Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Rockboard Original Scooter vs The Rockboard RBX Scooter {Review}

Rockboard logo
Although the concept of the kick scooter isn't new to the outdoor scene, for many years the only difference was the number of wheels or the materials used for construction.

But as cool as it is to zip along on your own little wheeled platform, I have to admit that nothing about the standard scooter gets me excited. It's small, it's flimsy, and its singular use is to put one foot on, and then push and glide, push and glide, push and glide every few feet.


Unless you're talking about a scooter that's not just a simple scooter. Because if you're talking about the next generation of scooter, one that is versatile, built to last, comfortable, and includes the most fun propulsion technology around, then I'll definitely take that ride.

In that case, you're talking about the innovative and unique Rockboard Scooter.

Rockboard scooters

On a mission to provide today's youth with fun and innovative ways to enjoy spending time outdoors, Rockboard Scooters are a hybrid that combine the drive-chain propulsion of a bicycle with the practicality of a kick-scooter. As well as providing a way to be used as a traditional push scooter, it gives you the option of using a rocking motion to propel yourself forward continuously at speeds up to 10 miles per hour. The faster you rock up and down, the faster it goes!

Available in three versions, the Rockboard Scooter comes in the Original size for ages 8+, the RBX version that is also for ages 8+, and a Mini version, for ages 5+ (up to 90 pounds). You can easily get the entire family zooming down the block!

However, while one visit to the Rockboard website can easily get consumers excited about these one-of-a-kind scooters, I found myself going back and forth looking for differences between the Original and the RBX version. Which would prove to be the better buy?

Rockboard scooter boxes

When the Rockboard Original Scooter and the Rockboard RBX Scooter arrived, the first difference was immediately seen in the decorative versus the plain cardboard packaging. If ordering and shipping a gift directly from Rockboard, the box of the Original is quite a bit more eye-catching and exciting!

Inside the boxes, there was a second large difference between the models in that the Original requires little to no assembly. The whole scooter was already put together and only needed to have the handlebars tightened up and the body itself unfolded into its open position. Then it was ready to ride!

Original Rockboard Scooter

The Rockboard RBX Scooter, however, does require a small amount of assembly as it comes out of the box in a few different pieces.

Fortunately, due to the clear instructions, included tools, and minimum construction steps, it only took me around five minutes before I had the full scooter put together in all of its glory.

RBX Rockboard Scooter

Both the Original and RBX have a simple height adjustment knob to make it a snap to change for taller or shorter riders and I appreciate the convenient hand brake and kickstand for safer riding as well as parking.

When it comes to hopping on, a Rockboard Scooter provides a ride unlike any other that you have experienced before! It does takes a few attempts to get the hang of balancing as you shift your weight from your front foot to your back foot, but once you do, the entire thing glides along so smoothly that you never want to get off!

With the generous size of these scooters, how easy it is to ride them (once you try it, you'll find that keeping your balance is just like riding a bike), the convenience of the hand brake and height adjustment, and how extremely fun it is overall, you really will be hooked.

Big Sister E and Little Sister B never want to stop and I have found myself not only having fun but feeling a great leg workout at the same time!

Rockboard Scooter kids

In comparing the Original with the RBX, we have yet to find a difference in the ride quality. Both scooters glide smoothly on pavement and the padded handles for steering are easy to grip and turn. Aside from the difference in the color (the kids like the red of the RBX better), I don't know if we would be able to tell them apart without checking closer!

Rockboard Scooter review

The Rockboard Original Scooter does have two features that the RBX does not, however.

First, not only have we been impressed with just how much fun it is when rocking it back and forth and zooming down the street, I appreciate how quickly users are able to switch from the Rockboarding mode to the low-profile kick scooter mode.

In only around a minute you can change the adjustment knob from super-cool propulsion into classic push-scooter to be able to place one foot on the board and push with the other to enjoy your leisurely ride. For tweens that are still getting used to shredding the pavement, being able to switch to traditional scooting offers a way for them to still be comfortable or take a break when needed. I love the idea of having two scooters in one!

Rockboard Original push scooter

Second, when it comes time to put your Rockboard Original Scooter away, it only takes a few more minutes to fold it up and lock it closed for easy storage. It is quite a bit heavier than other scooters, but then again, other scooters don't have anywhere near the really cool technology that this one does.

In contrast, the RBX doesn't fold and therefore takes up a bit more room when being stored or would be much more difficult to put into the trunk to bring along to a park or on a road trip. However, it does only weight 16 pounds compared to the Original's 20.8 pounds and those 4.8 pounds are noticeable when it comes to moving or lifting them.

Rockboard Scooter storage

From day one, everything about these Rockboard Scooters has proven to be high quality, well-designed, and made to last for years of active fun — I have yet to see my children's (or my own) interest wane and we have received multiple comments from neighbors and friends who can't wait to hop on and go for a ride!

Currently the Rockboard Original Scooter is available in blue, orange, red or white with an MSRP of $199.99 while the Rockboard RBX Scooter comes in black, blue or red for $159.99. These amazing scooters can be purchased worldwide directly from the Rockboard Shop, on Amazon or in retail stores near you. Although both have a higher price tag than other scooters out there, this really is a great product.

Besides, if the options for tweens and teens are between a Rockboard Scooter and over-priced electronics and video games that will stick kids to the couch, I would go for this innovative alternative any day! Visit to find out more and connect with them on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to find out about these and all of their unique products.

Other than the Original and RBX Scooters that I was provided by Rockboard in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion about these products.


  1. Those are much better for kids than a video game. I think this propulsion system is cool.

    slehan at juno dot com

  2. This is one pretty nice scooter that I know my son would love for me to get him for the Holidays. The style looks so cool!

  3. Rockboard Scooters sound like an awesome twist to the regular scooters we grew up with! My kiddo's would flip over one of these! This will definitely make it on their Christmas list this year!

  4. The Rockboard Scooters look like so much fun for the kids and good exercise too which is always a positive in my book for them.

  5. My nephew would get a kick out of this.

    slehan at juno dot com

  6. These look so fun!... Can I have one!? Ha ha.
    Classify this in "things I buy my niece"... that I really want to try myself. :)

  7. Xenia,
    I can't thank you enough for this review. I could not find the difference on any website, even on Rockboards website. Which in my opinion is very bad marketing. I even spoke to sales people from Retail stores and they were also clueless.

    Until I bumped into this review.

    Thank god I did, because livingin NYC the folding feature is a blocker for me.

    So I feel I owe you a thanks.

    Good Luck,
