Friday, January 8, 2016

SeaWorld San Diego: Entertainment, Animals and Fun for the Whole Family!

SeaWorld logo
When planning our holiday vacation out to sunny California, my husband and I knew that we wanted our family to experience more than just the fabulous warmth, beautiful scenery, and glorious beaches that the west coast has to offer (although those were all very much welcomed in comparison to the frozen tundra of the Midwest).

We also wanted to visit one of the most memorable, family-friendly destinations filled with exciting rides, amazing shows, and up-close encounters with the sea's most extraordinary creatures. It was time to head to SeaWorld San Diego, of course!

SeaWorld San Diego

Sitting on almost 200 acres, SeaWorld San Diego has something for everyone, whether you are a thrill seeker or an animal lover or both, while also staying fully committed to rescuing and protecting animals of all kinds. It's just too easy to fall in love with a place that does their part to help our earth's living creatures while also providing fun and entertainment for visitors of all ages!

Truly, there is just no doubt that their rides, shows, exhibits, dining, shopping, playing, and experiences will keep the entire family on their toes from the moment you set foot inside the gates. We couldn't wait to get started!

SeaWorld San Diego vacation

With so many options, the most difficult part of visiting SeaWorld San Diego is choosing where to begin (and then where to go next). As we were interested in catching many of the day's shows, it was easy to take a peek at the park schedule to quickly decide on our plan of attack.

From there, it was time to enjoy so much of what makes SeaWorld so incredible and amazing!

From all of the special holiday touches sprinkled throughout the park that made us smile...

SeaWorld Christmas

To the HUGE Sesame Street themed children's play area that is perfectly designed for ages young and old to run, climb, slide, crawl, bounce, meet & greet, play, and more...

SeaWorld kids play

To the numerous gorgeous, well cared-for animals that were available both to look at as well as to interact with (feed!) and touch...

SeaWorld animals

Clearly, it would have been easy to spend our entire visit at SeaWorld San Diego simply walking around and pointing out all of the animals and sights that caught our eye.

However, that wouldn't have included the fact that there is so much more! There are rides for thrill seekers, those that don't mind getting wet, and those of us that just want to relax...

SeaWorld rides

Not to mention all of the shopping and dining options (note: carry-in food is not allowed). But, as I mentioned, for us it was all about the shows!

We laughed and cheered along with the wide variety of adorable animals that starred in Pets Rule! and showed off their talents (and SeaWorld’s famously humane training techniques)...

SeaWorld Pets Rule show

Before moving on to giggle even more at the antics and television/movie spoofs displayed in Sea Lions LIVE.

The seating for this show fills up quickly, so we arrived early to find seats and, while I had assumed we would then just have to sit and wait for the start time, we were instead entertained by a one-man show filled with hilarity (and songs, dancing, acting, and more). It was the perfect lead-in to seeing the Sea Lions!

SeaWorld Sea Lions Live show

When it comes to incredible animals, however, there was no doubt that we altered between complete amazement and dire hopes of not being fully soaked while watching Dolphin Days and One Ocean. Both theaters have sections labeled "Soak Zone" and, while we took our chances and were fortunate to not get all that wet, there were definitely people who were drenched, particularly at One Ocean. So be warned!

In general though, how these stunning, massive creatures are able to glide so effortlessly through the water and then flip right up out in the air is something that I'll never understand but absolutely loved seeing!

SeaWorld whales dolphins show

When it comes to finding a California vacation destination where the entire family can enjoy the incredible sights and sounds of wondrous animals (while being proud of the park's commitment to them), stay entertained with numerous rides, and head home with experiences and memories that will last a lifetime, SeaWorld San Diego is a perfect choice.

Be sure to visit to see in-depth information on all things and locations SeaWorld and connect with them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well.

Have you been to SeaWorld?

I was provided complimentary passes for SeaWorld San Diego in order to help facilitate this review, but they in no way affected the amazing time that we had and my honest opinions shared in this post.


  1. We live near San Diego, but have never been to Sea World around Christmas time. I never knew they had so many themed things. We'll have to try and go there next year.

  2. I have never been. It does look like a fun time though! Maybe some day with my kiddos.

  3. We've not been to Sea World. This is a really nice place to go, especially if you can get away in the winter and miss a blizzard! So much to do and have a blast!

  4. Haven't been in years... I'm just happy they stopped with the Whale shows. People made a voice and they listen.

    That's why I stand up for the flag, I also stand up against violence.

  5. I have always wanted to go to the San Diego area. I have been a lot of other California areas, but never to S.D. Maybe next time I go. I thank you for the lovely photos.
