Friday, November 13, 2015

The Dasani PlantBottle: Designed to Make a Difference {#GreenBottleCap}

Dasani logo
 This post is sponsored by Dasani & The Coca-Cola Company.

Although I think it is great that we celebrate Earth Day every April, the idea that there is only one day out of 365 in which we show our support for the environment feels a little disheartening. Why is it notable to walk instead of drive, buy local instead of items that have to be shipped long distances, or plant a tree just one time out of the entire year?

Fortunately, there are companies that have recognized the importance of being eco-friendly and sustainable every day and are offering products that help us all do our part to be nicer to the earth. Case in point, Dasani's PlantBottle, the green-capped, plant-based water bottle, composed of 30% plant materials! 

Dasani green bottle

I'm thrilled with all of the ways that this innovative green bottle cap water bottle design is Dasani's way of taking steps to reduce its impact on the planet!

Here's how:

Dasani bottle design

Since its introduction, Dasani has reduced the weight of its bottles, because lighter weight bottles require less plastic, which helps to conserve natural resources and lower CO2 emissions.

In fact, the current half liter Dasani bottles contain 45% less plastic than the original 2001 bottle. That's a whole lot less plastic being used!

Dasani plant bottle

The PlantBottle packaging is created from up to 30% plant-based material that replaces some of the non-renewable petroleum or fossil-based resources used in conventional PET plastic.

I'm not going to lie, I had no idea that plants could be used to make plastic bottles. But I love it! The more renewable, plant-based ingredients, the better!

Dasani recyclable bottles

No question, it is obviously important that these new bottles are designed to be 100% recyclable to help save our world's precious resources.

On top of the above reasons why the the PlantBottle is amazing and environmentally-friendly, I adore that Dasani has stated that it is only the beginning of their quest to help design a future where every plastic bottle is made from materials that are 100% renewable as well as recyclable.

PlantBottle packaging is currently available in all Dasani package sizes throughout the U.S. but Coca-Cola has also licensed this plant-based plastic technology to non-competitive companies, allowing for expansion of this environmentally-friendly technology to build a global supply chain for PlantBottle material. This allows brands near and far to join in doing their part to help save the earth!

plant bottle world packaging

Clearly, this technology is working. In the 5 years that Coca-Cola has been using this sustainable manufacturing, it has eliminated the equivalent of 240,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions. These bottles have also been recognized by the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry as helping to fuel the bio-based manufacturing movement.

In short, Coca-Cola and their Dasani green cap bottles (and the technology used to manufacture them) are great steps towards a more environmentally-friendly industry and, in turn, lifestyle for the rest of us. Just look at what the future holds for using plant-based ingredients!


Find out more about Dasani's sustainability and Coca-Cola's PlantBottle today and be sure to keep an eye out for the green cap the next time you are going to buy a bottle of water.

What do you think about PlantBottle packaging?


  1. I have never heard of this concept! Sounds really good; plant-based bottling.

  2. It's still better to use reusable bottles and fill them yourself.

    slehan at juno dot com

  3. We don't drink bottled water very much, but this is great that they're doing this!

  4. This looks like a great opportunity to help the environment by curbing use of resources.
