Thursday, June 30, 2016

Encourage STEM Learning All Year Long with the Boys & Girls Club of America My.Future Website {#Learn365}

This post was sponsored by the Boys & Girls Club of America as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.

As my kids literally counted down the final days of school earlier this month, I was filled with a mix of emotions. Happiness over getting to spend more time with them, excitement over embarking on new sports endeavors... and fear and dread over the knowledge that their boredom nearly always leads to bickering and fighting.

Fortunately, now that summer is in full swing, we have managed to stay occupied with swim team practices and meets, bike rides around town, visits to the library, taking care of our garden, playdates with friends, and more.

But can I help it if I want to incorporate some learning into our days as well? We've all heard of the "summer slide" (the tendency for kids to lose some of the achievement gains they made during the previous school year) so I'm always on the lookout for educational ways to encourage my girls to use their minds throughout the summer as well.

Which is why I'm happy to have been introduced to the Boys & Girls Club of America My.Future website!


It is no secret that Boys & Girls Clubs have been leaders in out-of-school time programming for more than 150 years. But now they have teamed up with Comcast NBCUniversal to create the My.Future program to specifically deliver programming that sparks kid's and teens' interests and passions in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) areas.

STEM jobs in the U.S. are expected to grow nearly twice as fast as other fields by 2018, but 3 million of them may go unfilled because of a lack of people with needed skills. Instead, by introducing youth to new technology skills early, they may be more likely to pursue a career in a STEM-related field and take on the global economy.


Pretty great, right? The My.Future program was created and designed to teach today's youth the skills needed to thrive in our current digital world. It enables kids and teens to select from over 40 hands-on activities to help them understand how to safely and productively engage online, and identify and develop digital interests.

I love that My.Future offers staff-facilitated projects that provide members of all ability levels with foundational technology skills so that those who are just beginners gain confidence and those with a great deal of previous knowledge are not bored. As members accumulate a certain number of outcomes, they qualify for certified digital badges that can then be showcased online and added to a member's resume to show their technical competency.

BCGA My.Future

All throughout the school year our children are challenged to learn and grow, so this summer be sure to keep encouraging them to continue! The My.Future program will help your kids/teens understand our media filled world while allowing them to identify and develop digital interests and delve into subjects such as robotics, game design, programming, and online journalism.

Instead of fretting over allowing your kids more time in front of a screen, My.Future will provide technological advancements that will help them this fall and beyond! Find out much more by visiting today.

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