Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Now Available: KIDZ BOP 28 {Review}

A few weeks ago my girls and I gave three other young friends a ride home and, let me tell you, a minivan filled with five kids is infinitely louder and more chaotic than with just two.

However, as soon as I turned on the radio and the sounds of Uptown Funk filled the air, our three guests immediately stopped all conversation and started to sing along. While I was laughing at the sheer impressiveness that they were able to dance and sing simultaneously (and keep up with the beat), my kids appeared shocked into silence by the synchronization and the realization that the two of them really weren't all that familiar with the song.

The reason why? Because although Uptown Funk has easily been taking over the airways, my children don't really get into songs until they've had the chance to listen to them over and over and over (and over) when they receive a new CD from KIDZ BOP!

Fast forward to today and they can now recite all of the popular hits right along with the best of them thanks to the debut of KIDZ BOP 28!

Kidz Bop 28

After spending the last 10+ years delivering safe and entertaining music for kids, KIDZ BOP CDs are known for being a compilation of "today's biggest hits sung by kids for kids."

By taking the popular songs of the year, removing the suggestive lyrics and having them performed by kids (the current members are Ashlynn, Grant, Matt, and Bredia), it's no wonder that parents as well as children can appreciate these CDs — which is why millions and millions of them have been sold to date!

Kidz Bop kids

With today's release of the 28th KIDZ BOP album, the group has yet again taken this season's hottest songs and made them kid-friendly and fun. My entire family has been moving and grooving to this disc ever since it's arrival and I don't think that any of us could pinpoint just one favorite from this lineup:
  1. Uptown Funk
  2. Blank Space
  3. Lips Are Movin
  4. Jealous
  5. Blame
  6. Love Me Harder
  7. Steal My Girl
  8. The Heart Wants What It Wants
  9. Heroes (We Could Be)
  10. I'm Not The Only One
  11. Ghost
  12. Waves
  13. I Lived
  14. Thinking Out Loud
I'm pretty sure that Big Sister E has said, "I love this song, it's my favorite!" to at least half of these titles, Little Sister B has made up a dance to many of them, and how was I not familiar with Ella Henderson's Ghost before now? It's so catchy!

But, there's more! Along with recording KIDZ BOP 28, this talented group of kids is returning to the stage for their all-new "Make Some Noise" Tour!

Kidz Bop tour

From Tucson, AZ to Bethel, NY, the KIDZ BOP singers will be hitting city after city in 2015 and giving fans across the country a chance to see them live. If these CDs are as big of a hit in your house as they are in ours, head over to KidsBop.com/tour to see if/when they'll be near you!

Whether you're having a rockin' party or just want something that the whole family can enjoy in the car, KIDZ BOP 28 and the entire line of KIDZ BOP CDs are sure to be a hit. More details and purchase information can be found in the KIDZ BOP Shop (this CD sells as a BOGO for $14.98) as well as on Amazon (where it retails for $11.88).

You can also connect with KIDZ BOP on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so that you don't miss the latest and greatest, new releases, upcoming events and more.

Other than the copy of KIDZ BOP 28 that I was provided in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this product.


  1. That looks like a fun CD that will have kids (and parents) shakin' their booties.

    slehan at juno dot com

  2. I can't believe they're still making kidz bop!
