, aside from enclosing my entire house in a bubble (I'm considering it, let me tell you), the best that I can do is prepare our household as much as possible. Extra soap for more hand washing, a stocked medicine cabinet just in case, and, a must-have, super soft tissues for all of the runny noses, sneezing, and constant sniffling that occurs.

Which is why it makes sense to turn to America's #1 lotion tissue, Puffs Plus Lotion!

Puffs Plus Lotion

Puffs is the only national brand dermatologist tested to be gentle and Puffs Plus Lotion is the most soothing tissue in their collection. Why would you not reach for something gentle on sensitive skin that contains a touch of Shea Butter, Aloe and Vitamin E to provide extra comfort when your nose needs it?

Considering that my kids seem to manage to bring home new germs every day and that various areas around the state of Wisconsin are on an especially high alert for an outbreak of the flu (I'm looking at you, Milwaukee!), it just makes sense to do all that you can to make life easier no matter what symptoms you are experiencing.

Bring on the Puffs Plus Lotion!

Puffs Plus Lotion square

Along with making you feel better by providing just the right amount of softness to soothe irritation caused by sniffles, coughing and sneezing, Puffs Plus Lotion can also help all of us look our best even when we're not feeling 100% healthy. Simply by reaching for these great tissues, you can help reduce the red noses, watery eyes and all-over Help! I'm sick! look that our faces tend to portray.

Instead, put your best face forward while providing comfort for even the worst cold and flu symptoms with Puffs Plus Lotion!

Puffs Plus Lotion tissues

Let's face it, winter is hard. The bitter cold temperatures here in the Midwest don't make anyone excited about going outside, but the harsh winds tend to be especially brutal on our faces. But that's why Puffs Plus Lotion is soft! Don't let another sniffle or sneeze go by without it!

Puffs Plus Lotion is available in cube, rectangular and to-go formats online and at local retailers nationwide with a suggested retail price of $1.79 per 56-count cube and $2.49 for a 124-count rectangular box. To find out more, head over to and connect with Puffs on Facebook.


  1. We like this brand of Puffs because they are so soft on the nose and keep it from getting so chapped!

  2. These are my favorite tissues! They are soft enough for my little grandson's nose when he has a cold!

  3. I've never tried puffs but after this I will. they sound very soft!

  4. I've used the Puffs with lotion, and they do make a difference for a red, sore nose. But the thing to remember is NOT to reach for them if you want a tissue to clean your glasses! LOL (Don't ask how I know…)

  5. I have to agree that you need to keep these in a different place than the non-lotions ones. It really isn't pretty cleaning my glasses with lotion.

    slehan at juno dot com
