Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Bring Healthcare Home by Talking to a Doctor Online, Anytime with Amwell {Promo Code!}

 Amwell logo
This post is sponsored by Amwell but all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

With the increase in the number of products and services available over the internet these days, it is no surprise that more people are turning to the world wide web in larger and larger numbers. After all, can you beat the convenience of ordering a new pair of shoes, stocking up on paper towels, and arranging a next-day grocery delivery all while sitting in your pajamas at 11:30 at night? I think not.

So wouldn't it be nice if we could do even more right from the comfort of our own home? I'm sure that I'm not the only one that would like to get my car's oil changed, my library books returned, or my driver's license renewed with just a few clicks of my mouse!

However, while those aren't yet possible, the internet does offer one option that many do not know about — the ability to connect with board-certified, licensed doctors, dietitians, and psychologists for immediate and live, online visits; day or night, on either mobile or desktop.

Surprised? Then it's time to head over to visit Amwell!

Amwell online doctor

The nation's largest telehealth company, Amwell doctors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and are dedicated to keeping you healthy... all without you ever having to leave home.

We all know that moms can sometimes barely find time to take a shower during the day, so fitting in a trip to the doctor's office can feel nearly impossible. Instead, Amwell eliminates the traffic, waiting rooms, delays, rescheduling and more, as all that is required is you, your computer (or smartphone or tablet), and a doctor.

This video sums up exactly why #MomsLoveAmwell!

It really is just that easy!

The doctors on Amwell are board certified, with an average of 15 years in practice. They are available 24/7/365, with no appointment whenever you need them. We're talking after hours, on weekends, and even in the middle of the night!

Simply choose the type of visit you need and, from there, select a provider. Depending on the issue at hand, the doctor can diagnose, suggest follow up, and even prescribe, when appropriate. There is no worry about privacy, as the entire online visit is fully secure and HIPAA compliant. Amwell is even accepted by many major insurers (with more added every day), so you only have to enter your health insurance information for a lower cost visit. 

A sampling of general conditions that Amwell doctors often encounter includes minor illnesses and injuries, general health and wellness concerns, prescription refills, and chronic condition management. Typical issues that patients ask about are bronchitis, cough, sinus infection, sore throat, urinary tract infection, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, pinkeye, flu, sprains and strains, respiratory infection, headache, depression, anxiety, weight concerns, smoking cessation, and many more!

Amwell doctor on tablet

I admit that I was hesitant to try out Amwell for the first time, but as I found out more and more about the convenience (no need to try to leave the house if you don't feel well, search the city if you are on vacation, or fret if you have recently moved and don't have a provider yet), customization abilities (share as little or as much of your healthy history as you would like), and overall fact that this service brings healthcare into the palm of my hands, I was ready.

The result? Just as Amwell had stated, I was able to select the doctor of my choosing (remember that they employ primary care, specialist physicians, licensed behavioral therapists and registered dietitians to meet all of their patients' health and wellness needs) to see on my schedule. I can't think of another time in my life that I was able to pick a doctor for an on-demand visit!

Amwell review

Amwell doctor visits are now available in 46 states, so chances are there is a doctor available in your area that could be talking with you online right at this moment. So be sure to keep them in mind the next time your child is sick at 3 a.m. or you are considering doing a self-diagnosis through internet searching or asking your friends on Facebook for their opinions.

Not to mention that the Healthcare Blue Book shows that in-office doctor visits average $82 for first-time patients. That is in comparison to Amwell offering a $49 physician visit and a savings of $33. Talk about a great option for students in college looking for cost-effective healthcare or those between jobs and without insurance!

At the end of the day, Amwell brings healthcare home, so that you and your family can feel better, faster. Isn't that what we all want?

Amwell online doctors

But, wait! If you aren't already interested in giving Amwell a try simply based on the long list of benefits and conveniences that it can provide, then here's one more: your first visit is only $1! That's right, simply enter the promo code BEWELL4 and your introductory online appointment with Amwell will only cost a single dollar.

Find out much more (and take advantage of their $1 offer) by visiting and connecting with them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.


  1. I think this kind of online healthcare is a great idea. Especially for parents.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  2. I am always worrying about my kids when they get sick, so this would be great for me!

  3. My sister lives out in the boonies so this would be great for her.

    slehan at juno dot com

  4. This is one of the great inventions for the internet. Could help lots of people.

    slehan at juno dot com
