Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bring the Coffeehouse Home with the Ninja Coffee Bar Brewer {Review}

ninja logo
No matter if you're a coffee addict or simply enjoy a cup every now and again, there's something lush and luxurious about a coffeehouse.

The groups of people talking and laughing while they sip their cappuccinos, the students hard at work on their laptops with frappés nearby, the coffee snobs ordering their half-caf double soy no whip mochas... I'm not the only one who finds it all somehow a little magical, am I?

The only part that makes me cringe? Pulling out my wallet to pay for my coffee. $5 and up for one drink? That's fine to pay if you only visit once every blue moon, but there's just no way would I pay that every day, no matter how much I love a perfectly brewed cup of coffee and a tasty latte.

Instead, I'd much rather skip the expense, lines, hassle and even the need to get out of my pj's thanks to the newest way that I've found to create a luscious coffeehouse experience right at home, the Ninja Coffee Bar.

Ninja Coffee Bar logo

Offering a variety of brewing options, technology, and features to satisfy every user, the Ninja Coffee Bar provides the ability to have a customized cup of coffee (Classic Brew, Rich Brew, Over Ice Brew and Specialty Brew) at the touch of a button and conveniently right at home. No matter if you are brewing up a single cup or a full carafe, Ninja has designed a product that delivers better, richer-tasting coffee for everyone to love!

Quick, convenient, compact, high quality and the ability to unlock the full flavor potential of my coffee while I'm still in my pajamas? It was definitely time to test this machine out!

Ninja Coffee Bar coffeemaker

Immediately I was pleased to pull the Ninja Coffee Bar out of the box and find that there really wasn't much required before I would be sipping my delicious drinks in the comfort of my own home.

Also, due to the larger box that it came in, I had been concerned that this brewer might take up quite a bit of space on the counter. But it turned out that Ninja had just packed each piece carefully and had included a few extras. The Coffee Bar itself is compact and a great space-saver!

Ninja Coffee Bar review

Right from the start there were quite a few additions that Ninja included in this brewer that I appreciated, both as a consumer and a coffee-lover.

First, the convenience of the permanent filter and included Ninja scoop. Not having to continue to buy replacement filters is great for saving money (although traditional paper filters can be used if they are preferred) and the Ninja scoop makes it a no-brainer to scoop the appropriate amount of coffee grounds for all of the drink sizes this machine brews. No fuss, no guessing, no mess!

Ninja Coffee Bar filter scoop

Second, when it comes to brewing a particular size, the Ninja Coffee Bar really does make it a snap to select the one that works for you. For a single cup, simply flip down the cup platform and it is ready to go. For a travel mug, half a carafe or a full carafe, the cup platform is easily flipped back up and out of the way!

Even better, when brewing a full or half carafe, this machine has a built in warming plate that automatically adjusts itself to keep your coffee at the ideal drinking temperature — and includes a 2-hour auto shutoff feature so that you never have to worry about leaving it on for too long!

Ninja Coffee Bar cup carafe

Finally, the user-friendly controls!

The Ninja Coffee Bar has a control panel that is clearly labeled and laid out to ensure that users will have no problem choosing their brew. Simply turn the dial to the correct size and pick from Classic Brew, Rich Brew, Over Ice Brew or Specialty Brew.

Whether you select Classic for the smooth, balanced flavor of your favorite coffee; Rich for a more intense, never-bitter flavor; Over Ice to brew iced coffee that is never watered down; or Specialty Brew for a super-rich concentrate designed to create all sorts of coffeehouse-style drinks, it is all done at the touch of a button.

The Auto-iQ One Touch Intelligence Technology will dispense the correct amount of water and the Thermal Flavor Extraction technology achieves the perfect brew richness level every time!

Ninja Coffee Bar brews

After putting the Ninja Coffee Bar to work in a number of different settings, I have been impressed with the way that it has performed time and again. My coffee has been smooth, rich and delicious day after day and I really love having the ability to offer guests (expected or unexpected) an amazing cup of coffee brewed precisely to their liking.

This is one machine that works well for the entire family and is perfect for holiday entertaining with its ability to go from a single mug to a full carafe without ever compromising taste or quality!

As a huge bonus, the addition of the Ninja Easy Frother makes it a snap to whip up all sorts of delectable drinks in a matter of minutes. Why spend the time, money and hassle of going to a coffeehouse for a pumpkin spice latte when you can make one right in your kitchen whenever you please?

Pumpkin Spice Latte recipe

This holiday season and beyond, let Ninja provide a high quality, innovative, fast and easy way to bring efficiency and convenience into your life. The Ninja Coffee Bar retails for $149.99 and will definitely be an item that will provide happiness throughout the winter and long beyond in your cup, travel mug or carafe.

Visit NinjaKitchen.com to see their full line of brewers, blenders, processors, and more that can bring a gourmet experience into your kitchen or that would make a fantastic gift. Plus, be sure to connect with Ninja Coffee Bar on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram so that you stay up to date on the latest and greatest with their luxurious machines, flavors and more.

Other than the Ninja Coffee Bar that I was provided by Ninja in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this product.


  1. That would be a great gadget for a coffee lover. I don't like coffee so this isn't for me.

    slehan at juno dot com

  2. This would make a great present for my sister, the coffee addict.

    slehan at juno dot com

  3. I just saw a commercial for the Ninja Coffee Bar featuring Sofia Vergara. I was intrigued by the ad and after reading your review I am really impressed with this product!
